“Pro-Life” Tucker Carlson Thinks Iran “Deserves To Be Annihilated”
Tucker Carlson appeared on Red Eye last night and announced that the 74 million or so people in Iran deserve “to be annihilated.” This from a guy who fashions himself as “pro life.” UPDATED - Carlson says he didn't mean it the way it sounded and he's actually not in favor of attacking Iran.
Read moreGlenn ("We Are All Catholics Now") Beck Outlines Plans for a Worldwide Tea Party
This contraceptive controversy just keeps on giving, gentle reader - generally giving you things you’d rather throw on the garbage pile. The latest gift appears to be a re-ignited Glenn Beck. The former Fox News host, whom the network threw on the garbage pile last year, appears to have jumped on the controversy as an opportunity to ride back from oblivion; and last night Bill O’Reilly gave him a chance to promote his new world vision.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris' Ash Wednesday Homily Includes PR For Cardinal Dolan
Along with being a conduit for the politics of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops, Fox & Friends appears to be a public relations arm for NY Catholic Cardinal Timothy Dolan who is also head of the bishop's group. Over the week-end, Fox & Friends ran several segments, live from Rome, during which Fox professional Catholic (and Dolan litigator) Peter Johnson Jr. and Fox house priest (only Fox official clergy) Father Jonathan Morris talked about the might and majesty of Timothy Dolan who, wink, wink, could be the next pope. (Irish Paddy Power odds are 80/1). The Dolan lovefest continued, this morning, on Fox & Friends.
Read moreThe Daily Show’s Lewis Black Calls Eric Bolling An Asshole
Earlier this week Fox “News” pitbull Eric Bolling, substituting for Gretchen Carlson on Fox and Friends, was forced to apologize for a crack he made about Rep. Maxine Waters smoking crack like the dearly departed Whitney Houston. Last night on The Daily Show, while Lewis Black delivered a stinging commentary on the media hoopla surrounding Houston’s death, he singled out Bolling’s racist remark. Video below.
Read moreFrank Luntz Jokes About Running Over Barack Obama
Fox News’ dodgy pollster, Frank Luntz, has shocked us before with his blatant partisanship dressed up as impartial moderating of focus groups. But this bit of video - in which Luntz jokes he wants to put a “Run, Barack Run” bumper sticker on the front of his car – takes the cake. I’m not sure which was worse, Luntz’ joke or the crowd's laughter.
Read moreO’Reilly: Obama Wants Gas Prices To Go “As High As Possible”
What a coincidence that just days after Republicans decided to use the rising cost of gas as a vehicle to attack President Obama, you can barely turn on Fox News without hearing a discussion about it. Last night, Bill O’Reilly did his part for the effort by announcing that President Obama actually wants prices to go “as high as possible” to satisfy his anti-fossil fuels agenda.
Read moreBernie Goldberg Uses Out Of Wedlock Birth Epidemic To Attack Obama
Only on Fox News would a report about American children being born out of wedlock serve as little more than a thinly-veiled excuse to attack President Obama. But that’s what happened last night on The O’Reilly Factor as “media critic” Bernard Goldberg used that news to accuse Obama of fostering a rising rate of illegitimacy as part of his “class warfare.” What Goldberg really meant was that Obama should be more critical and demanding of the (undeserving and poor) unwed parents and stop asking more of the deserving and rich. As he and Bill O'Reilly decried the situation, the “no spin zone” O’Reilly Factor offered up nobody with any real expertise in dealing with the problem, much less the point of view of any actual unwed mothers.
Read moreGreg Gutfeld, Dana Perino Want Poor Women To Have More Babies?
Apart from the Catholic Church and many in the "pro-life" movement, contraception is considered a very good thing as it improves a woman's health and welfare by allowing her to reproduce if and when she chooses. For women who need to avoid life threatening pregnancies, it is vital. For many women, the ability to plan pregnancies is a lifeline out of poverty. The CDC and the World Health Association consider it one of the 10 greatest health achievements. In addition to its importance for women, it serves the greater society as unfettered reproduction has dire socio-economic ramifications. Only in the strange, alternate universe of Fox's "The Five," is birth control considered a plot by the "left" to "get rid of the poor." Yep, the not poor Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino think that birth control is some kind of eugenics plot on the part of the Obama administration and "the left." So in Fox bizarro world, providing free birth control to poor women, which prevents children from being born into poverty is a bad thing because it's "getting rid of the poor?" WTF? We have truly gone through the looking glass.
Read moreSantorum: I’m Not Saying Obama Isn’t Christian, I’m Saying He’s A Dangerous Christian
Presidential candidate Rick Santorum has come under fire lately for his comments attacking President Obama’s religion. So where else does anyone go in need of some Republican Rehab but the Hannity show? It was the perfect place for Santorum last night. As Sean “I’m not a birther, I just think Obama should produce his birth certificate and get it over with” Hannity insisted Santorum never questioned Obama’s faith (and blamed liberals for even suggesting such a thing), Santorum assured viewers he never questioned whether or not Obama’s a Christian, just what kind of Christian he is.
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