With Hillary Clinton’s likely presidential campaign to formally begin soon, Fox News apparently can’t resist bringing back its most notorious Hillary hater – and mis-prognosticator – Dick Morris.
Yes, it was just like old times with Morris on Fox News Saturday night. He was once again disingenuously introduced as a “former Bill Clinton advisor” (with no mention of his hatred for the Clintons) and he once again predicted doom and gloom for Democrats. Just like Morris did when he predicted Mitt Romney would beat Barack Obama in a landslide and when he opined that Hillary Clinton’s 22-point lead in her senate race meant she was in trouble.
Sure enough, Morris told Pirro there’s “no way” Clinton can overcome the email controversy that Fox just can’t get enough of.
MORRIS: This has gone way beyond a mess. This is a disaster. …I think that you’re going to see (Martin) O’Malley do very well in the caucuses and primaries against Hillary.
…I believe that this latent discontent with Hillary, this concern that these scandals are gonna doom the party in November, is going to mount higher and higher and I would not discount the possibility that a candidate who’s nowhere today catches fire and begins to move.
Despite Morris’ history, Pirro acted as though he had some pipeline to the Clintons:
PIRRO: You’ve got this woman who’s in hot water in Benghazi and yet her approval ratings were incredibly high. And now, you know, we’ve got this latest scandal… What is she doing? Is she waiting it out? Is she going to announce? What would you be telling her?
And Morris played along.
MORRIS: She’s hoping that it goes away. She’s delighted that Elizabeth Warren’s not going to challenge her at this point, although if O’Malley does well in the polls, I wouldn’t bet on Warren staying out, and she’s hoping that this thing just goes away through time.
But I think she’s missing the point that as she accumulates negatives and as people trust her less and less, and the deadlines loom for other people to get into the race, you’re gonna have a vacuum here with an irresistible force pushing the Democratic party to having an alternative to Hillary. Because if she goes down over this scandal, which I think she will, it’ll cause enormous losses in 2016. Not just the presidency but mammoth losses in Congress and I think the Democrats have to be very worried about that taking place.
You may also recall that former Fox producer Joe Muto, aka the Fox News Mole, has said that Fox News knows Morris is full of baloney. Shortly after the 2012 election, when his “Romney in a landslide” prediction was proved so wildly wrong, Fox News dropped Morris’ contract. The fact that they’re bringing him back again, as if all that never happened, shows just how cynical Fox News is about its news “analysis.”
If Hillary Clinton does run, I suspect we’ll be seeing lots more of “former Clinton advisor” Morris in the future.
Watch it below, from the April 4 Justice with Judge Jeanine.
Even better, Doug Schoen, “former Clinton pollster,” told Hannity’s stand-in David Webb tonight that if Hillary distances herself too much from Obama’s foreign policy (which they all agreed is a big, fat disaster), Obama and “his team” will knock themselves out to “undermine” her as a candidate.
What in God’s name are these people smoking?
(Sorry. I couldn’t resist the wordplay. The last bit didn’t work quite as well as I’d have liked but to make it really work would’ve probably gone way past mere playful wordplay and innuendo and into something a bit more explicit.)
Don’t be fooled by this phony, he needs her to win. A Hillary victory will guarantee several appearances to preform his grade school mentality attacks and plug whatever book he’s selling. A Hillary defeat would be his demise into oblivion.
Seriously, do any of you on the right make it a priority to make sure you don’t miss another exciting thrilled-packed episode when Dick is a guest?