Fox News Is PR Arm For US Council of Catholic Bishops?
The Fox News logo has the words "Fair& Balanced." However, their top brass, when challenged on their apparent lack of said qualities, claimed that the "opinion" shows, despite being part of the channel represented by the logo, are exempt from being "fair & balanced." But when you have Fox "straight news" tag teaming with Fox opinion on a right wing issue that Roger Ailes wants communicated, you have a steaming pile of propaganda. Such is the case with Fox's promotion of the views of the Catholic Church regarding the mandate that they, as well as secular employers, provide free birth control to their workers under their health care plans. Fox & Friends has run seven segments promoting the church's position. Fox News has run four in which only one was "fair & balanced." And yesterday, "straight news" guy Bill Hemmer gave us the fifth report about this issue which featured yet another opponent of the policy as well as the Fox "fact" that "Plan B" is an "abortion pill." "Fair & balanced" at its finest!
Read moreDonald Trump Caught Lying About Romney – Then Lies Again To Cover It Up
Predictably, Fox News made a big deal out of Donald Trump’s endorsement of Mitt Romney yesterday. Trump got more than 16 minutes at the opening of On The Record to discuss his endorsement without host Greta Van Susteren calling him out too much on his hypocrisy given that he has slammed Romney in the past. But that was nothing compared to the flippity-flopping that Trump did in the middle of the interview as first he gave Van Susteren one unlikely explanation for Romney having pulled out of the Trump debate and then, when confronted with an inconsistency about that explanation, told her he had not said what he had just said. Sadly, Van Susteren let him skate.
Read moreIrony Alert! Palin and O’Reilly Suddenly Bemoan the “Brutality” of Negative Campaigning
Negative campaigning against Democrats: that’s Good, bring it on. But when Republicans turn attack ads on each other: all of a sudden, attack ads are BAD. And last night, Bill O’Reilly and Sarah Palin got kind of worried about them.
Read moreMichelle Malkin Claims Birth Control Mandate Is Really About Abortion
It’s no surprise that Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin are soul siblings of hate. They are both conservative Catholics who would love to return to the days of a white, Christian America when minorities knew their place, gays were in the closet, the poor were invisible, and abortions were performed in back alleys. These were also the days when Catholic bishops wielded a lot of political clout. In the 21st century, their power is greatly diminished but that isn’t stopping them from challenging, on the basis of religious liberty, the Obama mandate about providing free birth control to their employees. Aiding them in their “war,” is Fox News whose seeming non-stop coverage of this “outrage” includes Sean Hannity who, last night, interviewed right wing America’s only acceptable “anchor baby,” Michelle Malkin, who provided her trademark torrent of rapid fire invective against Obama. I really do think she should lay off the caffeine; but then she wouldn’t be as much fun.
Read moreHannity And McGlowan Call Allen West “A Hero”
On the Hannity show’s “Great American Panel” segments last night, GOP Special Victim Sean Hannity spent most of the first part whining about meanie attacks on Republicans. But after the commercial break, he called hate-monger Allen West – who just said that President Obama and other Democrats should “get the hell out of the United States” – a “hero.” Panelist and Fox News contributor Angela McGlowan was just as disapproving in Part 1 and also called West a hero in Part 2.
Read moreFox "Straight News" Biased Panel Promotes Obama "Holy War" Against Catholic Church
It's not only Fox "opinion" that is aiding and abetting the talking points of the US Catholic Bishops who are outraged about the contraception employer mandate from the Obama administration. Official Fox "news" has also taken up the cause of those men who feel that religious liberty trumps women's health and are speaking out against the rule that requires all employer health care plans to provide free birth control. Yesterday, "straight news" anchor, Martha MacCallum provided a pulpit for Fox house priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris, to speak out against the ruling in a video titled "White House's Holy War?" Yesterday, "straight news" anchor Megyn Kelly provided yet another opportunity for Fox to assist the Catholic bishops in their jihad against American women with her panel of three men who oppose the rule. The title of the video provides the Fox News message, "Holy War Over Health Care Law." So "fair & balanced!"
Read moreGretchen Carlson Launches 5th Attack On Vanderbilt Non Discrimination Policy
Wonder if Gretchen Carlson thinks that our nation's Civil Rights laws are just responses to "political correctness?" I ask because the former Miss America and Jesus BFF seems to think that a Vanderbilt non-discrimination policy, which was put in place after a student was expelled from a Christian fraternity because he was gay, is just a silly example of "political correctness." Despite her claim that Fox & Friends is "fair & balanced," this morning's "PC Police" segment was the sixth in a series of attacks on Vanderbilt which included a statement, from Fox priest Fr. Jonathan Morris, that the leadership of "Vandy" is "slimey." Once again, sweet lil Gretch misrepresented the policy in focusing on the bogus meme that it will allow atheists to run prayer groups. Once again, no mention of how religious anti-gay sentiment runs counter to a non-discrimination policy. And for the first time, Gretch let us know what she really thinks about inclusivity. Can we say agenda? Bueller? Bueller?
Read moreNeil Cavuto Talks Impeachment
On yesterday’s Your World, host Neil Cavuto used the “i” word as he suggested that President Obama might be impeached as a result of Republican legal efforts against his recess appointments. Cavuto’s own noted that it’s quite likely the Republicans have no legal case. But somehow Cavuto didn’t bring that up in his discussion with Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), one of the litigants.
Read moreFox Condones Allen West’s Rhetoric And Debates Whether Bob Beckel Should Do The Apologizing
After announcing on Saturday that President Obama and other Democrats should “get the hell out of the United States of America” and then pretending he was only talking about their philosophy, Allen West, a Congressman, demanded that Fox News’ Bob Beckel apologize to him for not referring to him as “Representative” or “Lieutenant Colonel.” And as if that weren’t disgusting enough, Beckel gave West enough credence that he polled the rest of his The Five co-hosts to get their opinions yesterday Even worse, many of them thought Beckel should apologize. So here’s Fox News' fairness and balance: A conservative goes over the top with hate mongering against Democrats and the only thing wrong is that a person who objects didn’t call him “Representative.” And, by the way, as our Aunty Em has pointed out, co-host Eric Bolling, a West defender, has referred to our president as “Barry.” Funny how that was never a problem.
Read moreMartha MacCallum Abets Catholic Bishops Campaign Against Obama Birth Control Mandate
While one can understand that Fox "opinion," as the mouthpiece for the conservative Catholic right, would be on the side of the Catholic bishops in their opposition to the Obama health care mandate that they provide free birth control for their employees (with seven pro-bishop pieces and no opposition), one would assume that Fox "fair & balanced" "news" would be more - uh - "fair & balanced." "America's Newsroom" is one such program but obviously that didn't stop Martha MacCallum, part of Roger Ailes' stable of Catholics, from pushing the propaganda of her Catholic bishops which, as defined by the title of the video, is that Obama is waging jihad ("holy war") against Catholics. And for those Catholics who missed last Sunday's Mass and the reading of the bishops' letter regarding this issue, Martha provided a sweet pulpit for Archbishop Dolan to spread the word.
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