Fox News Hypes Trump Tweet Deemed 'Full of S***'
Yesterday, a Chrysler executive responded to Birther Boy Donald Trump's accusation that Chrysler is sending jobs to China by tweeting, "You are full of shit!" Later, the same Chrysler executive tweeted, "I apologize for my language, but lies are just that, lies." As Reuters reported, another Chrysler executive flatly denied Trump's charge. But on Fox Nation, a similar tweet from Trump is part of its "Hot Twitter Box."
Read moreBloomberg Endorses Obama, Fox Says It's Romney
In case you missed it, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg endorsed President Barack Obama for president yesterday. But made a teensy-weensy mistake and announced that Bloomberg endorsed Romney. In the immortal words of failed presidential candidate (and Fox fave) Rick Perry, "Oops."
Read moreMike Huckabee Says If You Vote Democratic, You're Going To Hell!!!!!
In the days leading up to the election, Catholic bishops and priests are warning their congregations that their souls could be in jeopardy if they vote for Democrats. And assisting the bishops in their religious voter suppression/intimidation effort is none other than Mike Huckabee who is doing the voice over for an ad which was produced by Catholic extremists and which was also featured in a Fr. Jonathan Morris Fox & Friends homily promoting the same "non-negotiables." Minister Huckabee is adding an ecumenical touch to the ad by warning folks that if they vote Democratic, that vote will be recorded in the celestial Doomsday book which means that you're in the fast lane on the highway to hell. But seriously, the Fox gang are always whining about those in the librul media who are "in the tank" for Democrats. Meanwhile Fox News' Huckabee is promoting spiritual extortion if you don't vote Republican. Talk about bias!
Read moreO’Reilly ‘Just Asks’ If Colin Powell Endorsed Obama Because They’re Affirmative Action Soul Brothers
One day after Bill O’Reilly revealed he thinks President Barack Obama has a “grievance against whites,” he “just asked” if the reason General Colin Powell endorsed Obama is because they both benefited from affirmative action. Guest and Fox News contributor Arthel Neville smacked down O’Reilly but good.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Wants You To Know A Vote For Obama Is A Vote For Far-Left Loons
Bill O'Reilly likes to say he's an independent but for an independent guy he sure had a lot of negative things to say about President Obama. Besides saying Obama has a "grievance" against white people, he made a big point of making sure we know that a vote for Obama is a vote for far-left loons.
Read moreNewt Gingrich: Obama Loves Muslims Too Much To Protect Americans In Benghazi
Cheatin’ Chickenhawk Newt Gingrich was on the Hannity show last night banging the Benghazi drums with Sean Hannity. Predictably, he didn’t just ignore Condoleezza Rice’s call to stop the politicization of the tragedy but upped the anti with a racial dog whistle.
Read moreFox News: The Network Of GOP Campaigners
It's official. Fox News doesn't just lean Republican, it's a network of active Republican operatives. Media Matters did the math and the numbers are astounding.
Read moreStephen Crowder's 'Lesson' Uses Kids To Attack Welfare Recipients!
While Bill O'Reilly is said, by Jon Stewart, to be full of shit, the same could be said of Stephen Crowder who might have surpassed Brad Stine in the category of most incoherent and offensive right wing ideologue guest on Fox & Friends. Unlike other Fox jokers (Miller, Carolla), comedian and no longer virgin Crowder has never had a national spotlight. But he's getting one on Fox where he is allowed to spew his venom towards "leftists" who support abortion rights, gay marriage, and a tax system that provides for our most vulnerable. And in advancing the right wing meme that our tax system (which benefits the rich who are paying their lowest taxes since the 50's) steals from the productive to reward slackers, Jesus BFF Crowder has no qualms about attacking those on public assistance which includes his Fox & Friends promotion of the bogus "Obamaphone." But just when you think he can't get any more craven, he appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends where he provided an almost uninterrupted three minute "lesson" in "redistribution" using children.
Read moreO’Reilly Thinks Obama Has A ‘Grievance Against Whites’
Bill O’Reilly really let his racist flag fly tonight in ways not seen since his infamous visit to Sylvia’s restaurant in Harlem several years ago. In a discussion with Dennis Miller about why Obama has lost so much popularity since he took office, O’Reilly suggested that it’s because of “a grievance" that Obama shares with other African Americans "against whites who aren’t sympathetic to their cause.”
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