Ruh-roh! Curtis Hubbard, of the Denver Post, just set himself up for an ambush from Bill O'Reilly's journalistic hit man, Jesse Watters. Not only was Hubbard unamused by O'Reilly's vicious attacks on Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, he called out O'Reilly in a very blunt editorial that described the vilification of Ferrandino as "bigoted" and "fact-challenged." Among other things.
As I wrote about O'Reilly's two recent attempts to assassinate Ferrandino's character, O'Reilly's enmity stems from the fact that Ferrandino killed the "Jessica's Law" bill, a pet O'Reilly cause that would enact a 25-year mandatory sentence for child molesters. O'Reilly is determined to have the law enacted in every state, whether they like it or not.The Post's Hubbard gave context to the issue in his editorial that "no spin zone" O'Reilly has yet to get around to:
Its death at the hands of the (Democratic) majority party was not surprising given the bill was not supported by police, prosecutors or defense attorneys. Add in the fact that previous votes on the issue have been used in political attack ads against Democrats and that the measure has only been introduced in the state when Republicans are in the minority, and you get a sense of the politics.
O'Reilly's unsubstantiated hypothesis was that the reason Ferrandino killed the bill was because he's openly gay and a "fervent gay marriage person." Hubbard wrote, "O'Reilly's fear-mongering should offend all Coloradans. He was saying 'gay,' but what he wanted his listeners to hear was 'pervert-pedophile.'" He described O'Reilly's behavior as "all that is wrong with cable punditry."
Hubbard went on to acknowledge that it's fair to question whether Colorado's sex offender laws are strict enough but, he added, "What's not fair — and, in fact, is deplorable — is dragging sexual orientation into the debate."
Well said, Mr. Hubbard. But since O'Reilly's feelings are always so tender when he's the one being criticized, you should fully expect a visit from O’Reilly Factor stalker ambusher producer Jesse Watters any minute. I hope you're prepared.
Correction: Mr. Hubbard was originally misidentified as "Chris Hubbard" instead of "Curtis Hubbard."
Come on now, Ellen. This is a great law that’ll protect children, and the fact that you libs analyze the politics of it is disturbing
Are you talking about Jessica’s Law protecting children or are you talking about common sense gun control to protect children?
Watch the interview between Ferrandino and “the hitman”— Watters destroys him.
1. That wasn’t an “interview.”
2. “Watters destroys him.” That might be possible had they been engaged in a “debate,” however, you called it an “interview” which it certainly was not.
For example: “Colmes destroyed O’Reilly during there debate using facts and a calm nature. While O’Reilly was reduced to profanity, finger pointing, yelling, and Lying even more.”
O’Reilly has since confermed his debate loss by bringing on guest after guest to tell him that he’s a swell guy and that it’s OK to Lie and yell at your Liberal guests.
Bill must be a bit of a sadist because he brought on Kirsten Powers to stroke his ego and it backfired miserably when she confronted him with “facts” yet again.
Bill should listen to his own words and Ingraham herself said during her “Tip of the Day” segment when she said(paraphrasing) “when you go into a debate, make sure you have the facts.” Bill failed that lesson, repeatedly.
In fact, only the very extreme right-wing fringe seems to think the way you do.
But please, enlighten me on why O’Reilly would leave that part out, while targeting a gay man as the source of his fabricated outrage.
“The Denver Post attacks The Factor” and BOR will be discussing it in tonight’s segment with Bernie Goldberg.
Btw, The Denver Post has reported that after the O’Reilly show aired, Ferrandino said he received nasty e-mails, “including one that he said was from a viewer telling him he hoped Ferrandino’s 14-month-old foster daughter gets raped.”
“But since O’Reilly’s feelings are always so tender when he’s the one being criticized, you should fully expect a visit from O’Reilly Factor stalker ambusher producer Jesse Watters any minute. I hope you’re prepared.”
Hmmmmmm, looks like it’s time to send a baseball bat to Curtis Hubbard. After all, baseball season will start in a little more than three weeks, will it not?
And we all know “Vindictiveness thy name is Vile Bile”.