Rupert Murdoch Promotes Anti-Obama Conspiracy-Theory Book
Rupert Murdoch tweeted this morning that "every voter should read" the anti-Obama book written by Ed Klein, an author so discredited that even conservatives have denounced him - on Fox News. This is just the latest in a number of steps Murdoch has taken to insert himself into the U.S. presidential campaign.
Read moreJuan Williams Complains ‘Real Debate’ Not Inflammatory Enough
Juan Williams, guest hosting on The O’Reilly Factor last night, hosted a discussion that was supposed to be about a Republican report designed to embarrass the Obama administration over a favorite Fox News topic, Solyndra’s federal loan guarantees and subsequent bankruptcy. But as the guests veered off into a serious debate about energy and energy policy, “liberal” Williams interceded to bring the discussion back to questioning President Obama’s integrity.
Read moreMike Huckabee Denounces Intolerance Towards Chick fil-A While Praising Homophobic Hate Group
In the Orwellian world of Fox News, concepts that have a generally accepted meaning are turned upside down. Black is white, good is bad, and objecting to intolerance is - wait for it - intolerant. Nowhere is this bizarro world zeitgeist more apparent than Fox News' attempt to define, as intolerant, those who oppose the president of Chick fil-A's connections to homophobic hate groups and his comment that gays are bringing down the wrath of God - a comment which is, basically, another iteration of the "God Hates Fags" meme popularized by the Westboro Baptist Church. Fox's Chick fil-A's crusader-in-chief, Mike Huckabee has been preaching the Fox doublespeak gospel of tolerance which, in denigrating those who oppose Chick-fil-A's "biblical values," serves to reinforce the Christian right belief that gays are scum. And is so doing, during his interview with Juan Williams on "The Factor," he praised the SPLC designated homophobic hate group, the Family Research Council, as a paragon of family values - values held by former minister Huckabee who doesn't exactly practice the tolerance that he's now preaching. But yeah, if you criticize those who hate the LGBT community, like the FRC, you're the bigot. Party like its 1984.
Read moreBolling Calls Democrats ‘Un-American’ For Voting To Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire
On yesterday’s Your World, guest host Eric Bolling couldn’t just disagree with House Democrats who voted to let the Bush tax cuts expire, he used Fox News’ fave tactic of demonizing them. And for “balance,” he showcased one of the 19 House Democrats who voted with the Republicans.
Read moreFox News Helps Polish Allen West's Military Record
What a coincidence that just as Allen West has a new campaign ad touting his military service, Fox Nation has a post promoting it, too. As an added bonus, the "fair and balanced" website used the post to attack President Obama's standing as Commander-in-Chief. Somehow, Fox Nation forgot to point out that West's own military record is kind of disgraceful. (h/t Christopher S.)
Read moreRev. Jesse Lee Peterson Shows Appreciation For Chick-fil-A
The really patriotic Susie Sampson interviewed some other patriotic Americans who participated in the God Hate Fags Chick-fil-A Appreciation day that was so actively promoted, on Fox News, by the Fag Hating, Jesus loving Mike Huckabee. Making a cameo appearance, at a Georgia Chick-fil-A, was another homo hating Jesus loving man of God and Hannity pal, the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who last made some news when he said that women are whores who shouldn't have the right to vote. Outside Chick-fil-A, Peterson, ever the keen sociologist, claims that gay marriage "de-stabilizes" society (funny Massachusetts, where they've had gay marriage for years, is the most educated and least divorced state). And ever the keen geologist, Peterson says that if gay marriage is approved in California, it will fall into the ocean. Sheer profundity. Check it out!
H/T Crooks and Liars for this incisive look at patriotic, Christian, Chick Fil-A loving America!
Read moreFox News Complains Gabby Douglas And American Olympics Teams Not Showing Enough Patriotism
Ever on the lookout for new ways to divide the country, America Live yesterday discussed how “some folks have noticed” that Americans at the Olympics are not shouting, “USA!” the way they used to. Also, the current uniforms don’t have the “Stars and Stripes look as much as they had in past years.” And while “everybody was so excited” about that great moment when gymnast Gabby Douglas won the gold medal – well, she wore hot pink instead of red, white and blue.
Read moreMegyn Kelly Advances Right Wing Distortion Re HHS Mandate Lawsuit
Megyn Kelly's one sided promotion of the US Catholic Bishops position against the Obama administration's birth control mandate, including the lie that it includes abortion drugs, has probably earned Kelly, a Catholic, some time off from Purgatory. But her recent distortion about the Obama DOJ could land her back in the celestial green room. On Tuesday, she did a segment about the recent court decision which provided injunctive relief against a Catholic employer who opposes the birth control mandate on religious grounds. The injunction is temporary until the court hears the case but it's considered quite the victory for those who oppose women's reproductive health care. But Kelly provided a full platform for the employer and his attorney with minimal rebuttal. And her opening statement reflected what is going around the right wing blogosphere - i.e. the twisting of the Department of Justice's statement, in a court filing related to the case. But hey, in smearing the Obama administration, who needs facts? Apparently, not Megyn Kelly who, btw, did continue the lie about the HHS mandate covering abortion drugs!
Read moreAnn Coulter Says Investing In Public Education Is Like ‘Investing In The Horse Track’
Let’s hope that if Ann Coulter ever needs the help of a police officer of firefighter that neither he nor she was watching Coulter jeer about their overly high salaries on the Hannity show last night. Same thing if she ever needs her road repaired or has any problems with her municipal water or sewage. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that she’d never have the nerve to tell any such workers to their face that they’re living high on the hog, earning just “slightly” less than she does, thanks to her largesse.
Read moreFox Nation: LGBT Crowd to Play Tonsil Hockey at Chick-fil-A
Fox's resident culture warrior Todd Starnes keeps it classy - not!
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