It’s hard to think of any response that could have been less gracious than Fox's Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s comments about the return of her former colleague, Rosie O’Donnell, to The View.: “What could ruin a vacation more than to hear news like this?” Hasselbeck asked. Gee, I don’t know: An accident? Natural disaster? Death in the family?
It’s not as if Hasselbeck and O’Donnell will be working together again. So it would have been no skin off Hasselbeck’s back to take the high road. That is, unless she wanted to make her bosses happy. Fox has long had a peculiar obsession with smearing O’Donnell.
Whatever the reason, Hasselbeck interrupted her now-ruined vacation to phone in her attack on O'Donnell on Fox & Friends this morning:
Talk about not securing the border…The very woman who spit in the face of our military, spit in the face of her own network and, really, in the face of the person who stood by her and who had civilized debates for the time that she was there.
Yeah, we can see what a great friend Hasselbeck must have been to O’Donnell.
Hasselbeck went on to say that she found it “not surprising” that O’Donnell will be coming back. “I think this has been in the works for a long time,” she added. As an extra jab, she claimed that O’Donnell produced Barbara Walters’ good-bye show and turned it into O’Donnell’s “hello show.” She later said ominously, “Mark my words, this is just the beginning.”
The beginning of what, I didn’t get. Ruining every other day of poor Hasselbeck’s life?
Well, at least she had one consolation on this terrible, terrible day for her. “I could not be more thankful to be at Fox & Friends,” she exclaimed.
I’ll bet The View is just as glad.
Watch the Fox & Friends discussion below.
As for Hasselbeck, she has nothing to say that matters to anyone except the FOX base. There, her every incomprehensible utterance is drooled over because she’s a pretty blonde with nice legs. That’s all Jabba the Aisles puts on his TV programs.
“Considering all of the low-class comments on this website…….”
Hey Rick: you remind me of school on Independence Day: NO CLASS!
[with apologies to Bill Cosby]
Reporting on the news is not what makes Fox successful, it’s destroying and attacking those with opposing views, while the cowards do their chest thumping.