Fox News' Mittness Protection Program
A few days ago, presidential candidate Rick Santorum surprised Fox News by stating - on Fox, no less - that he thinks the "fair and balanced" network is "shilling" for Romney. Steve Benen did a bit of research and catalogued the numerous appearances Romney made on Fox just this week.
Read moreApparently “American Exceptionalism” Doesn’t Apply To California
You know how Fox News is always complaining about President Obama not believing in “American exceptionalism?” Well, last I checked the State of California was part of America. But it didn’t sound like Bill O’Reilly and his like-minded guest, Adam Carolla, think California is so terrific. In a segment that started with the question, “Why can’t a Republican presidential candidate win California?” concluded with thoughts about going to jail for buying a goldfish, and in-between said that everyone who lives there are either “self-aggrandizing” New Yorkers or poor Mexicans, I didn’t hear a single good thing about the place.
Read moreNot A Single Fox News Pundit Can Explain The “Horror” Of Obama’s Radical Associations
Radio host Jay Thomas visited the Hannity show’s Great American Panel Thursday night (3/15/12) where the topic was – what else? President Obama’s “radical associates.” But Thomas did the best job of dismantling the meme than anyone I’ve yet seen on Hannity. “Do you think that Barack Obama is trying to overthrow… white America?” Thomas asked. Not a single one of them wanted to say, “yes” but they wouldn’t say “no,” either. It's too bad more liberal guests can't be as direct and challenging. It's needed.
Read moreBill O’Reilly: Media Is "Blatantly Dishonest"- Except For Fox News
Bill O’Reilly’s known for a lot of things - but honesty has never been one of them. Newshounds has a rather extensive record of lies he has told. So imagine my non-surprise when I was cruising Fox Naion and saw a talking points memo segment in which O’Reilly used a video from Media Matters as proof that his opponents in the librul media are "blatantly dishonest." While the segment might go down as one of his best tantrums, O’Reilly’s own dishonesty is definitely the star of the show.
Read moreBill O’Reilly Laughably Insists “We Never Threatened Anyone” With A Boycott
Bill O’Reilly led off his show last night with “an American witch hunt focusing on the media” as the topic of both his Talking Points and opening debate. He began by criticizing the conservative Media Research Center’s call for firings on MSNBC. But it was pretty clear that O'Reilly was at least as concerned about the boycotts of Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh, as you probably know, ignited a firestorm of criticism with his misogynistic attacks on student Sandra Fluke – comments that O’Reilly echoed in less inflammatory language. O’Reilly has mostly refrained from discussing Limbaugh. Last night, O’Reilly spoke out against media boycotts in general, insisting he had “never threatened anyone.” I guess that depends on your definition of “threaten.”
Read moreBill O'Reilly Denies GOP Is Waging "War On Women?"
While the GOP right wing deny that there is a GOP "war on women," in 2011, a record number (1100) of anti-choice measures were introduced by mostly Republicans in state legislatures. The 2011 GOP led House of Representatives' first major task was an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood. The controversial Virginia law, mandating that non-consensual transvaginal ultrasounds be done before an abortion, was a GOP brainchild. It gets better. The enlightened GOP led Arizona state senate just passed a bill that allows employers to deny birth control coverage, on moral grounds, to its female employees unless they provide a note from their doctor stating that they are not taking the pills to prevent birth but for medical reasons. (Seriously, what century are we living in?) has a new ad about the GOP war on women's reproductive rights. It features several women who repeat controversial statements, made by GOP personalities, regarding choice. Everything they say is correct. But Bill O'Reilly, an accused sexual harasser, whose crusade against Dr. Tiller and Planned Parenthood make him a general in the "war on women," echoes the sentiment of his anti-choice gal pal, Laura Ingraham, when he scoffs at the notion of a GOP "war on women" and suggests the ad is bogus. Methinks he doth protest too much? Or dare I say, lie?
Read moreHannity “Unveils” Another Breitbart Revelation: A Play Obama Attended In 1998!
Despite the ridiculing and panning of his last big video “exposé,” Sean Hannity presented his second Breitbart-originated “scoop” last night. This one, like the other one, was designed to “expose” President Obama’s radical ties. This one was also just about as persuasive as the last. Here, instead of President Obama hugging a “radical” tenured Harvard Law professor 22 years ago, we had President Obama attending a play about the radical Fox News boogeyman, Saul Alinsky, 14 years ago. Not only that, but Obama sat on a panel after the play! But wait a minute… doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the big revelation on Fox Nation more than a week ago?
Read moreThe Evolution Of A Fox "News" Meme - The Obama Face Flag
The right wing world is full of dualities that are painted in stark contrasts. Part of the genius of its media mouthpiece, Fox "News," is its ability to morph the "us vs. them" motif with "good vs. evil" and create a finished product in which the "good" conservative "us" is seen as being in a constant state of battle with the "evil" liberal "them." In an effort to further divide (and conquer?), Fox "News" is very adept at creating social wedge issues with which to further divide the country and further poison the debate. What are essentially unimportant local issues are made into national issues thanks to the propaganda that seems to have its genesis with Fox's Todd Starnes, an intrepid culture warrior who is always on the lookout for threats to our American way of life. The "news" then travels to the Fox website and the Fox hate blog, Fox Nation. If it really needs reinforcement, it ends up on Fox TV. The most recent "outrage" is a flap over an American flag, with President Obama's face where the stars should be, flown at a small Democratic party headquarters in Florida. The flag is down but the issue isn't as seen by coverage on the Fox website, Fox Nation, and - wait for it - Fox TV where alleged news anchor, Megyn Kelly, covered it on her alleged news show.
Read moreWhy Is Hannity Associated With A Charity Run By A Slavery Apologist Who Thinks Most Women Are “Little Whores?”
As Sean Hannity continues to attack President Obama for his “radical association” with Harvard Law Professor Derrick Bell, I did a little more digging into Hannity’s far more radical and far closer associate, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. It turns out that Peterson, a guy who thanks God for slavery and compares slave ships to flying coach on airplanes, is quite a shocking misogynist who thinks “America is gone” because women have too much power, including the right to vote. He also agrees with Limbaugh that Sandra Fluke is a whore and a slut. In fact, Peterson thinks most women have "turned into little whores." And that’s only the half of it. If you think Bill Maher’s comments about women are so disturbing that Obama should return Maher’s $1 million donation (as Fox keeps screeching), then I’m sure you’ll want to know why Hannity continues to sit on the advisory board of a charity run by Peterson.
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