Surprisingly, Megyn Kelly forcefully challenged D’Souza when he attacked President Obama for not having had “the African American experience.”
However, it was clear that Fox’s intent was to use Martin Luther King’s birthday as yet another pretext for race baiting. It’s a long-time tradition on Fox. Otherwise, why book D’Souza to discuss the subject? D’Souza thinks that teaching students about slavery and civil rights is a plot to make them hate America and he pals around with anti-gay, anti-Muslim extremists. Only a producer looking for racial trouble would book this guy to discuss Martin Luther King.
Kelly prompted D’Souza by saying, “You see a stark contrast” between Al Sharpton’s tactics “and those of Dr. King.”
D’Souza ran with it: “This idea that we should take responsibility for our lives and we have the right to be treated equally under the law – this is the Martin Luther King legacy. But how different a legacy it is from the current generation of race activists: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton.”
Then he took it a step further: “But I would add Eric Holder and Barack Obama who are cut from a completely different cloth and have a completely different attitude toward the colorblind ideal, which they reject.”
Kelly asked “How so?” and “How do you put Al Sharpton in the same field as Barack Obama?” Apparently, the Holder-obsessed Kelly thought it just fine to keep Holder “in the same field” as Sharpton.
“Well, they’re not the same,” D’Souza began. “I mean, Obama’s actually a very odd example because although he’s the first African American president, he hasn’t actually had the African American experience. In fact, he’s not descended from slaves on either side of his family.”
To her credit, Kelly interrupted with loud incredulity. “What do you mean he hasn’t had the African American experience? He has black skin and he grew up in America as a black man!”
D’Souza replied, “Well, he grew up in Hawaii and then he spent a lot of time in Indonesia. He’s made multiple trips to Kenya.”
“Oh, come on, Dinesh!” Kelly said impatiently. “That does not deprive him of his experience as a black man. OK, let’s move on to your next point.”
She read a tweet of D’Souza’s she said he was “taking a lot of heat” for:
SOUL BROTHERS: Obama gets along so well with guys like Holder and Sharpton because they are all shakedown artists of one sort or another.
“A little strong, no?” Kelly asked. Then she listened quietly, without challenge, as D’Souza attacked modern day #BlackLivesMatter protesters:
D’SOUZA: It's not actually strong. I think what we see today is that the leaders of today – far from trying to establish a colorblind idea – use race in order to get political advantage or financial advantage. They use race to threaten corporations to get money from them, they use race as a weapon of intimidation. They stoke the fires of sometimes racial division and even racial hatred. We saw a hint of this in Ferguson. So race has become an instrument of exploitation, not of justice.
It’s hard to think of any organization that uses race as an instrument of division and hatred more than Fox News.
But rather than challenge D’Souza again, Kelly made a point of letting her viewers know she hearts D’Souza by asking him, “How’s that other thing coming along? You out yet?” She was referring to the fact that D’Souza is currently serving eight months in a community confinement center after pleading guilty to violating campaign finance law.
Watch it below, from the January 19 The Kelly File.
So, if a white girl could suffer bouts of prejudice in Hawaii, it’s not that big of a stretch that a young half-Black man would as well.
It’s also worth pointing out—just to tweak D’Souza’s nose—that Obama is LITERALLY an “African-American.” Far more so than the majority of African-Americans in this country (since his father was actually from Africa and his mother was from America).
Ooorrrr… She would have sent him to someone else in the first place.
How quickly her tone changed betrays her, she would have still been angry if this brought offense. Every segment where a guest honestly did offend her, she cut it short, or was still pissed at the end, and a bit short on the next one. How much she laid it on with the indignant attitude, she should have been pissed all the way to the sign-off.
Sooo — according to Dinesh D’Loser, you’re not an “authentic” black man/woman in America unless you’ve had servants somewhere in your background.
As a 50-year-old African American man, I must say how TOUCHED I am that an Indian native (who didn’t become a naturalized US citizen until his 30th birthday) such as D’Loser takes the time to declare who is and isn’t an “authentic” (African) American.
To her credit, Kelly interrupted with loud incredulity. “What do you mean he hasn’t had the African American experience? He has black skin and he grew up in America as a black man!”
D’Souza replied, “Well, he grew up in Hawaii . . ."
EARTH TO DINESH: Hawaii is a US STATE — it became one 2 years prior to the President’s birth there, making him a US citizen per the 14th Amendment (just trying to head off the afterbirthers who are sure to appear.)
Isn’t this clown supposed to be serving a jail sentence?
They got smacked down on the Muslim “no go zones,” so they went to their fallback bigotry, African-Americans. Hannity was big on Sharpton tonight, too, whom he characterized as “shaking down” Hollywood because he dared to complain about the lack of people of color in the Oscar nominations.
I hate these people.