It's no secret that Fox always makes sure that its female hosts' legs are given maximum exposure. But we did not realize until recently that Fox would alter the desk on a show depending on the sex of its host.
Our eagle-eyed NewsHound, Richard, noticed the change of desks with the change of hosts while watching Fox Business this week.
For example, on Monday, November 28, 2016, Risk & Reward had a female guest host. There was no front panel on her desk:
Today, there was a male guest host of the same show. It's the same set in the same studio but there's a panel on the front of the desk:
Risk & Reward airs at 5 PM ET. At 9 AM ET, Varney & Co. uses the same studio. Look at the desk for male host, Stuart Varney:
Just in case you thought all the sexism went out the door with Roger Ailes.
Fox “News” just perfected sexism.
With all my love,
Uncle Headly
Hey, that was fun! … Being a “homogynist”, I mean. Problem is I can’t keep it up for more than a few minutes.
Trump’s Gloat-a-Thon a couple of nights ago featured a chilling moment of the entire crowd screaming and chanting “LOCK HER UP!” while the new President-elect stood there grinning and enjoying the viciousness. Anyone who thinks that Jeff Sessions will not be working as a priority to indict the Clintons and everyone around them is fooling themselves, to be frank.
Never, never underestimate the hate these people have for Democrats, and for the Clintons in specific.
It’s not obscene, but it is pandering, which ain’t no crime. It’s just bidness.
Actually, no. Because I’m not a Trumplican and that makes it impossible for me to take such tricks as a side-dish of my main course of news.