Take heart Black America: Ann Coulter is looking out for you in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting and she's got some advice for those of you who might fear the same fate as Trayvon: Carry a gun and join the NRA. Despite her racial mistrust in the past, two-time voter-fraud suspect Coulter now thinks shootouts on streetcorners is a great idea.
Appearing on The O'Reilly Factor last night to discuss what FoxNews.com called her “provocative” idea, O'Reilly smiled appreciatively as he called it an “interesting” way to have “turned the tables on the left.”
But do you really think O'Reilly – or anyone else on Fox News for that matter – would have found this such an “interesting” idea if Rev. Al Sharpton started talking about the importance of African Americans to arm themselves, especially against whites who might be racially profiling them?
Of course, I know that because I’ve never seen a pickup truck with a gun displayed in the rear window in ANY of the black or Hispanic neighborhoods here in Chicago!
Well, I dragged my sorry ass onta yur show agin Vladmir. Kin I tellya wutz buzzin’ ‘round in ma skull? Oh wait! Yer Killer, Killer O’Viley!!! Hmm, ’bout this …? Guns fer Eberyone!!! Ya ya ya ya ya ya yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Bildo Answers
How old were you when your head went through the wringer …? Oh, an’ ya owes me a blumkin – people are waiting.
The only people she has to answer to are her book publishers. Each time that she as a book come out she purposely makes an outrageous comment to the delight of her publishers thatâs she knows will get her free publicity for her book that always gets the internet abuzz and bookings on network and cable conservative friendly shows to help plug her book. We fall for it every time, as she slithers all the way to the bank.
Which is why I will start carrying the most powerful handgun allowed — and, rest assured, the next time I feel “threatened” by the presence of a “suspicious” looking, long haired blonde of indeterminate gender, I will not hesitate to “stand my ground” . . .