I don’t care for either person but Dennis Miller’s mean-spirited joke about Dick Morris’ polling conspiracy theory was almost enough to make me like Morris.
During his regular Wednesday night visit to The O’Reilly Factor tonight, Miller followed a string of discussions about newly released poll numbers that are very favorable to President Obama. As Think Progress noted, Obama’s growing lead in the polls has prompted a growing number of conservatives to attack those polls as biased. Morris is one of those. He told a blatantly skeptical O’Reilly that the polls are some kind of proof there’s a “deliberate effort” by the media to encourage Obama voters and discourage Romney voters. The theory was pretty much pooh-poohed by the two following guests, Republican pollster Scott Rasmussen and political scientist Larry Sabato.
Miller, who followed Rasmussen and Sabato, was there to discuss Iranaian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But before Miller would “evaluate his presence in the U.S.A. this week,” he said:
First off, I want to say since Morris has been on, just during that last segment with Sabato and Rasmussen? Morris has written another book… It’s a kid’s book. It’s called Dubs humps a chopper, about a helicopter.
It was a play on Morris’ children’s books about Dubs the dog and his latest that has something about black helicopters in the title.
Morris may be a crackpot but he’s never struck me as mean. Miller, on the other hand…
But it’s OK – you don’t have to stay.
Go away, have a little bit of a think.
If you ever have an intelligent thought, feel free to return. You will be most welcome. IMHO
Can you ask him for me please, Reuben? You must see him often when you visit Faux to pick up your salary.
The verbal attacks on conservatives by conservatives will increase as The Mitt’s numbers continue to decline. These frauds are eating each other alive, and the worse it gets, the more it turns off independent voters.
We have a September surprise and we urge all the masses to tell the world.
What do conservatives and a white supremacist publisher have in common?
Familiar names listed below.
They are all so desperate it is very stimulating to watch.When your fountains of information are represented by Miller and Morris you know you are reaching far into the stinking sewers.
Morris’ comments once again went down badly with O’Reilly, who repeatedly cut off Morris and tried to get him to explain himself. Morris never justified his outrageous claim that the media are cooking the books for Obama for financial gain. Instead, he repeated his debunkable theories on how the polls are somehow being stacked against Romney and how the percentages are all wrong.
Scott Rasmussen also came across as doing what he’s known for doing – pressing a Republican thumb down on the scale of a political poll. His accounting of where the race is right now is clearly intended to inspire Romney voters to be more active (“It’s still winnable, guys! We’re only a point down and it’s within the margin of error!”) Larry Sabatow at least was able to poke some holes into these ideas in acknowledging what the right wing is already starting to digest – that their candidate is losing the key swing states he would need to be elected president. The poll averages clearly show Obama leading in the swing states and leading in the race. Rasmussen’s findings will match the reality somewhere very close to the November 6 election, at which time he’ll have to put out genuine material to retain his record of being accurate.
Until the beginning of November, there will be plenty of right wing pollsters like Morris and Rasmussen who will try to spin a story about Romney being a shoo-in, etc. Because they hope to make that happen by making that the story that appears in the papers. And up to the end of October, it’s always still possible to have an impact. But when you get into the final week before the ballots are filled out, the election is all but over. Morris and Rasmussen hope to shift the balance whie they still have time.
We offer alodda stupid stuff. There’s toe-sucking stupid and mean-ol’-attack-dog stupid. Enjoy the sleaze.