Fox News Wants White Voters To Be Very Afraid As It Trots Out The New Black Panther Party Again
The New Black Panther Party scary black men are baaaccckkkk on Fox News! Didn't you just know Fox would not get through today's election without blowing at least one racial dog whistle about "voter intimidation?" And how fortunate that this particular dog whistle emanated from the swing state of Pennsylvania!
Read moreJesse Watters Stalks Single Ladies For Bill O'Reilly's Pleasure?
Bill O'Reilly is a misogynist who isn't fond of single women who don't conform to his medieval standards of womanhood. One suspects that Bill enjoys doing what he thinks is his sacred duty to discipline them by exposing their slatternly ways, such as when he engaged in some really creepy cyber stalking of Miley Cyrus whose attire and demeanor didn't meet Bill's approval. And for her advocacy of women's reproductive rights, Sandra Fluke earned a barrage of metaphorical slaps from Bill who thinks - true story - that if women refrained from drunken, slutty behavior, they wouldn't get pregnant. Last week, Bill combined his need to shame women with a bit of his patented voyeurism in a Jesse Watters "humor" piece designed, on one level, to show that when it comes to politics, young women are just too irresponsible to vote intelligently. On another level it was just more creepy and possibly pleasurable stalking done to further denigrate women.
Read moreGreta Van Susteren Helps Turn Out The Evangelicals For Romney
Greta Van Susteren hosted BFF Sarah Palin last night for what could only be seen as a blatant Get Out The Vote effort for Mitt Romney.
Read moreYes, Voting Is The Best Revenge
Need some motivation to get out and vote? Think about this: Your vote is not just a vote for candidates but it can strike back at Fox News propaganda. Let Roger Ailes' GOP operation know what you think of Benghazi-Gate, Donald Trump, birtherism, Karl Rove and Sean Hannity! Need some information about where to vote and what to bring? Go to for answers. Also, please know that so long as you are in line when the polls close, you will be able to vote and your vote will be counted.
Read moreAnn Coulter: I’ll Be Back On Fox For Romney’s Victory Party
Ann Coulter made a rather surprising statement on Hannity tonight. As she insisted she is confident that Mitt Romney will win the election tomorrow, she said, “I will be back Wednesday night for the victory party.” Victory party at Fox News? This is disgraceful, even for what Fox bills as an “opinion show” (as if there’s any real difference on Fox).
Read moreSaturday Night Lives Mocks Fox & Friends And Donald Trump
I just love it when Fox News get skewered. If you ask me, that's the best revenge (after voting for Obama, of course). Saturday Night Live mocked the Curvy Couch Crew and their regular guest Donald Trump this weekend. Not the funniest of skits but worth a watch, in my opinion.
Read moreFox News: The Go-To Network For Romney Campaign Speeches
This probably will not come as a shock but when it comes to airing campaign speeches, Mitt Romney gets waaaayyyy more Fox News airtime than President Barack Obama. And for those who think MSNBC does the same but for the other side, the ratio is wayyyy smaller.
Read moreFox News Closes Campaign With Anti-Obama Dog Whistles
As the presidential election campaign comes to a close, Fox News is working on its ground game with some same old, same old. The latest is the faux outrage over President Obama's "voting is the best revenge" comment. It's reminiscent of the "You didn't build this" faux outrage from last summer - but Fox has put a special "he doesn't really love America" twist on it that is surely a calculated dog whistle to the racist birther crowd that loves Fox.
Read moreGreta Hosts Female GOP Candidate Who Says There's No 'War On Women'
It is a fact that Republicans, in their attempts to severely restrict women's reproductive rights on a national and state level, have proposed and enacted the most anti-choice legislation/executive policy since Roe. Their contempt for women has been underscored by comments, from male GOP candidates, about how rape is no big deal and if you happen to get pregnant after being raped you should thank God for this "gift." Yet, the GOP claims that there is no "war on women." And as the mouthpiece for the GOP, Fox News has actively promoted this meme and in so doing has utilized the services of loyal GOP handmaidens to dismiss any claims of misogyny on the part of the GOP. Last Friday, Greta Van Susteren interviewed the GOP woman who is running to replace Arizona Congresswoman Gabbie Giffords and who, like her GOP soul sistahs, says that there's no war on women. And rather than challenge her, Greta just gushed over Ret. Air Force colonel Martha McSally in what was basically a campaign commercial and love fest.
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