Ann Coulter could not have looked more foolish on The O’Reilly Factor last night as she wrongly placed North Dakota’s Fargo in Minnesota and vastly inflated the number of Somali voters in that state. But perhaps her biggest offense was to point the finger of voter fraud at Al Franken voters when she has quite a disreputable voting record of her own.
Coulter appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last night supposedly for a discussion about why Republican prospects in the upcoming midterm elections aren’t as good as they should be (according to O’Reilly).
Coulter seemed to primarily blame Republicans for pandering to Hispanics. “Americans are out of work,” Coulter said. “No more guest workers. We need a little time to consolidate and instead of constantly sucking up to a group of people who will never vote for you, how about appealing to the other voters who are just gonna stay home and say, ‘Screw you.’ You’re not getting that vote anyway.”
But Coulter also said, “the massive issue of election fraud” has to be considered.
O’Reilly didn’t seem to want to dwell on either of those issues much. He was too busy obsessing (again) over his old bugaboo, Sen. Al Franken, getting re-elected:
O’REILLY: I go to Minnesota and it seems like a very, very commonsense place. Al Franken votes for Obama 97% of the time, is a shrill, dishonest hack. Anybody looking at his record knows that, alright? Nasty individual. Nothing good about him, alright? And he might – he’s gonna get re-elected, it looks like.
Coulter said, “I can explain that very easily. A few things in a microcosm for the rest of the country. Again, immigration. He gets 90% of the Somali vote.”
Coulter claimed that there are 100,000 Somalis in Minnesota (suggesting that they all voted), which O’Reilly swatted down as more likely 50,000 registered voters. (He was correct)
“OK, fine, it’s 50,000. He won by 300 votes!” Coulter argued. But continuing her, “real Americans don’t vote for Franken” diatribe, she said, “I haven’t even mentioned the Hmong and the Hispanic vote out there. This isn’t the voters of Fargo who have been won over to Al Franken.”
Unfortunately for Coulter, as O’Reilly pointed out, Fargo is in North Dakota, not Minnesota. Though he said, “I get you,” meaning “it’s not the Scandinavian immigrant” vote that Franken wins. Meaning, of course, “It’s not the white vote.”
Coulter giggled. “That’s not the point. …These are new voters coming in. …They are bloc voting. They are being bused into the polls. …Point two: Yes, you do get to election fraud there and we know that, like - what? 500 Al Franken voters turned out to be felons.”
That’s not really true either. At least Franken’s challenger, Norm Coleman didn’t raise it in his appeal of the election result. As Media Matters reported:
Minnesota Supreme Court stated that Coleman did not make any allegations of vote fraud. In its decision rejecting Coleman’s appeal of the decision declaring Franken the winner of the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, the Minnesota Supreme Court stated that “[n]o claim of fraud in the election or during the recount was made by either party” and that “Coleman’s counsel confirmed at oral argument that Coleman makes no claim of fraud on the part of either voters or election officials.”
Even worse, Coulter’s own record of voting in precincts where she admits she doesn’t live – and narrowly avoiding prosecution twice – puts her in no position to be pointing fingers about voter fraud at anybody. Of course, Fox never seems to care. Brad Friedman has the complete rundown of Coulter’s sleazy voting history.
And, by the way? If Coulter is still registered to vote in Florida, you might want to note that in her own Twitter profile, she says she lives in Los Angeles and New York City.
Update: The spelling of "Hmong" has been corrected.
BOR: “Nasty individual. Nothing good about him, alright?”
Wait a minute, I thought BOR is always saying that he doesn’t do personal attacks, hmm? Sorry, BOR, but it doesn’t get much more personal than this. BOR (and Coulter) = hypocrites.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – BOR is mad as hell that Franken has more of an effect on the direction of our country than he does (thank goodness for that!) and it’s eating him up. At least Franken had the guts to step up and throw his hat into the political ring by running for the Senate. BOR doesn’t have the cajones to do that – it’s much safer for him and his precious ego to just run his mouth from his safe, little studio than actually try to make a difference in the political realm.
Billy could have mentioned Annie’s voter fraud fiasco, but the old kook likes her. Could there be a dinner date in the future? Stay tuned.
Well, as we know, geography has never been Fox’s strong suit:
Nor has basic math, for that matter:
As opposed to, say, the evangelical white “Christian” voters who never “bloc vote.” And I’m sure all those retirement communities (whose for-profit managers make sure that FoxNoise is the only channel available for viewing) go to the polls in their own individual fabulous cars, instead of little minivans and minibuses.