Putting its bogus outrage about infanticide at an abortion clinic near you on hold, Fox & Friends featured two gushing interviews with Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortion doctor who has realized the error of his ways and, thanks to Fox News, is sharing his conversion experience. It just so happened to also be an opportunity to promote an anti-abortion movie he's in.
Last week, Ainsley Earhardt hosted Levatino, who claims to have performed over 1,200 abortions in five years, but stopped doing them after his young daughter was killed by a motorist. Urged on by Earhardt, Levatino told the story of how he was initially pro-choice, but, after the death of his daughter, came to realize, while he was doing an abortion procedure, that abortion was evil – a story much like that of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director and the subject of the new movie, "Unplanned." It just so happens, Levatino is in the film, too.
Using the vernacular of the anti-choice lexicon, Levatino described a second trimester abortion as “brutal" and "inhumane.” He added: “Let’s just say that they call it 'dismemberment abortion' for a reason.” (Fact Check – “Dismemberment abortion is not a clinical term but one made up by the anti-abortion lobby. It refers to a common form of second trimester abortion.)
The talking points continued: “And it struck me in that moment, that this patient had figuratively, never literally, came to me and said ‘Here’s $800, kill my son or daughter.’ And I was the kind of person who would look her right back in the eye with no hesitation and say, ‘Sure, I’ll do that.”
Earhardt started to tear up as she described his testimony as “pretty powerful.’ She added, “Some of these doctors want to do late-term abortions. I can’t even picture what that would be like.” She wrapped it up by urging viewers to go see the movie that Levatino is in – a movie that, not coincidentally, is about the miraculous life of the aforementioned convert Johnson. As an anti-abortion activist, Johnson is now cashing in on her dubious claim - a claim that was promoted by Tucker Carlson.
Levatino showed up again on Sunday’s Fox & Friends where he was interviewed by cohost Rachel Campos-Duffy who, despite being the mother of eight, manages to work as a contributor and sometime host at Fox News. Not surprisingly, she is a devout Catholic (married to Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy) who doesn’t believe that abortion is health care.
Campos-Duffy’s discussion pretty much followed the same script as Earhardt’s. But Campos-Duffy added her own propaganda touch with a question about how doctors can do abortions, despite what they know “scientifically" and "medically.” “Science” hasn’t and doesn’t weigh in on the ethics and morality of abortion, but Levatino said that these doctors “look past all of the science.”
After suggesting that those who support abortion are trying to hide the reality of abortion, Levatino spoke about Johnson’s conversion experience - which was another opportunity to promote their movie.
Campos-Duffy asked if his story changed minds of other abortionists. She wondered if “there is a movement at all within that community to see it a different way.”
Levantino claimed “a lot” of doctors, some of whom he knows personally, are leaving the profession.
Campos-Duffy said she was “heartened that perhaps by you sharing your testimony that many, many more infants and babies and unborn children will be saved." She thanked him profusely.
Neither Earhardt nor Campos-Duffy mentioned that Levatino is a committed anti-abortion activist who believes that there is never a medical reason for late term abortion – a position that isn’t based on medical science. He is a medical advisor for “Priests for Life,” a radical Catholic group that seeks to outlaw all abortion. He has also testified before Congress in support of anti-abortion legislation.
So Fox & Friends wants to save babies? Funny I don't recall them getting emotional about real babies being taken from parents at the border. But maybe they're working on something. On second thought...
Watch Levatino below, from the February 28 and March 3, 2019 Fox & Friends.