Fox Promotes Obama As "Great Destroyer" Meme In Concert With Limbaugh
There was some unmitigated hate mongering going on a few nights ago on the Hannity show. More than the normal hate mongering that's Sean Hannity's stock in trade. The special occasion was a visit from David Limbaugh, Rush's brother, who has a new book out called The Great Destroyer. You probably didn't need me to tell you who that "destroyer" is.
Read more“Liberal” Van Susteren Complains GOP Not Tough Enough With Eric Holder In Fast And Furious Case
It’s a good thing Fox News host Greta Van Susteren is a liberal. I’d hate to see what a conservative would do when arguing that the GOP witch hunt prosecution of Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress was moving too slowly, as Van Susteren did – vehemently – last night. That’s right, “liberal” Van Susteren was ticked off that Republicans are going too easy on the Obama administration.
Read moreCavuto’s Election Eve Effort Against The Wisconsin Recall: Democrats “Look Like Babies”
Neil Cavuto talked to State Senator Jon Erpenbach, a Democrat, yesterday, on the eve of the recall election for yet another Fox News effort on behalf of Republican efforts. After asking why Senate Democrats “bolted” the chamber during the last legislative session, Cavuto scolded Erpenbach. "The impression I got with the timing, you and I were chatting about this, first on the phone… You looked like babies. We didn't get our way, so you stormed out."
Read moreSarah Palin: Wisconsin Recall Election Shows President Obama’s “Goose Is Cooked”
Sarah Palin didn’t mention whether she could see Wisconsin from her home in Wasilla, Alaska last night nor which of “all” those newspapers she reads gave her the insights into the results of Governor Scott Walker’s victory last night but when BFF Van Susteren kept (gently) suggesting Palin got it wrong, that said a lot about just how outlandish they were.
Read moreJon Stewart Mocks Fox News' Coverage Of Wisconsin Recall Election
Jon Stewart took on the media coverage of Wisconsin's recall election of Governor Scott Walker - with a special emphasis on Fox News - especially with regard to one crackpot public school teacher - probably the only public service employee supporting Walker that Fox could unearth - who thought Wisconsin would be looking a lot more like China if Walker lost.
Read moreLive Blogging Wisconsin Recall Election
Shepard Smith says turnout is high and exit polls show a deep division. I'm guessing that means it may be too close to call.
Read moreJay Carney Smacks Down Ed Henry’s Gotcha Question About Venture Capitalism
Ed Henry may think he plays a “fair and balanced” reporter on television but as far as I can see, every time he shows his face on camera, he’s advancing Republican talking points. Today, during the White House briefing, Henry tried to goad Press Secretary Jay Carney with a gotcha question based on the false (GOP) accusation that President Obama is anti-profit or anti-capitalism. Carney not only smacked it down but went on to further use Henry’s question to highlight the difference between Obama’s capitalist supporters and the naked self-interest of Romney’s.
Read moreFox News Has Blackout Of Some Catholic News?
The folks at the right wing Media Research Center have their clean white (and very chaste, Christian, and heterosexual) panties in a bunch because the godless librul media had a "blackout" of news about supposedly rampant sex selection abortion and the "unprecedented" and totally awesome lawsuits filed by the Catholic Church against the Obama administration. But in keeping with promoting all the right wing news that's fit to propagandize and making the MRC happy, Fox News has been obsessing about HHS mandate, the lawsuits, and "genderside." Despite the claim of the network to be "fair & balanced," the coverage is squarely on the side of the Catholic bishops whose anger towards Obama rivals the most rabid in the GOP. In the coverage, Cardinal Dolan has received pride of place. But interestingly, there've been some other news stories, related to the Catholic Church on which the voices, in the Catholic amen corner of Fox, are silent. Put it this way, if both issues concerned - say - teacher's unions, the howls would be deafening. Curious, read on.
Read moreMike Huckabee Still Pimping Lila Rose's Radical Anti-Choice Agenda
The Fox News logo says that the news network is "fair & balanced" - not fair & balanced except for its opinion shows which, according to Fox brass, are exempt from the phrase on the network's mission statement. Fox opinion is, for the most part, right of center, especially when it comes to abortion. When it comes to women's reproductive rights, Fox is unabashedly in synch with the "pro-life" community. But while Bill O'Reilly just talks the anti-choice talk, Mike Huckabee walks the walk in his extremist anti-choice positions which include support for "personhood" rights for fetuses from the moment of conception - "rights" that would eliminate the right to an abortion and birth control. He shares this zealotry with sting videographer and James O'Keefe protégé Lila Rose who always gets a warm welcome on the opinion shows on the "fair & balanced" network. Cecile Richards from Planned Parenthood - not so much - in fact, as far as I can determine, not at all!
Read moreScott Walker Caps Off His Fox News Whistle Stops With A 16-Minute Interview With Greta Van Susteren
As the clock winds down for the Wisconsin recall election, Scott Walker made at least three visits to Republican Central, otherwise known as Fox News, tonight. During his third and presumably final visit, to On The Record, a banner saying “BREAKING NEWS” displayed on the screen. What was breaking other than, possibly, a record for how many appearances on Fox a Republican candidate can make in one day? I never figured it out.
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