Another Laura Ingraham Whinefest About Persecuted Christians
Jon Stewart wisely said that "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished." And on Fox "News," there ain't no victim like a Christian victim. To hear what's said, on a regular basis from various Fox hosts, American Christians are the victims of persecution not seen since the days of lions snacking on Christians in the Coliseum. The reality, however, is very different in that the radical Christians, so beloved by Fox, are trying their godly best to foist their anti-gay, anti-reproductive rights "family values" on a country of religious and non-religious diversity. Last week (June 25th) St. Laura of the great-big-in-your-face-Christian-cross Ingraham hosted a discussion about the Obama administration's alleged "attack" on Christianity. In her articulation of all the patented persecuted Christian talking points, Ingraham did not disappoint.
Read moreEric Bolling Validates Guest Who Says Islam Is "Radical, Savage Religion"
In "Fear Incorporated," an investigatory report from the Center for American Progress, Fox News is described as an "echo-chamber" for Islamophobia in that many of Fox's guests promote anti-Islamic talking points aimed at fostering fear and loathing of Islam and Muslims. Much of the discussion has centered on how American mosques preach violence and how Islam is attempting to impose Sharia law in the US. Fox News has provided a safe haven for both its hosts and guests to "bash Islam with impunity." The bashing was non-stop during the Fox abetted "controversy" surrounding the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque." On yesterday's Fox & Friends, in keeping with this fine tradition, "devout Catholic" Eric Bolling interviewed a filmmaker who was once sympathetic to Tennessee Muslims who encountered local hostility over the building of a mosque. He has since done a total 180 and now hates Islam. Put it this way, if this guest described Catholicism in the same terms that he did Islam, Bolling, who once kicked an atheist off his show, would have cut his mic! But Fox News says it's all true!
Read moreO’Reilly’s Reluctant Apology Over Supreme Court Health Care Ruling
Bill O’Reilly was less than gracious tonight as he addressed calls to honor his pledge to “apologize for being an idiot” if the ObamaCare mandate were to be upheld by the Supreme Court as a tax. In the wake of the Supreme Court doing exactly that last week, let’s just say that O’Reilly did not exactly take his own medicine like a man. In fact, he behaved so childishly, he got a lecture from Bernard Goldberg to apologize, "smile and move on."
Read moreFox’s Dr. Keith Ablow: ObamaCare Will Lead To Riots
Fox News’ crackpot psychiatrist, Dr. Keith Ablow, has come up with what host Megyn Kelly called a “very interesting” theory about how ObamaCare is not only psychologically destructive but will set off a domino effect leading to riots in the streets.
Read moreFox & Friends Wages Class Warfare On Jon Stewart
You know how Fox News yells “class warfare” the moment someone talks about income disparity? Apparently, it’s OK to complain about someone else’s wealth when it’s Jon Stewart earning the big bucks. Fox & Friends, along with the Daily Caller’s Jamie Weinstein, thought it was big proof of Stewart’s hypocrisy to sneer about Stewart’s earnings and the news that he’s supposedly “on track” to being worth more than Mitt Romney. Of course, they missed Stewart’s main point, which is not that Romney is rich, per se, but that his favor-the-wealthy policies are self-serving while Stewart supports ones that are not.
Read moreTodd Starnes Advances "Black Mob" Story Making Rounds Of White Supremacist Sites
Todd Starnes is not your father's Rockefeller Republican. He is, rather, part of the new breed of rabidly right wing Republicans who, whilst braying about their freedom, seek to curtail rights for minorities, women, and gays. As a member of the radical right, Starnes embraces the kind of paranoia once reserved for communists. In addition to fearing creeping Sharia and the "gay agenda," Starnes seems to have embraced Jim Crow stereotypes of African-Americans as lawless barbarians - stereotypes that are still promoted by white supremacists. Last year, he tweeted that blacks were rioting at Burger King. The story that he linked to did not mention race. Now, on his Facebook, Starnes says that living in NY City is dangerous. After noting that the mainstream media is ignoring the story, he links to a World Net Daily article "Black Mobs Now Beating Jews in NY." Along with WND (and the Murdoch owned NY Post), this story is featured on a number of white supremacist websites including the Council of Conservative Citizens. Can we talk race baiting?
Read moreOn The Record’s Tea Party Infomercial
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s upholding of health care reform, On The Record’s “liberal” host Greta Van Susteren wondered, “What is the Tea Party planning now?” Had Van Susteren done a simple Google search, she probably would have found out at least one prominent Tea Party member is up to some scary stuff – like talking insurrection against the federal government. Instead, we got a puff piece from Griff Jenkins.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Is Palling Around With Christian Homophobes?
Save the date!!!!! On Friday, July 27th, our favorite (*and only official) Fox clergyman, Fr. Jonathan Morris, will be speaking at the "Under God, Indivsible" Christian "Leadership Congress" at High Point Church in ArlingtonTexas. It is being co-hosted by James Robison who hosts his own Christian TV program and who is part of a group of evangelicals who want Obama to be defeated in November. He's also a close friend of the boyishly handsome Fr. Morris who accepted Jesus as his personal savior on Robison's show. Robison, who thinks that homosexuality is "destructive to society," is part of a stellar line-up of who's who in radical Christian homophobia; but it's being held in conjunction with Glenn Beck's "Restoring Love"Dallas event so it's all good. To see some of the homophobic luminaries that Fr. Morris will be palling around with, read on...
Read moreMitch McConnell Doesn't Appreciate Being Asked About Covering The Uninsured
Chris Wallace did a good job today on Fox News Sunday grilling Republican Senator Mitch McConnell on the Republican answer to ObamaCare - or lack thereof. First, McConnell could not explain why, if Obama's individual mandate is a tax, Mitt Romney's Massachusetts individual mandate is not a tax. Then McConnell grew visibly annoyed as Wallace pressed him to explain what the Republican plan is to provide universal health insurance coverage if it repeals ObamaCare. McConnell's shocking answer: That is not the issue.
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