Hannity’s Phony Concern Over “Rush To Judgment” In Trayvon Martin Case
Sean Hannity is very upset about a possible “rush to judgment” in the Trayvon Martin case. Of course, when Hannity worries about a rush to judgment, he means he’s worried that a white person will be unfairly judged. When it comes to a black person – even the newly shot and killed Trayvon – Hannity’s concern is not so much. Anyone else remember his disgusting behavior in the Abner Louima case? Last night, Hannity’s “concern” was little more than an exercise in making Martin look guilty and then playing the race card against civil rights leaders who have championed his family's cause. Oh, and Louis Farrakhan. No Hannity race-baiting would be complete without an attack on that Fox News uber-black boogeyman.
Read morePalin Offers Her Insights Into Constitutionality Of “Obamacare”
I don’t know about you but when I consider the Supreme Court’s review of “ObamaCare,” Sarah Palin is probably the last person I’d call on for analysis of the matter. But Palin’s BFF, Greta Van Susteren – who is a lawyer – nevertheless trotted her out last night to offer her thoughts on the issue. Palin also suggested that she understands the Constitution better than President Obama.
Read moreDick Morris' Crackpot Predictions If Obama Gets Re-Elected
How crazy is Dick Morris? So crazy that even Sean Hannity refused to buy into his Glenn-Beck-like fantasy of socialism, European rule and other cataclysms should Republican Doomsday occur and President Obama get re-elected.
Read moreWill Fox News Report Geraldo Rivera's Apology For "Hoodie" Comment?
If you google "Geraldo Rivera apologizes," you'll get a whole slew of articles which report on Geraldo Rivera's apology for his infamous "hoodie comment." As reported on "Politico," at 12:28, while Rivera isn't sorry about his “crusade to warn minority families of the danger to their young sons inherent in gangsta style clothing; like hoodies," he is offering a "sincere and heartfelt apology" to anybody whom he offended. He said that he "obscured the main point that someone shot and killed an unarmed teenager." I believe it's safe to say that this is fairly big news. Obviously this isn't the kind of thing that Fox Nation would feature. Yet, when one examines the Fox News website page there's nothing about this. And entering Rivera's name on their search engine yields nothing. It's almost 4PM EDT. Wonder if or when this will become a Fox News item?!
Fox & Friends & Laura Ingraham Do "The Scary Black Man Thing?"
Nothing says "scary black man," for Fox News, than the SPLC designated hate group the New Black Panthers. In 2010, Fox's non-stop stream of right wing partisan hype, regarding the DOJ investigation of the New Black Panthers for alleged voter intimidation, caused Fox contributor, Kirsten Powers, to blast Fox for "doing the scary, black man thing." Fox has another opportunity to do the scary black man thing now that the group has offered a bounty for the capture of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed an unarmed young black man, Treyvan Martin. This morning, on Fox & Friends, Laura Ingraham was able to score a triple play off of this latest development. Not only did she bring up the Panthers "bounty" but she smeared Eric Holder by asserting that he won't investigate the Panthers and smeared "the left" with her bogus statement that they have remained silent. The irony is that neither she nor the curvy couch potatoes seemed to have had a problem with a radical anti-abortion group which distributed "wanted dead or alive" posters of doctors who perform abortions. Double standards at the "fair & balanced" Fox News? Can't be!
Read moreO’Reilly Uses Trayvon Martin Case To Play The Race Card Against Blacks And Obama
I hate to say, “I told you so” but Bill O’Reilly’s discussions about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin last night were exactly what I predicted: a move away from the inconvenient-for-Fox subjects of racism, gun violence, police malfeasance toward people of color and back to the more comfortable ground of blaming minorities for their problems. And while they were at it, questioning the racial integrity of our president. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that all this followed Geraldo Rivera’s comments about Trayvon Martin’s hoodie.
Read moreHannity Decides To Buy Guest's Anti-Obama Painting
How much does Sean Hannity hate President Obama and liberals? So much that when he interviewed anti-Obama artist Jon McNaughton, Hannity offered to buy one on the spot. For extra hatriotism points, Hannity said he wanted to loan it to a museum and then attack liberals as biased if they don't take it.
Read moreSuddenly Fox Nation Loves The Chevy Volt, Too
A little earlier today, I posted about how Fox Nation didn't seem to get the memo that it's time to stop smearing the Chevy Volt and start loving it. Well, lo and behold, gone is the article about "more problems" for the Volt from the featured posts (it can still be seen in the "fired up" list, which seems to be driven by readers) and in its place is a post called, Can the Chevy Volt Help Win the War on Terror?
Read more"Objective" Chris Wallace Uses Term "OBamacare"
On yesterday's Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace spoke with White House senior advisor David Plouffe. Wallace twice referred to the Affordable Care Act as "Obamacare."
Doocy Blames Obama For His Network's Knocking The Chevy Volt
I was just re-watching the video in my earlier post about Steve Doocy suddenly slobbering over the Chevy Volt. What I suddenly caught this time was that Doocy tried to blame the Obama administration for unwarranted attacks on the Volt - smears he and his own network put forth.
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