Birther Donald Trump is again pretending he might run for president. Along with that hot air, he spouted off a few bogus accusations against President Obama on Fox News last night. Host Jeanine Pirro looked at him adoringly.
In an interview on last night’s Justice with Judge Jeanine show, Trump announced that the economy is in “very bad shape.” He said, “We owe $17 trillion – now it just hit $18 trillion. Trillion! A word that you never even heard, like, five years ago."
Well, maybe Trump never heard the word “trillion” five years ago. But the fact of the matter is that when George W. Bush left office nearly six years ago, the country was in many trillions of dollars of debt. From PolitiFact:
On Jan. 20, 2009, the date of Obama’s inauguration, the debt held by the public stood at roughly $6.307 trillion, according to the Treasury Department’s “Debt to the Penny” calculator. The total debt, or gross federal debt, was about $10.627 trillion.
As for the increase under Obama’s tenure, PolitiFact also notes that “about two-thirds of the annual deficit during his term has been from entitlements and interest.” Meaning, of course, that the bulk of the growth was not due to any of Obama’s policies.
Of course, Pirro didn’t correct the record. Nor did she point out all the improvements to the economy under Obama: the shrinking deficit, increases in the stock market and decreases in unemployment, e.g. But that’s not a huge surprise. This is the same former judge who was blind to the pile of evidence disproving Trump’s birther attacks on Obama. She’s also the same former prosecutor who was married to a mobster and thug for over 30 years.
But on Fox, Pirro is presented as a credible analyst who has demanded Obama’s impeachment. She now said about Obama’s desire to close Guantanamo Bay prison, “It’s almost as though he’s replenishing the enemy in a time of war.”
Trump was not to be outdone in the Obama-foreign-policy smearing. Trump said, “Probably, maybe from the beginning, there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama." Yeah, just pay no attention to the billions the U.S. gives to Israel each year that make it the single biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid.
Trump continued, "It’s incredible the way he treats them, the way he’s speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better.”
It’s more than ironic for a guy like Trump to be complaining about respect toward Israel’s government. Given the utter contempt Trump has shown for his own country’s government, it speaks volumes about where his loyalty lies.
But of course, Pirro saw nothing but a great American in Trump. She said, “You have very strong opinions on everything, the military and the economy and health care – 2016? I mean there isn’t really a front runner. What about Donald Trump?”
“Well, we’re gonna see what happens,” Trump said. “The Republicans need somebody great and if they don’t get it, we’re gonna have a problem in this country.” He promised that after the election, “I’ll make lots of decisions and maybe lots of choices.”
The look of admiration on Pirro’s face as she closed the interview said it all.
Apparently, she’s got a real thing for grifters.
I’m in favor of providing support to Israel, but as far as I’m concerned, they should be on their knees expressing their undying gratitude since we get zippo in return for that largesse.
Let’s ask our bloggers and media partners to interview companies that were victims of Donny’s many bankruptcies.
Also, if you’re so fakkin’ concerned about Israel, why don’t you move your rat’s a$$ (and hairpiece) to Israel? Of course, don’t expect to become a citizen there very soon since you’re NOT a Jew (though, presumably, turning over a large portion of your personal income to a few highly placed individuals in the Israeli government might help you move up the list—which could raise its own troubles with that segment of the Israeli populace who believe Israel should be reserved for Jews only).