Forbes On Fox Blasts President's Jobs Plan, Ignores Romney's
On Saturday’s Forbes on Fox (10/28/12), the topic was the President’s 20-page pamphlet for the middle class and jobs. Steve Forbes blasted it. “It’s the equivalent of a doctor bleeding a patient… It’s going to make the patient worse. Why? Because it takes resources for people to put that money to work. This is going to cost jobs… Every job they create with means two or three fewer jobs in the private sector.”
Read moreGretchen Carlson Suggests Pres. Obama Will Use Hurricane To Delay Jobs Report
There is no depth to which Fox & Friends will not sink in its efforts to smear the president. Before the extent of Hurricane Sandy's impact was fully known, on Monday morning, Gretchen Carlson pimped yet another Fox & Friends right wing conspiracy. Forget "poll trutherism." The newest conspiracy is an iteration of the Fox advanced conspiracy which claims the Obama administration is doctoring the employment figures. According to former Miss America and Fox "friend," Gretchen Carlson, the president could use the hurricane to delay Friday's jobs report until after the election because, presumably, he doesn't want bad job numbers to affect the election. Her proof - er - nothing.
Read moreFox’s Phony Democrats Caddell And Schoen Chide Christie, Urge Romney To Attack On Benghazi
Fox’s faux Democrats, Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen, may have outdone themselves last night on the Hannity show as they didn’t just speak disdainfully of President Obama but actively urged Mitt Romney to attack him more forcefully over Fox’s favorite faux scandal, Benghazi. For good measure, they went after Governor Chris Christie for praising Obama’s response to Superstorm Sandy.
Read moreCarlson: Obama Promised To Lower The Level Of The Ocean And That Didn’t Prevent Superstorm Sandy
As they discussed the effect of Superstorm Sandy’s effect on the upcoming election yesterday, Fox News contributor Tucker Carlson argued that Sandy would hurt President Obama on many levels. First, he said that natural disasters tend to hurt more than they help candidates. Then, he added, “Typically people don’t blame the candidate for, any candidate, for the storm itself. Although one of these candidates did promise to lower the level of the ocean and obviously that didn’t work.” (H/T Eric J.)
Read moreBernard Goldberg: Reporters Wished Hurricane Sandy Had Hit Swing States So Obama Could Look More Presidential
Bernard Goldberg visited the O’Reilly Factor tonight where he said, “only half tongue in cheek” that he thought reporters wished Hurricane Sandy had hit swing states because President Obama’s disaster relief efforts would be more politically profitable.
Read moreHannity Pauses His Monster Storm Sandy Coverage To Hate Monger With Ann Coulter
If you’re Sean Hannity neither rain nor snow nor floods nor massive power outages can stop you from your goal of smearing people you disagree with. While some might see a national emergency like Monster Storm Sandy as a time to come together, Hannity saw it as just another day to hate monger against his political foes.
Read moreFox’s Ed Henry Works Benghazi Smears Into Hurricane Sandy Coverage
Fox’s “objective reporter,” Ed Henry, might just win a Fox News award for Most Creative Way To Use Benghazi Against President Obama In 2012. In a report yesterday that was supposed to be about how President Obama was handling Monster Storm Sandy, Henry began by saying, “The President took a lot of heat for how he reacted to Benghazi so they are struggling and scrambling to stay on top of this storm with rain and winds still whipping around here in Washington." UPDATED
Read moreChris Christie Goes Off Fox Script: Praises Obama, Dismisses Romney “Photo Op” Re Monster Storm Sandy
Republican Governor Chris Christie – who was recently criticized for talking more about himself than about Mitt Romney during the RNC convention’s keynote address – almost certainly did nothing to redeem himself with those critics when he appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and said President Obama is doing “a great job for New Jersey” in the wake of Monster Storm Sandy. To add insult to injury, when asked if Mitt Romney would be touring the state to assess the damage with him, Christie shot down the question by saying, “I could care less about any of that stuff.”
Read moreSteve Doocy Affirms Washed Up Game Show Host's Anti-AARP Invective
In their desperate efforts to smear President Obama, Fox & Friends frequently hosts right wing entertainers and radio hosts to push whatever right wing propaganda needs pushing. So while it's bad enough that these folks have political credibility, it's sad enough that, in their desperation, they are now resorting to interviewing the has been (actually never was) host of "The Love Connection," Chuck Woolery. But while Woolery, in his former incarnation, was benign; his new incarnation as a GOP activist is not. At the last CPAC convention he said not only gays don't deserve civil rights, but blacks don't either. Figures that as a washed up game show host, he'd get stranded on the shores of Fox News where Steve Doocy provided validation for more toxic flotsam that is Fox & Friends!
Read moreAs Hurricane Sandy Pounds U.S., Hannity Trots Out Dead SEAL’s Family To Attack Obama Over Benghazi
It was disgusting enough that Sean Hannity could not forego hate mongering against President Obama even as a good chunk of the United States was being pounded by Hurricane Sandy. But it was beyond the pale that he did so by exploiting the family of a SEAL who died at Benghazi.
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