Stephen Baldwin, Catholic Theologian, Says Talking About Contraception Is Sinful
Move over Brad Stine. There's a new polymath in Fox town. While Stephen Baldwin is nowhere near as talented and famous as his "30 Rock" brother Alec, Stephen Baldwin is quite the expert on Catholic theology. In 2009, Baldwin provided Fox & Friends with cosmological commentary on Obama's Notre Dame speech while entertaining the audience with a snippet of the Bee Gee's "Jive Talking." Baldwin, who promised to leave the country if Obama was elected, proclaimed, ex-cathedra, that "there is no common ground on abortion." The scholarly Baldwin, who is speaking (appropriately) at CPAC about educating youth, educated yesterday's Fox & Friends audience to a careful exegesis of Catholic dogma as it related to the HHS contraception mandate. It was truly an intellectual masterpiece of epic proportion!
Read moreFox News Blames The Victims For Foreclosure Abuse
On Friday’s Your World (2/10/12), Charles Gasparino attacked discussed President Obama’s $26 billion mortgage settlement. As Media Matters wrote, “Right-wing media have responded to the $25 billion foreclosure settlement between banks and government authorities by attacking struggling homeowners who could potentially benefit from the deal—calling it a 'deadbeat bailout'—and by whitewashing banks’ alleged foreclosure malpractice.” Gasparino wrote the column called “deadbeat bailout” in the New York Post (a sister company to Fox). In a typical bit of media and conservative messaging synergy, Cavuto hosted Gasparino to discuss his column.
Read morePeter Johnson Jr. Continues Lie That Emergency Contraception Is Abortion Drug
As a Catholic, Fox's Peter Johnson Jr. must be in line for a ultra, super, mega, plenary indulgence (for all you non-Catholics, this is a ticket for reduced time in Purgatory) for his shameless shilling of the Catholic bishops' talking points The world's oldest men's club The US Council of Catholic Bishops was very unhappy about the HHS contraceptive mandate and needed to get the word out about their views. And who better than Fox News' Catholic Maltese Knight who has done a series of segments which are straight of the playbook of the men in black. These prelates are still not happy with the Obama administration's "accommodation" on the issue; and as such, Peter Johnson is there to help out his priestly pals for whom he does legal work (something that he has only acknowledged once.) This morning, on Fox & Friends, he did his lords' work in pushing the bishop's propaganda - including the Fox "fact" and Catholic dogma that the contraception mandate includes abortion drugs. But for those outside the Catholic, Fox world, that's just not true.
Read moreFox Re-Airs Navy SEAL "I Punched Jesse Ventura" Interview Without Noting Ventura's Dispute
A guest-hosted O'Reilly Factor last night re-aired Bill O'Reilly's interview with Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in which he claimed to have punched former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura during an encounter at a bar. Ventura has vehemently disputed Kyle's account and has demanded a retraction and an apology from Fox News. In fact, Fox's only verification seems to have been getting the names of two of Kyle’s buddies more than a week after airing the original interview. When they confirmed Kyle's story, O'Reilly pronounced Kyle a truth-teller and the investigation closed. Meanwhile, several other Fox News pundits all but declared Kyle a hero for having decked a former governor. Last night, O'Reilly Factor guest host Laura Ingraham failed to tell the "we report, you decide" network's viewers about Ventura's denial or any of the questions he has raised about Kyle's veracity. By the way, Kyle's enthusiastic reception at Fox may be only partly due to animosity toward 9/11 truther Ventura. Kyle's new book, which includes his story of the run-in with Ventura, is published by a sister company to Fox News.
Read moreBREAKING: UK Police Arrest 5 News Corp. Employees In Tabloid Bribery Scandal
Things keep going from bad to worse for Rupert Murdoch and News Corp. in the so-called “phone hacking scandal,” that has morphed into a bribery scandal at another Murdoch paper. Today police in London arrested eight people— included five from the tabloid The Sun—on allegations of bribery of police officers and defense officials. The Sun employees are being called “senior journalists” by The Guardian, which names a deputy editor, chief reporter, picture editor and chief foreign correspondent. This comes on the heels of Ellen’s news earlier this week that “Britain’s Metropolitan Police have acknowledged that they failed to properly investigate and warn the victims of News Corp. phone hacking when it was originally discovered in 2006.”
Read moreFather Jonathan Morris Suggests Clergy Should Be “Ready To Die” Opposing Obama’s Contraception Mandate
Sean Hannity incited a group of clergymen to break the law and claimed he would go to jail, too, in order to protest women gaining the guaranteed access to reproductive health benefits President Obama wants for them. But Fox News contributor Father Jonathan Morris upped the ante as he declared fervently, “If I’m asked to do something that goes against my conscience, I’d better be willing to die for that. If I’m not willing to die for that, what am I standing up for?”
Read moreBill Hemmer Validates Christian Congressman's Whine About War On Religion
It's funny. During the flap over the HHS contraceptive mandate, Jesus' BFFs whined about First Amendment freedoms and the separation of church and state. Yet, when Air Forces patches, which say "Doing God's Work With Other People's Money," were changed after a military atheist group complained, Jesus' inner circle whined about these evil atheists who don't understand that it's just fine to say that our taxpayer supported Air Force can invoke the name of a Middle Eastern deity. Yesterday, alleged "straight" news anchor, Bill Hemmer, provided a warm and sympathetic milieu for uber Christian congressman Randy Forbes, head of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, to whine about this latest outrage against persecuted Christians at the hands of evil atheists. Forbes was last seen, on Fox, whining about how Vanderbilt Christians are being persecuted. As Jon Stewart said, "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox has accomplished.
Read moreMark Levin: Let Them Eat Contraception And The Constitution!
Radio host Mark Levin, whom Sean Hannity slobbers over as "The Great One," visited the Hannity show last night to hatemonger discuss, among other things, the Obama administration’s recent plan for coverage of contraception in health insurance. In his eagerness to smear the measure, Levin announced that there isn’t a problem of access to contraception. What the undoubtedly well off Levin forgot to mention – and multimillionaire Hannity didn’t bring up either – is that there is a problem of cost.
Read moreHannity Refuses To Prove His Claim That Killing Of Bin Laden “Wouldn’t Have Happened” If Obama “Had His Way”
Sean Hannity is ducking Ed Schultz’ challenge to prove that Osama Bin Laden would still be alive if President Obama “had his way.” Although Schultz captured Hannity saying on Fox News that he could prove that on tape, now that he has been challenged, Hannity has decided to play the victim in the hope that nobody will notice he hasn’t come up with any tape. Well, Sean, we noticed and we’re not falling for your victim routine.
Read moreHannity And Liz Cheney Attack Obama For Speaking Too Highly Of America
If ever there was proof that President Obama will be attacked on Fox no matter what he says, it was this segment in which Sean Hannity and Liz Cheney whined that Obama spoke too highly of the United States’ place in the world. You may recall these are the same two who have been complaining for years about Obama “apologizing” for America and questioning his patriotism.
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