Fox's Peter Johnson Jr. Cheerleads Catholic Lawsuits Challenging HHS Mandate
Along with being an arm of the GOP, Fox News has lately taken up the banner of the Catholic Church in its fight against the HHS contraception mandate. For both the conservative, US Conference of Catholic Bishops (not Obama fans) and Fox, it's a divine quid-pro-quo. The Church gets its message proclaimed on a national "news" network while Fox, on behalf of the GOP, gets to bash the Obama administration which is portrayed as waging war against Catholics who will, presumably, join the GOP congregation. Since the policy was announced, it seemed like not a week went by without Fox's professional conservative Catholic Fox & Friends guys opining on a topic pertaining to ladyparts that they and their bishop pals don't have. This morning, Catholic Knight of Malta Peter Johnson Jr. and Brian Kilmeade, one of many conservative Catholics in Fox's media tool box, virtually shouted Hosannas in the highest for the plethora of lawsuits filed by Catholic dioceses and colleges against the Obama administration. Once again, ideology trumped reason. But then this is Fox & Friends so it's all good.
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Occupy Wall Street “Terrorist” Encounter
Apparently, some Occupy Wall Street protester or protesters had the nerve to confront Bill O’Reilly Friday night while he was attending a Broadway show with some children. Although O’Reilly routinely sends his own producer to accost people – and on camera, to be aired on national television – when it’s O’Reilly on the receiving end, it’s a terrorist plot. And President Obama needs to be held accountable!
Read moreWhy Is Heather Childers Hosting A News Show On Fox?
Remember Heather Childers? She’s the Fox News host who sent a tweet asking for “thoughts” as to whether or not the Obama campaign threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton in order to keep Bill and Hillary Clinton from spilling the beans about then-candidate Barack Obama’s birth certificate. It’s bad enough that she still has any job at a cable news outfit. But how on earth can Fox justify her co-hosting America's News HQ, which is supposed to be one of their “objective” news shows? Even worse, part of that work involves moderating discussions about President Obama’s campaign.
Read moreRoger Ailes Plays A Credible Journalist At Ohio University – And The Koch Brothers Help
Fox News chief Roger Ailes is speaking at Ohio University today. There’s nothing wrong with that per se. Ailes is certainly an important figure and OU is his alma mater. But what is troubling is the likelihood that he will be presented as a credible journalist and the unlikelihood that his questionable practices will receive any serious challenge. All you need to do is follow the money to understand why.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Continues To Attack Kathleen Sebelius
Bill O'Reilly presents himself as a devout Catholic which, as I recall from my childhood daily catechism lessons, does not preach a gospel of hatred. But that was a long time ago, so maybe things have changed because Il Papa Bill does seem to harbor hatred for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. During his one man, nationally televised jihad against abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, O'Reilly claimed that Sebelius was "unfit to serve" as governor of Kansas because she didn't participate in the kind of anti-Tiller jihad that Bill was waging. The reality is that Tiller was found innocent of criminal charges brought against him by the disgraced former Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline whose "dishonest and selfish" campaign against Tiller had Bill's imprimatur. Sebelius was recently invited to speak at one of Georgetown University's commencement venues. Not surprisingly, that prompted paroxysms of pro-life protest from O'Reilly who, as a devout Catholic (phone sex not withstanding), felt that her pro-choice views and her, according to Bill, defense of Tiller and support for "baby killing" disqualified her from speaking. Last Friday, Bill, in his words, "blasted" Sebelius. Other verbs such as demonize, vilify, smear, and attack come to mind!
Read moreKarl Rove: It's "Stupid" To Dredge Up Rev. Wright Again: Donald Trump Says, "Go At It"
Karl Rove was on the Fox News Sunday panel yesterday, where he was unequivocally opposed to Republicans using Rev. Wright to attack President Obama again. But today, Fox's golden-haired birther boy, Donald Trump, said the Romney campaign should "go after Obama" on the subject. Is this the start of a (new) GOP/Fox News Civil War?
Read moreTrayvon Martin Attorney Tells Geraldo Rivera: You’re Embarrassing Your Son Again With Your Latest Hoodie Comments
The Trayvon Martin family attorney, Benjamin Crump, answered back Geraldo Rivera’s latest comments about Trayvon Martin during an appearance tonight on Geraldo At Large. You may recall that Rivera appeared on the O’Reilly Factor Friday night and announced that he thought it was reasonable for George Zimmerman to have racially profiled Martin based on his size, race and hoodie “thugwear.” Tonight, Crump compared Rivera’s comments to a justification for rape based on the victim wearing a short skirt. “You can’t have that in America. You just can’t.”
Read moreHannity Presents The Koch Brothers As Liberal-Media Victims
As proof that there is no conservative who can’t be painted as a victim on Fox News, Sean Hannity trotted out the Koch brothers' spokesman, Mark Holden, to whine that the billionaire industrialists who covertly bankroll many right-wing causes are nothing more than regular citizens exercising their right to participate in democracy – and being demonized for it by the cut-throat Obama administration and their allies on the left. Hannity even likened Charles and David Koch to Sandra Fluke. To top it all off, Hannity suggested President Obama invite the Koch brothers and Donald Trump to the White House to get some economic advice.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Preaches Bogus GOP Meme: Obama Will Force Military To Perform Same Sex Marriages
The homophobia of today's Christian right is very clear in their fear that the "gay agenda" is trying to force Jesus' very heterosexual clergy pals to perform same sex marriage. While this is patently false, it does give the American Taliban conservative Christians an opportunity to reinforce their patented fear and loathing of the gay community and further divide godly Christian heterosexuals from the godless "sodomites." The Christian and very heterosexual GOP is submitting an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill that would prevent the military, under the rubric of "religious freedom," from penalizing chaplains who refuse to preside over same sex wedding - as pointed out by House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi who called it a "fraud" because they're currently not being required to do that. Fox & Friends, never wasting an opportunity to feature manufactured Christian "controversy," is on it with commentary from the official Fox priest, the Catholic and very heterosexual Fr. Jonathan Morris who, once again, did due diligence for the one, true faith of Roger Ailes and the GOP religious right.
Read moreTo Gretchen Carlson, More Minority Babies Means More Single Mothers And More Poverty
On The O’Reilly Factor Thursday night (5/17/12), the “Culture Warriors” discussed the news that for the first time in United States history, there are more minority babies less than one year old than there are white babies. Culture Warrior Gretchen Carlson insisted she had no problem with the “racial aspect” of the change. No siree. Her concern was that these kids are more likely to be born to single mothers and therefore poor. And you know what that means – more welfare queens!
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