Hannity’s Desperate Hatred For Obama: The Quiz Show
Last night, Sean Hannity devoted an entire segment to a quiz show where all the questions were, “Who said…” followed by a verbal gaffe. All the answers were multiple choice: George W. Bush, Sarah Palin or Barack Obama. Guess what the answer was each time?
Read moreHannity Guest Says Poor People Play The Lottery Because They Are Stupid
Leave it to Fox News to use even the Mega Millions lottery to bash President Obama. Fox Nation dug up a 2000 clip of then State Senator Barack Obama criticizing lotteries as a “regressive tax” that targets poor people to spend money they may not be able to afford. On Hannity last night, Sean Hannity called that another example of “class warfare” from President Obama. Guest James Taranto, from the Wall Street Journal, took it a step further. He waved off any concern by explaining that poor people play the lottery because they’re stupid and suggested they deserve to lose.
Read moreO’Reilly Demanding For Zimmerman The Benefit Of The Doubt He Never Gave Dr. Tiller
Like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly is concerned about not rushing to judgment in the Trayvon Martin case. Also like Hannity, what O’Reilly really means is that blacks and liberals should not rush to judgment against shooter George Zimmerman who seems to have racially profiled the unarmed Martin before shooting him. Because when it came to Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider, O’Reilly convicted him when the only crime committed was that of not comporting with O’Reilly’s version of morality.
Read moreWho Needs A Constitutional Expert On Health Care Reform If You’re Bill O’Reilly?
On Monday night (3/26/12), Bill O’Reilly hosted Caroline Fredrickson, president of the American Constitution Society, supposedly to debate him on his position that the individual mandate in "ObamaCare" is unconstitutional. But after giving himself a nice stretch of time to offer up his views without any distractions from his guest, he refused to grant Fredrickson – the real constitutional expert - anything close to the same opportunity. In fact, she barely had a chance to speak at all without being interrupted. At one point, O’Reilly threatened to “abort the segment right now” if she didn’t answer his question the way he wanted her to answer it - as she tried to challenge one of his previous statements. It was O’Reilly boorishness at its worst.
Read moreOn America Live: Cardinal Dolan Crusade Gets More Attention
In order for any message to be effective, in should be repeated. As a meme is reinforced, it becomes a narrative. Such was the case with the recent trio of Fox News programs devoted to promulgating the anti-HHS, "religious liberty" crusade of Fox friend, NY Cardinal Timothy Dolan who is also head of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops which wants a religious exemption from the birth control mandate not just for Catholic institutions but all employers whose Taliban views religious beliefs do not approve of birth control. Bill O'Reilly set the agenda with his Dolan interview on Wednesday night during which Dolan claimed that the HHS mandate is "an attack on the Church." Yesterday, Steve Doocy continued the Fox/Dolan agitprop about how the Obama administration is "at war with the Catholic Church." The meme was further reinforced on "America's Newsroom" during a discussion on the same topic.
Read moreMartha MacCallum Hosts Alveda King To Bash Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson For "Playing The Race Card" Re Trayvon Martin's "Late Abortion"
As a reflection of the GOP right wing, Fox News is, for the most part, very "Caucasian." And like their fellow melanin challenged fellow political travelers, Fox News is not fond of African-Americans who assert themselves. As such, Fox sometimes finds it necessary to scold and smear these "uppity" folks such as the Rev's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Jr. And who better to provide some right wing badass screed cred and flava than *"Dr" Alveda King, the radical right wing niece of slain Civil Rights hero Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She can always be counted on to articulate right wing talking points, smear liberal blacks, and provide a shout out to her peeps in the anti-abortion movement. Such was the case on yesterday's alleged "news" program "America's Newsroom," during which Ms. King accused the above mentioned black leaders of "playing the race card" over the Trayvon Martin case. And as anticipated, she worked in a "pro-life" message with a truly bizarre comment about how Trayvon's shooting was a "late abortion". But there's some irony in her accusing others of using the "race card" as that seems to be a trump card in the Fox News deck!
Read moreHannity Makes Nice To Trayvon Martin Attorney, Then Race Baits Behind His Back
Sean Hannity started off his Fox News television show last night with a decent discussion about the Trayvon Martin case. Sure, Hannity was obviously favoring shooter George Zimmerman but he was reasonable and respectful in making his arguments with Martin-family attorney Daryl Parks. Then it was as though Hannity felt he had fulfilled his racial fairness quota. Because no sooner was that segment over than he used the Martin case to race bait against African Americans and smear President Obama in a particularly racial context. While he was at it, Hannity had the nerve to complain about divisiveness from the African American community. He was ably assisted in that effort by two Fox News contributors, Deneen Borelli and Tamara Holder.
Read moreHannity Demands Obama Return Spike Lee Money Over Trayvon Tweet
Apparently, Sean Hannity thinks he’s the campaign-donor police for President Obama. We’re still hearing shrieks on the show that Obama should return the campaign donation from Bill Maher (for having spoken misogynistically about Sarah Palin). Now, Hannity is demanding Obama return Spike Lee’s money for having tweeted to his thousands of followers what he thought was the address of Trayvon-shooter George Zimmerman.
Read moreThe 12 Greatest Geraldo Rivera Fails
The folks over at Ranker.com have put together a list of the 13 greatest Geraldo Rivera fails. Number one, of course, is Rivera's attempt to blame the Trayvon Martin shooting on his hoodie.
Read moreCavuto Likens “ObamaCare” To Frankenstein
On Your World on Tuesday (3/27/12), Neil Cavuto spoke with Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) about the Supreme Court hearings on the Affordable Care Act. About two minutes into the discussion, Cavuto "asked" the Senator "Is it your sense that if this mandate provision is slapped down by the Court, that effectively the health care law itself is slapped down, or could it live on in sort of, like a Frankenstein kind of role here?"
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