Fox News Sunday Gives Rep. Paul Ryan A Birthday Cake
Fox News Sunday surprised Rep. Paul Ryan today when, at the end of his interview, host Chris Wallace said, "We also want to note that it's your birthday, and your 42nd birthday." As he spoke, someone crept up behind Ryan with a large cake with a "$" on it. Ryan, of course, is Chairman of the House Budget Committee. "You've gotta be kidding me!" Ryan said. Sadly, they were not. Ryan was handed a knife and Wallace asked him to cut the cake, even though Ryan said he doesn't eat sweets.
Read moreWill Fox News Condemn Allen West For Saying Liberals Should “Get The Hell Out Of The U.S.?”
Congressman Allen West (R-FL) spoke in West Palm Beach last night where he topped himself with unhinged hatred for his fellow Americans. This time, West said liberals should “get the hell out of the U.S.” Not surprisingly, this caused a bit of a stir among Democrats. So will those America-loving folks at Fox News condemn these comments? You know that if a Democrat ever said any such thing, especially one up for re-election, it would be a 24/7 topic for discussion on Fox. Or will Fox whitewash and defend the remarks the way it did with his offensive rant against Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz? UPDATED
Read moreBret Baier Sources Right Wing "Newsbusters" To Push "Pro-Life," Anti-MSM Propaganda
Every year, on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, those in the anti-choice movement take their protest signs and rosaries and head down to Washington DC to participate in the March for Life in protest of a woman's right to an abortion. Every year, they whine about how the mainstream news networks ignore them. Every year, Brent Bozell's right wing media "watchdog" group, "Newsbusters," runs a piece that whines about the lack of coverage. And this year, Fox "news" person, Bret Baier, did a "Grapevine" report sourced from "Newsbusters." It gets better. According to Newsbusters, Fox "asked" Newsbuster Tim Graham for a quote. And silly me, I thought Bret Baier was an official Fox "news" person who is part of the official Fox "fair & balanced" "news" format.. But as it provided agitprop to vilify the hated librul media and a nice shout-out to Fox's "pro-life" fans, it was all good.
Read moreFox Contributor Sandy Rios Calls Pat Buchanan “A Great Thinker”
Not too surprisingly, Bill O’Reilly thinks Pat Buchanan should not have been fired from MSNBC. But even he would not go so far as to praise Buchanan, much less gush over him, as guest and Fox News contributor Sandy Rios did on The O'Reilly Factor Thursday night (1/26/12).
Read moreNews Corp. Journalists Arrested For Paying Police For Stories
Corruption at the Murdoch family's News Corporation has spread beyond phone hacking and now involves paying the police for stories. Four current and former high-level staffers of News Corp.'s The Sun tabloid were arrested today after an internal News Corp. probe into their practices turned up information that the scandal-plagued media conglomerate turned over to authorities
Read moreConservative Group Launches Campaign To “Bring Back Beck” To Fox News And Rescue It From The Clutches Of George Soros!
Conservative activist Cliff Kincaid has launched a campaign to take back Fox News from the undue influence of George Soros-funded groups (I kid you not) and restore Glenn Beck to the “fair and balanced” airwaves so that he can continue his investigative reporting into Soros.
Read moreDonald Trump Again Signals He Will Not Be A Candidate – And Still Hannity Wonders If He’ll Run
Not that it wasn’t obvious already but since Fox News seems perpetually blind to the truth that stares the rest of us in the face, Donald Trump yet again signalled he won't run for president when he told Sean Hannity last night, that he will endorse one of the Republican candidates soon. For a real news organization, that would be a pretty strong clue he will not run. Still, even after Trump said that (and it was at least the second time this week Trump said it on Fox), Hannity made a point of pimping Trump’s phony run asking if Trump will run. Even though Hannity later revealed he had picked up on the clue.
Read moreMegyn Kelly To Fox News Democrats: You Don't Sound Like Democrats
We've repeatedly posted about the phony advocacy of Fox News "Democrat" Doug Schoen. Now, even Fox News host Megyn Kelly has taken note and pointed out he's, well, a phony. And not just Schoen. During a panel discussion she held after the State of the Union address, she said to others on the panel, "You Democrats On This Panel Do Not Sound Like Democrats."
Read moreColbert Report's Hilarious Take-off Of Hannity's Great American Panel
With The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel, CNBC's John Harwood and Partridge Family alum David Cassidy! A hoot from beginning to end!
Gretchen Carlson Provides Pulpit For Catholic Bishop's Complaint About Contraception Mandate
Recently, Gretchen Carlson actually claimed that Fox & Friends is "fair & balanced." But she was referring to the asses on the curvy couch and not the content of the programming which is just about as far from "fair & balanced" as you can get, so I guess she's not lying. While one can understand not having two opposing views in a segment, one would think that a "fair & balanced" programming format would include an opposing view at some point in time - or at least some rebuttal from the "fair & balanced" pals who routinely seem to be in agreement with their right wing guests. In their "trouble with textbooks" series, the only guest was a right wing professor. In their "trouble with schools," an anti-union, anti-public school partisan is the featured speaker. And recently, in reporting on the Fox abetted "outrage" over the opposition of the Catholic bishops to the contraceptive mandate in health care reform, they have had five segments, including one in which a bishop, spoke against the policy. Well, the bishop is back in town for more "fair & balanced" promotion of the Catholic position so that Catholic viewers will know who not to vote for, wink, wink!
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