Friday Before “Game Change,” Fox & Friends Plugs Pro-Palin Documentary
While much of the world awaits the HBO movie Game Change – the film about the 2008 election that has Sarah Palin fuming – Fox & Friends gave a nice little plug for the fawning documentary about Palin that will coincidentally run on the Reelz network at the same time. Gretchen Carlson introduced the segment by saying, “Now a documentary giving a more intimate look” at P alin. Carlson didn't mention the film was released last July and bombed.
Read moreStephen Colbert Eviscerates Eric Bolling’s Latest Bonehead Move
Yesterday’s award for Best Idiocy By A Fox “News” Anchor Named Eric Bolling would certainly have to be when he waved around a manila envelope on Fox and Friends and insisted it revealed a secret plan to reduce the price of gas to $2.50 a gallon. He said he would reveal it only to the President of the United States of America if only the president would take some time out of his busy day and give Bolling a call. Ever helpful to the president, Bolling held up his phone number on a white board but said he only wanted to hear from the president. Geez, Bolling, even Glenn Beck showed more brains than that. He passed the number to his red phone to the president quietly, so it would be free when the president called. Bolling proved he didn’t care if the president ever got through, he was just performing a stunt. Someone who didn’t seem to realize it was a stunt, and who is also a president (of a SuperPAC), is Stephen Colbert who had to find out what was in that envelope, so he called Bolling’s number: Video below the jump.
The Five’s Bolling, Tantaros & Guilfoyle Whitewash Texas Racism
It’s always been my personal opinion, born of my personal experience (see below), that the best people to consider whether a racial slur has been used are those who feel aggrieved. They have a context I simply do not. During a recent discussion on The Five, the Fox “News” shout-a-thon, 3 out of 5 of co-hosts on Wednesday simply refused to accept that a chant of “U-S-A!” from a predominantly Caucasian high school, at a predominantly Latino team, following a basketball game could possibly have more than one meaning. They all but paraphrased the father of modern psychiatry—“sometimes a patriotic chant is just a patriotic chant”—and Freud would have had a field day with this crew. There’s no need to put them on the couch to know that Eric Bolling, Andrea Tantaros, and Kimberly Guilfoyle are in serious denial. [Video below the fold.]
Read moreJon Stewart Ridicules Hannity's "Obama Race Video"
Jon Stewart gave Sean Hannity exactly what he and his big "race video" "exclusive" deserved last night - major ridiculing. Plus a dollop of noting the kinds of crooks and radicals that Hannity has palled around with. I would have loved it if Stewart had included the bigots Hannity has endorsed but we won't quibble. What we've got is penetrating, trenchant and funny!
Palin Takes A Stand Against Obama’s Efforts To Reinstate Slavery!
Sarah Palin joined white-rights champion Sean Hannity last night for a double-segment in which the two used the widely-ridiculed videotape “exposé” Hannity had aired the night before to make racial attacks on President Obama. Palin eagerly jumped on Hannity’s race-baiting bandwagon and accused Obama of being out to “bring us back to the days before the Civil War.” Palin seemed to be saying that Obama’s black racism was a threat to equality and the notion that “all men are created equal” - hallmarks of the Civil Rights movement. So did Palin not know the difference between the Civil Rights movement and the Civil War? Or was she really suggesting President Obama wants to reinstate slavery? I report, you decide!
Read moreMegyn Kelly, Again, Attacks Sandra Fluke's "Sense Of Entitlement"
It doesn't take an advanced degree in communications or behavioral psychology to know that messaging is more effective when it is reinforced. That Fox "News" knows full well the value of this paradigm, is demonstrated by their pattern of introducing a meme and reinforcing it on other shows or within the same show. In addition to Sandra Fluke being part of a conspiracy orchestrated by the White House, there is another Fox Fluke meme that is was introduced, last week, by alleged "news" anchor, Megyn Kelly on alleged, but official, Fox "News" program, "America Live." Kelly introduced the Fox message that because Sandra Fluke is an advocate of free birth control, she is an example of the ugly American who just wants handouts. (Not, you Koch brothers!) Earlier this week, Kelly, who once argued forcibly argued for paid maternity leave (which, as Jon Stewart pointed out happens when you don't use birth control), reinforced the Fox message in a segment that front and center with the Fox meme framed as a question: Is Sandra Fluke the Poster Child for Entitlement Society?" The better question is "Is Megyn Kelly the Poster Child for Hypocrisy and GOP Agitprop Delivery?"
Read moreMartin Bashir Discusses Fox News Sandra Fluke "Conspiracy Theory"
The newest propaganda meme on Fox seems to be that Sandra Fluke is a secret "plant" who is connected to some insidious plot being perpetrated by the Obama administration. Bill O'Reilly is convinced, without any actual proof, that the PR firm which represents Fluke means something. What that something is remains unknown. Eric Bolling is convinced, without any actual proof, that the whole Fluke matter is part of a nefarious web of intrigue that is centered on the White House. Check out Martin Bashir's report on how Fox News, in the tradition of alien abductions and other conspiracies which bespeak "serious psychological disorders," is exposing how Sandra Fluke is part of a "mesmorizing and devilish strategy planned and orchestrated by, yes, you guessed it, the White House." Bolling has a well deserved starring role. Forget about 9/11 being an "inside job." Maybe Barack Obama was behind it, somehow? Eric, Eric, you there?
Read moreO’Reilly Channels Beck With Latest Sandra Fluke Conspiracy Theory
Another day, another O’Reilly attack on Sandra Fluke. As I’ve previously written, Bill O’Reilly – like his fellow Fox News host Eric Bolling – has largely ignored the giant Rush Limbaugh controversy over his misogynistic attacks on Fluke, the Georgetown Law Student who testified before Congress in favor of contraception coverage in health insurance. Instead, O’Reilly has used his discussions to attack Fluke in ways that just so happen to mimic Limbaugh. But last night, O’Reilly sounded much like his former colleague, Glenn Beck, touting a big discovery that Fluke is now represented by – wait for it! The same company that employs former Obama operative Anita Dunn! O’Reilly offered up no connection between Fluke and Obama or even any direct relationship between Fluke and Dunn. Still, O’Reilly seemed certain he was on to something!
Read moreFox & Friends Promotes Anti-Christian TV Show, "GCB?"
Fox & Friends is THE flagship Fox "News" show for Christians who hate those who dare to cast aspersions on any and all who dare to insult those who follow Jesus. But it appears that Fox & Friends could be part of the Satanic (and very gay) agenda to take over the media in order to put good Christians on the road to perdition. Last week, singer/actress Kristin Chenoweth appeared on Fox & Friends in order to promote the new show, "GCB," in which she plays the part of a very busybody Dallas housewife who is able to combine devout Christianity with a voracious sexual appetite and a proclitivity towards a rather un-Christian attitude towards her fellow man - in this case a former female classmate. The initials of the show originally stood for "Good Christian Bitches," after the Kim Gatlin novel, but was changed to mean "Good Christian Belles." Good Christians, like NY Councilman Peter Vallone and Newsbusters, are not exactly slain in the spirit of the show. Fox & Friends, however, promoted this as a comedy that features Christians when it's obviously something far more sinister. Could it be Satan? BTW, Chenoweth is quite effective in her role as a "GCB."
Greta Van Susteren To Netanyahu: How Is War With Iran Not Inevitable?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got more than 16 minutes of saber-rattling, fear mongering and war mongering against Iran last night on On The Record. Host Greta Van Susteren didn’t come right out and advocate for war (the way many of her Fox News colleagues do) but she did very little to challenge Netanyahu’s position.
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