Let’s hope that if Ann Coulter ever needs the help of a police officer of firefighter that neither he nor she was watching Coulter jeer about their overly high salaries on the Hannity show last night. Same thing if she ever needs her road repaired or has any problems with her municipal water or sewage. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that she’d never have the nerve to tell any such workers to their face that they’re living high on the hog, earning just “slightly” less than she does, thanks to her largesse.
Two-time voter-fraud suspect Ann Coulter has made a very nice living throwing around her poisoned darts and her blonde hair from low-cut dresses. But instead of a willingness to give back to the country that gave her a Palm Beach lifestyle in return for sensationalized hate mongering, Coulter demeaned it even more.
Coulter sneered to Sean Hannity:
I mean this idea about ‘investing’ in the public schools! That’s like investing in the horse track! Investing in public sector employees who make more than you do! A lot more than you do! Retire before you do! Have bigger pensions than you do! That’s the fight! Government employees vs. those of us who pay their salaries. So they want to keep us focused on being angry and resentful towards someone who’s just making slightly more than you are.
While Coulter pretended there’s just a sliver of daylight between teachers’ and police earnings and her own, the truth is – as she almost certainly knows – is that the gap between the rich and everyone else is soaring.
But that wasn’t enough hateration for La Coulter. She of the hideously sensationalized rhetoric went on to call liberals “bullies.”
FoxNews.com described the segment as, "Author on the left's hate-filled rhetoric."
You can tweet @AnnCoulter with your thoughts on her comments about public workers, their salaries, her voting habits or anything else!
The Stop Hannity Express encourages the masses to remind The Newt supporters of this portrayal.
We expect Hannocchio to promote his girlfriend’s book on both his radio and television shows. And we expect him to defend her honor against any criticism of her by other conservatives. Isn’t that sweet!
Hannocchio is a product of private schools. Need we say more?
You need to feed your girlfriend. She’s too thin.
Tell the masses the truth of what you did while following the Grateful Dead, or should we?
Willard shouldn’t release his tax returns “because John Kerry was a ‘gigolo’”?
WTF — that made even less sense than when Crazy Annie claimed both Bill Clinton and Al Gore were exhibiting “homosexual behavior” when they had extramarital affairs . . . with women.
As for the main topic:
The average HS teacher salary in the US is $43,561:
The median salary for a police officer in the US is $50,193:
Crazy Annie’s net worth is $8.5 million {don’t ask me why}:
I realize rightwingnuts are mathematically-challenged, but it takes a special form of retardation for Coulter to think she’s earning “slightly less” than teachers or cops . . .
And please tell me Coulter didn’t say this, on the grounds of that it’s insanely stupid, even for her:
No really- if you have to like like Koldys to do it, I just wanna hear the words.