Fox News Uses Rasmussen Poll, Ignores PPP, To Suggest Americans Oppose Birth Control Mandate
As the mouthpiece for the GOP and the United States Council of Catholic Bishops, the Fox News channel is doing all in its power to show that the HHS contraception mandate is proof of the Obama administration's "war on Catholics." In an effort to convince viewers that American Catholics don't support the mandate, they are using a polling data from Rasmussen which, traditionally skews Republican with loaded questions posed to elicit a response that coincides with whatever right wing meme they are promoting. In this case, the Fox meme is that this policy is a violation of religious freedom and that most Americans agree. Thing is that this doesn't really appear to be the case. Details, details.
Read moreFox News Website Thread Allows Anti-Semitic Comments
The Fox News website has an article about how a California school teacher will be fired for calling a student a "Jew Boy." The comments are the usual denigration of liberals, teachers, teacher's unions and how if kids today had the crap beaten out of them, things would be so much better. There are also other comments about how if the teacher insulted a white Christian child, she wouldn't have been disciplined. But throughout the thread there are many anti-Semitic comments from several posters, one in particular. Not only were these comments considered acceptable; but some were even "liked." Here's a sample...
Read moreBill O'Reilly Still Attacking Planned Parenthood With "Pro-Life" Lies
Bill O'Reilly is a wealthy, conservative, Catholic, "pro-life" guy whose absolute contempt for women is shown by his relentless crusade against Planned Parenthood - an organization that provides vital health care to low income American women. Now that O'Reilly was successful in creating a climate of hatred in which an abortion doctor was assassinated, O'Reilly is turning his wrath against Planned Parenthood and never wastes an opportunity to denigrate it. O'Reilly, whose estranged wife, most likely, never had to run the gauntlet of anti-choice zealots in order to access her gynecological care, shows his "pro-life" misogyny when he says stuff like "nobody's life is affected by Planned Parenthood." But then this is the dude who also said that government shouldn't have to pay for birth control because "many women are blasted out of their minds when they have sex." Bill continued his war on Planned Parenthood last week in his "Talking Points" which were, essentially, the talking points of those who are waging a war against women.
Read moreTuesday Was Product Placement Day On Fox & Friends
News Hounds has spent years documenting the lowlights of Fox and Friends, the Fox “News” Happy Talk/Agit-Prop morning tee vee show. This past Tuesday those Foxy Friends—Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, and Brain Brian Kilmeade—set a new low so low that it will live in infamy for a very long time: an EXCLUSIVE interview with Ms. Brown. Oh! Who is Ms. Brown, you ask? Just the newest M&M, who made her world debut at the Super Bowl, is all, doncha know? No. That’s not a typo. The Foxy Friends of Fox and Friends interviewed an animated piece of candy. To be fair: It was one of the most fair and balanced segments they ever produced, as well as the most surreal. On the downside: it was excruciatingly bad tee vee that was little more than a 3-minute commercial for candy.
Read moreBirther Donald Trump Lectures Rick Santorum About Being A Credible Presidential Candidate
Just a few days after Donald Trump finally decided he’d stop teasing his phony candidacy and endorsed what seemed like a sure winner of the Republican nomination, his chosen candidate, Mitt Romney, took a dive Tuesday night as Rick Santorum trounced him in three out of three caucuses. Trump, appearing on On The Record last night, was clearly displeased by this turn of events. It not only put his own ticket on the winning team in doubt, it underscored just how little sway The Donald’s endorsement carried. So with his very thin skin looking not so important, he lashed out at Santorum with a suggestion that he had no business running in the first place. A real news host, one not in the tank for Trump, would have challenged make-believe candidate and birther Trump lecturing anyone else about their campaign’s credibility – that is, if he or she didn’t fall over laughing at his ludicrousness. But not Greta Van Susteren!
Read moreEvidence Grows Of British Police Coziness With Murdoch Papers
Britain’s Metropolitan Police have acknowledged that they failed to properly investigate and warn the victims of News Corp. phone hacking when it was originally discovered in 2006. Gross incompetence or a cover up? I report, you decide.
Read moreMartha MacCallum "Horrifed" By "Plan B" Availability Which She Equates With Abortion
The Christian right is on a crusade to ban abortions and destroy Planned Parenthood. But because they haven't been successful in their endeavors, they're going after emergency contraception commonly known as the "morning after pill." During the Bush administration, they tried to keep it off the over the counter market but were ultimately unsuccessful. They have supported pharmacists who refuse to sell it and now are focusing their ire at Shippensberg University's new vending machine, in the student health center, which dispenses Plan B for a cost of 25$. Interestingly, Fox News is quite interested in this issue. This topic was a Fox News website secondary lede for a good part of the day. And alleged "straight news" anchor, Martha MacCallum, hosted a discussion about it. While the talk was "fair & balanced," it was apparent that Ms. MacCallum's views dovetail nicely with those in the anti-choice movement.
Read moreHerman Cain Gets Rehabbed As A Political Pundit
Chalk up Herman Cain as the latest faux expert on Fox News. It’s not as though Cain had any kind of distinguished political career before he decided to run for president. And once he did run, he pretty much had to drop out in disgrace after a series of policy gaffes and allegations of sexual misconduct. But on Fox News, that’s so two months ago! Last night, Sean Hannity pronounced Cain a “great American” and trotted him out as a political pundit with all the cred and gravitas they’d give to Karl Rove.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Uses Isolated Incident To Demonize All Of "Occupy"
Earlier this week, Bill O'Reilly claimed that there is bigotry against those who are pro-choice. Yet, during last week's "Culture Warrior" segment, Bill reported on a Providence RI Right to Life Rally, at the RI State House, during which tempers flared between those who were protesting the pro-life group and those who conducted the rally. Some of those who were on the pro-choice side were also members of a local "Occupy" group. Bill was outraged about the treatment of his fellow anti-choicers and used the incident to vilify all those the entire "Occupy" movement. Once again, Bill's hypocrisy is remarkable given that he seems to ignore bad behavior on the part of those who support his positions. But beyond the hypocrisy, his basic bigotry, in broad brushing a movement with which he disagrees, was front and center. The funny thing is that the accusations of condom throwing, on the part of those who were protesting the anti-choicers, might not be what Bill and his pals in the right wing blogosphere made them out to be. Wonder if Bill will issue a correction? Nah, that might cut the bigotry buzz...
Read moreMilking The Clint Eastwood Superbowl Ad: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Was Clint Eastwood’s “halftime in America” Super Bowl ad for Chrysler really an ad for Obama? Was the straight-shootin’ conservative cowboy seducing you into supporting that evil taxpayer-funded bailout of the auto industry? Eastwood denied there was any “spin” in the ad. “It was meant to be a message just about job growth and the spirit of America.” But Fox News gave Karl Rove a podium to attack the ad as offensive and accuse it of being a thank-you to Obama for the billion-dollar bailout that so many conservatives hate so much. “It is a sign of what happens when you have Chicago style politics and the President of the United States and his political minions are in essence using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising,” Rove said.
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