Fox News Provides More Free PR For Cardinal Dolan Who Is Being Dissed By Empire State Bldg. Management
Fox News does love to reinforce those "outrages" it deems important, especially those related to victimized Christians. And Fox News does love Cardinal Dolan, the arch-conservative head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops who are fighting the Obama administration's contraception mandate - a position that seems to be supported by Fox News in its coverage of the issue. One of Fox's recent "outrages" is the refusal, by the management of the EmpireStateBuilding, to agree to GOP Congressman Grimm's request that the building be lit up in red to honor Dolan. Bill Donohue, pedophile priest defending radical right wing head of the Catholic League ranted about this on Megyn Kelly's alleged news show, "America Live." Greg Jarrett whined about it on a weekend news show. In both segments, Cardinal Dolan, who is worshipped on Fox, was lavished with praise. Today, Fox "News" did yet another report on this issue. And yet again, he got some free face time for his expansive visage.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Not Pushing Propaganda? Not So Much!
Fox News can reliably count on their one, true clergyperson, Catholic priest Father Jonathan Morris, to push whatever right wing, Christian meme that his special friend, Roger Ailes, deems necessary. But sometimes it appears that Morris takes on a contrarian opinion. However, if one listens carefully, the propaganda points are there, albeit couched in caveats and qualifiers. It's an interesting verbal dance that the theatrical Fr. Morris does quite adeptly. Last Sunday, Fox & Friends morphed the current meme that the Obama administration is waging war on Catholics vis-à-vis the HHS birth control mandate with another long standing right wing meme that Obama, a secret Muslim, might favor Muslims over other religions as seen by the administration's reaction to the controversial NYPD surveillance of Muslim communities and mosques as part of an anti-terror program. While Fr. Morris was careful in his language, the anti-Obama agitprop was evident especially in the chyron which framed the official Fox message for the piece; i.e. that the president "fights Catholics and protects Muslims." And that was all the audience really needed to know.
Read moreJust When You Think ACORN "Pimp" James O'Keefe Can't Get Any Sleazier...
It looks like ACORN scamster James O'Keefe just can't stay out of trouble. He's already been arrested when he was caught trying to improperly gain access to Senator Mary Landrieu's telephones. He was caught trying to seduce and humiliate then-CNN reporter Abbie Boudreau. He was punked to accept crackpipe money and in an effort to uncover voter fraud, he likely committed it himself. Now Mediaite is reporting that a woman named Nadia Naffe has started a series of blog posts about O'Keefe called, “My Time as an Accomplice to Convicted Criminal James O’keefe.” Naffe previously filed a criminal harassment complaint against O'Keefe (dismissed on jurisdictional grounds). Her latest accusations echo the Boudreau incident.
Read moreDoes Hannity Secretly Love Obama?
In this charming YouTube video, a retired union worker in Valdosta, Georgia responds to Sean Hannity's obsession with President Obama. "A Christian don't talk like Sean Hannity," he says. But it could be that all that hatred covers up a secret, repressed love.
Read moreFox News' Mittness Protection Program
A few days ago, presidential candidate Rick Santorum surprised Fox News by stating - on Fox, no less - that he thinks the "fair and balanced" network is "shilling" for Romney. Steve Benen did a bit of research and catalogued the numerous appearances Romney made on Fox just this week.
Read moreApparently “American Exceptionalism” Doesn’t Apply To California
You know how Fox News is always complaining about President Obama not believing in “American exceptionalism?” Well, last I checked the State of California was part of America. But it didn’t sound like Bill O’Reilly and his like-minded guest, Adam Carolla, think California is so terrific. In a segment that started with the question, “Why can’t a Republican presidential candidate win California?” concluded with thoughts about going to jail for buying a goldfish, and in-between said that everyone who lives there are either “self-aggrandizing” New Yorkers or poor Mexicans, I didn’t hear a single good thing about the place.
Read moreNot A Single Fox News Pundit Can Explain The “Horror” Of Obama’s Radical Associations
Radio host Jay Thomas visited the Hannity show’s Great American Panel Thursday night (3/15/12) where the topic was – what else? President Obama’s “radical associates.” But Thomas did the best job of dismantling the meme than anyone I’ve yet seen on Hannity. “Do you think that Barack Obama is trying to overthrow… white America?” Thomas asked. Not a single one of them wanted to say, “yes” but they wouldn’t say “no,” either. It's too bad more liberal guests can't be as direct and challenging. It's needed.
Read moreBill O’Reilly: Media Is "Blatantly Dishonest"- Except For Fox News
Bill O’Reilly’s known for a lot of things - but honesty has never been one of them. Newshounds has a rather extensive record of lies he has told. So imagine my non-surprise when I was cruising Fox Naion and saw a talking points memo segment in which O’Reilly used a video from Media Matters as proof that his opponents in the librul media are "blatantly dishonest." While the segment might go down as one of his best tantrums, O’Reilly’s own dishonesty is definitely the star of the show.
Read moreBill O’Reilly Laughably Insists “We Never Threatened Anyone” With A Boycott
Bill O’Reilly led off his show last night with “an American witch hunt focusing on the media” as the topic of both his Talking Points and opening debate. He began by criticizing the conservative Media Research Center’s call for firings on MSNBC. But it was pretty clear that O'Reilly was at least as concerned about the boycotts of Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh, as you probably know, ignited a firestorm of criticism with his misogynistic attacks on student Sandra Fluke – comments that O’Reilly echoed in less inflammatory language. O’Reilly has mostly refrained from discussing Limbaugh. Last night, O’Reilly spoke out against media boycotts in general, insisting he had “never threatened anyone.” I guess that depends on your definition of “threaten.”
Read moreBill O'Reilly Denies GOP Is Waging "War On Women?"
While the GOP right wing deny that there is a GOP "war on women," in 2011, a record number (1100) of anti-choice measures were introduced by mostly Republicans in state legislatures. The 2011 GOP led House of Representatives' first major task was an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood. The controversial Virginia law, mandating that non-consensual transvaginal ultrasounds be done before an abortion, was a GOP brainchild. It gets better. The enlightened GOP led Arizona state senate just passed a bill that allows employers to deny birth control coverage, on moral grounds, to its female employees unless they provide a note from their doctor stating that they are not taking the pills to prevent birth but for medical reasons. (Seriously, what century are we living in?) has a new ad about the GOP war on women's reproductive rights. It features several women who repeat controversial statements, made by GOP personalities, regarding choice. Everything they say is correct. But Bill O'Reilly, an accused sexual harasser, whose crusade against Dr. Tiller and Planned Parenthood make him a general in the "war on women," echoes the sentiment of his anti-choice gal pal, Laura Ingraham, when he scoffs at the notion of a GOP "war on women" and suggests the ad is bogus. Methinks he doth protest too much? Or dare I say, lie?
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