Bernard Goldberg visited the O’Reilly Factor tonight where he said, “only half tongue in cheek” that he thought reporters wished Hurricane Sandy had hit swing states because President Obama’s disaster relief efforts would be more politically profitable.
Most of the six-minute discussion was taken up by Bill O’Reilly’s astonishment that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama were passing up a “worldwide event” that “everybody will be watching,” and an opportunity to show “what they’re made of,” i.e. an interview with him. “You know, this is something you gotta do,” O’Reilly claimed he told the very highest levels of each campaign.
But at about the 5:20 mark, Goldberg asked,
Do you think that more than a few reporters are sort of wishing, at some level, that the hurricane had not hit two blue states like New York and New Jersey but had hit Iowa and Ohio… and Wisconsin? …I think that – I’m saying this only half tongue-in-cheek, but I think more than a few of them wish it hit there because that would, that might help President Obama look presidential, which he’s entitled to look, in three important states. It isn’t going to make any difference in New York and New Jersey.
Yes, if only the rest of the media weren't so "in the tank" for President Obama and were more like Fox – what a fair and balanced world that would be!
“Republicans are already politicizing his death.”
Have they started accusing Obama of killing him, a la the rightwing blaming Hillary Clinton for Vincent Foster’s suicide?
Republicans are already politicizing his death.
They’re joking about who shoud have suffered in this storm, while making a prop out of it killing one of their candidates. These people are ghouls.
That’s our Bill “Mr. Independent” O’Reilly . . .
BREAKING: "The Romney Dossier is truly explosive! . An open history of fraud and corruption. People are pointing at Buzzfeed, but others who may have been annoyed by the endorsement of Romney by John Mccain are under suspicion.
Whoever leaked the Romney dossier wants him damaged. Just for a taster – Mitt Romney was on the board of a company fined $119 million for Medicare Fraud â at the time, the largest criminal fine for Health Care Fraud in US history. He still walked away with a $470k personal profit from that corrupt company."
It must be killing you Bile, that you can’t make this about you,you sorry POS.
And, to BOR, well, it looks like the candidates have figured out what the rest of us already know – that you’re not as relevant as YOU think you are. Poor BOR, he’s not going to get a ratings boost from the candidates or a stroke for his ego. What a whiner he is. LOL!
@Joseph Minardi – yep, if Obama wins it will be blamed on media bias (and all that damn liberal voter fraud – LOL!). And BOR teed up something on his show one night to suggest that, several weeks ago, the polls had been unfairly skewed in Obama’s favor in order to harm Romney’s campaign and that BOR was going to look into it – so the pollsters might want to be prepared in case BOR follows through on his threat.
Do you think that [add list of Fux Nuze Attack Garbage].
Killer O’reilly sez
I can sew this election up for anyone who wants to vistit me here – I’m the most influential demi-TideGoesInOut God ever!
Ailes sez
Why can’t All America just Hate Along With Fux?!!!
Rupert Sez
I’m Glad I’m American, Hate, Lies and Smears cost so little here!!!! Putin needs a military, massive secret service and paid mobs to do what I do at a profit!!!!!
Nevermind the death and destruction, and the misery this has caused millions of people. We must put our priorities in the proper order and think what damage this can do to the millions of dollars in lost tax cuts for the wealthy if Mitt is defeated. We already know that Donald Trump and his hair made it out okay and for that we should praise the gods.
Again, that was just my version of tongue in cheek.
Disclaimer: the above is admittedly a lame attempt to illustrate the sort of thing that the foxies are always doing. Following that up with the disingenuous claim that they’re just asking questions. If I remember correctly, it used to be called the Cavuto Mark.
Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before somebody on Fox picks that one up.
Then, you must be saying the other half out of your ass, Bernie . . .
Lemme let you in on a little secret, Bernard: what President Obama is doing/done — making sure the governors have what they need, making disaster declarations where needed without delay — is EXACTLY what a president SHOULD do (instead of playing air guitar, doing a flyover, and saying, “heckuva job, Brownie”) . . . and should be done REGARDLESS of whether the natural disaster strikes a swing state or not . . .