Ruh-Roh! Laura Ingraham Rips Mitt Romney Campaign
You know the Mitt Romney campaign is in trouble when Fox News trumpets conservative complaints as the top story on The O’Reilly Factor. Even though Fox would have you believe President Obama is on the verge of losing his re-election bid, it was clear from guest host Lauran Ingraham’s criticisms and the lack of a good argument from the Republican strategist guest that there isn’t a winning game anywhere to be seen.
Read moreFox & Friends Has No Problem With Church Bulletin Restaurant Discount
You don't need extraordinary powers of divination to predict the path that Fox "News" will take when evil, librul atheists get in Jesus' way. First, Fox's "fundamentalist barking dog" Todd Starnes writes about it on his blog. It then appears on Fox Nation where righteous Christian indignation can be further whipped up. And then it appears on Jesus' very own morning show, Fox & Friends so that persecuted Christians everywhere can nurse their perpetual victimhood. As reported by Starnes, a family owned PA restaurant is being investigated, after a complaint from a local atheist, for offering discounts to church going folks who bring in their church bulletin. Not surprisingly, the restaurant owner and her lawyer appeared on this morning's Fox & Friends where the friends were in total agreement that this is no big whoop. Not surprisingly, the Civil Rights Act wasn't mentioned. Just Fox & Friends doing the lord's work!
Read moreFox Demonizes Rep. Andre Carson For Talking Up Madrassas As A Model Educational System
Chalk up Rep. Andre Carson as the latest African American to be demonized by Fox News. In a speech several weeks ago – but just blared by Breitbart a few days ago – Carson promoted madrassas as a model for ingenuity and innovation that should be looked at by American schools. Thursday night (7/5/12), Hannity guest host and conspiracy-theorist extraordinaire, Monica Crowley jumped at the opportunity to use that quote to portray Carson as some kind of poster child for creeping Sharia. And how did “Democratic strategist” Julie Roginsky advocate for her side? By immediately distancing herself from Carson and completely ignoring Fox’s over-the-top hate mongering.
Read moreFox Helps Joe Walsh Play The Victim Over His Tammy Duckworth Remarks
Fox News finally got around to discussing Rep. Joe Walsh’s callous attacks on his Democratic challenger, war veteran and double amputee Tammy Duckworth – now that there was an opportunity to “clarify” them, as described the segment. Walsh appeared on The O’Reilly Factor tonight where guest host Laura Ingraham offered a sympathetic platform and didn’t ask any tough questions. Rather than apologize for having said Duckworth talks too much about her military service and suggesting she is not a “true hero” because of that, Walsh played the victim: “All she does is film me talking to people and the left-wing blogs just went crazy with it.”
Read moreFox News Corrects Todd Starnes Headline Under Legal Pressure?
In what appears to be a small victory for journalistic integrity, Fox management might have, under pressure, directed Todd Starnes to change one of his headlines. As reported by Mickey Weinstein, head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, "Fox News' Fundamentalist Barking Dog" Todd Starnes erroneously described the MRFF, in one of his headlines, as an "atheist group." As noted by the MRFF's attorneys, in a letter to Fox News' legal department, 96% of the group's membership are Christians. The MRFF lawyers indicate that they had previously sent another letter regarding another misleading Starnes headline. A request was made that the headline be "modified" and that Starnes issue a retraction. While no retraction was done, the headline changed from "Military Halts Use of Trademark on Bibles as Atheist Group Demands Their Removal" to "Group Calls Military Bibles a National Security Threat." Good times.
Laura Ingraham Gets Schooled On The Very Real War On Women
In the two years of teabagger triumphalism there has been a concerted effort by the American right wing to curtail women's reproductive rights. While Bill O'Reilly's prediction that Planned Parenthood would be defunded hasn't materialized, a record number of anti-choice measures, many of which have passed, have been pushed by those for whom Fox News provides a mouthpiece. As we speak, only a court injunction prevents Mississippi from being, as the GOP governor proudly proclaimed, an "abortion free state." But that doesn't stop "pro-life media luminary" Laura Ingraham from using the "fair & balanced" news network to push anti-choice talking points. Last week, however, when she subbed for Bill O'Reilly (June 25th), she got as good as she gave. And for that, Alix Magill Johnson gets muchos kudos from your humble correspondent!
Read moreValerie Jarrett Calls Out Fox News Class Warfare Rhetoric
After years of accusing President Obama of engaging in "class warfare," Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett finally struck back. Of course, the right wing is having a hissy fit.
Read moreCenk Uygur's Excellent Take Down Of John Stossel's Smear Of Poor People
Cenk Uygur did an excellent rebuttal of John Stossel's panhandling stunt in which he suggested that because he got money from people who reflexively gave to him, that was some kind of proof that panhandlers and other street people were just scammers too lazy to get a real job. Mediaite's Tommy Christopher wrote up Uygur's commentary and added some terrific points of his own.
Read moreDebbie Wasserman Schultz Talks Rings Around Martha MacCallum
I just love it when a feisty Democrat refuses to allow Fox News to set the agenda for a discussion. Tonight, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz took control of a segment that Fox tried to make about President Obama's electoral struggle in Florida. But Wasserman Schultz got in more Democratic talking points than a DNC ad.
Read moreHBO To Produce A Movie About Fox's Roger Ailes UPDATED
Roger Ailes must be in a snit over the kind of publicity that's coming down the pike toward him. In the works is a biography by Gabriel Sherman, author of the exhaustive NY Magazine article about Ailes last year. You may recall that Ailes was so unnerved by Sherman's forthcoming book that he canceled Sherman's subscription to a suburban newspaper Ailes' wife owns. Now comes word that HBO is planning a movie based on Sherman's book. It sounds like the Roger Ailes edition of Game Change. But there's even more to ruin Ailes' day, if not his year. UPDATED: HBO has nixed the film.
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