Steve Doocy, During Cardinal Dolan Love Fest, Says Obama Administration "At War With Catholic Church"
Fox News' giant sucking sound that is connected to Catholic Cardinal and US Conference of Catholic Bishops head, Timothy Dolan, continues. As I have reported, the allegedly "fair & balanced" Fox News seems to be the personal fiefdom of NY's new "prince of the Church." Not only does Fox News provide validation for those talking points of the USCCB which coincide with the right wing GOP agenda (Read HHS birth control mandate as opposed to budget cuts which Dolan and his GOP pals don't seem too concerned about) but it also provides lots of sweet, free public relations for the man in the mitre. Last night, Bill O'Reilly featured his interview with Dolan. And on this morning's Fox & Friends, Steve Doocy, one of Roger Ailes' large stable of devout, conservative Catholics, interviewed Dolan's brother about "America's "top Catholic leader." And in addition to Dolan worship, Doocy managed to work in the Fox/Dolan meme about the Obama administration's "War on the Catholic Church."
Read moreCardinal Dolan: You Bet The Church Wants To Have A Say In American Politics
Timothy Cardinal Dolan was a guest on The O’Reilly Factor last night. For a news network that’s supposedly so reverent, you’d think we would have heard about Dolan’s recent elevation to become a Cardinal or how he became what The Daily Beast calls “America’s most important churchman.” And there may have been that conversation, as O’Reilly said there was more to it than what he aired. But what we got on The Factor last night was all about politics.
Read moreMarco Rubio Endorses Mitt Romney On Hannity
Rather than hold a press conference, Marco Rubio visited GOP Central, a/k/a the Hannity show, tonight to announce his endorsement of Mitt Romney. I’d bet money, judging from Sean Hannity’s tone, that he knew in advance that Rubio was going to do it. Rubio also said it’s “not going to happen” that he’ll be a Vice Presidential candidate. UPDATED
Read moreHere Comes The Race Baiting Of Obama Over Trayvon Martin!
I’ve been saying for almost a week now that Fox News was going to use the Trayvon Martin case to race bait against its political opponents. Now, Martha MacCallum has directly made that move by hosting a debate on today’s Happening Now show questioning the reactions of black Democrats to the Trayvon Martin case. As regular readers well know, “just asking” questions is one of the notorious ways that Fox promotes its agenda.
Read moreFox Explains The Mysterious Disappearance Of Its Hoodie
A few days ago, I, like many others in the blogosphere wondered why hoodies had disappeared from Fox News' online store. Had Fox News stopped selling hoodies once Geraldo Rivera blamed them for Trayvon Martin's death? But Mediaite contacted Fox and got the answer: Fox discontinued selling them quite some time ago.
Read moreFox News Spreads Cardinal Dolan's Gospel
It's not every Catholic Cardinal who has his own personal television network. But such seems to be the case for NY Catholic Cardinal and head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Timothy Dolan who appears to have less than six degrees of separation from Fox potentate and "god," Roger Ailes.
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Hannity’s Phony Concern Over “Rush To Judgment” In Trayvon Martin Case
Sean Hannity is very upset about a possible “rush to judgment” in the Trayvon Martin case. Of course, when Hannity worries about a rush to judgment, he means he’s worried that a white person will be unfairly judged. When it comes to a black person – even the newly shot and killed Trayvon – Hannity’s concern is not so much. Anyone else remember his disgusting behavior in the Abner Louima case? Last night, Hannity’s “concern” was little more than an exercise in making Martin look guilty and then playing the race card against civil rights leaders who have championed his family's cause. Oh, and Louis Farrakhan. No Hannity race-baiting would be complete without an attack on that Fox News uber-black boogeyman.
Read morePalin Offers Her Insights Into Constitutionality Of “Obamacare”
I don’t know about you but when I consider the Supreme Court’s review of “ObamaCare,” Sarah Palin is probably the last person I’d call on for analysis of the matter. But Palin’s BFF, Greta Van Susteren – who is a lawyer – nevertheless trotted her out last night to offer her thoughts on the issue. Palin also suggested that she understands the Constitution better than President Obama.
Read moreDick Morris' Crackpot Predictions If Obama Gets Re-Elected
How crazy is Dick Morris? So crazy that even Sean Hannity refused to buy into his Glenn-Beck-like fantasy of socialism, European rule and other cataclysms should Republican Doomsday occur and President Obama get re-elected.
Read moreWill Fox News Report Geraldo Rivera's Apology For "Hoodie" Comment?
If you google "Geraldo Rivera apologizes," you'll get a whole slew of articles which report on Geraldo Rivera's apology for his infamous "hoodie comment." As reported on "Politico," at 12:28, while Rivera isn't sorry about his “crusade to warn minority families of the danger to their young sons inherent in gangsta style clothing; like hoodies," he is offering a "sincere and heartfelt apology" to anybody whom he offended. He said that he "obscured the main point that someone shot and killed an unarmed teenager." I believe it's safe to say that this is fairly big news. Obviously this isn't the kind of thing that Fox Nation would feature. Yet, when one examines the Fox News website page there's nothing about this. And entering Rivera's name on their search engine yields nothing. It's almost 4PM EDT. Wonder if or when this will become a Fox News item?!