GOP Civil War! Coulter Attacks Gingrich
Tonight was Ann Coulter’s turn to attack Newt Gingrich on The O’Reilly Factor. This time, the focus was on Gingrich’s radical plan to rein in what he called a “grotesquely dictatorial” judiciary. Like Glenn Beck the night before (pre debate), Coulter didn’t mince words in her criticism of Gingrich. She said, “He makes these wild overstatements… but he doesn’t make the right point, he makes a point that is not correct, he’s bombastic, he opens conservatives to ridicule… and he hurts a good cause.”
Read moreGOP Civil War! Beck Attacks Gingrich!
If you're not a fan of Newt Gingrich, you’re sure to enjoy this heated debate on The O'Reilly Factor last night between Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck in which Beck said Gingrich “would be an awful president." O'Reilly tried to defend Gingrich but it fell flat with Beck. Video after the jump.
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Megyn Kelly Thinks Atheists Suck?
Not only are atheists in the Praetorian Guard of the mythical "war on Christmas," but they fight a constant battle against all that is good and holy in this Tim Tebow nation. Along with secularists and those religious "fringe groups" so feared by Gretchen Carlson, those evil atheists are plunging good Christian Merka into a maelstrom of satanic political correctness which is loathed by Gretchen Carlson. As such, the Fox News war machine never wastes an opportunity to turn its sights to those nasty atheists especially those who are ruining Christmas.
Read moreWill Bill O'Reilly Call Out Rep. Allen West Over Nazi Reference?
Back in November, Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller were chatting about Hank Williams' apology for comparing President Obama to a Nazi. Bill, no stranger to Nazi references, said "it's always bad to use Nazis in analogies; you don't do it." Recently, teabagging fave, GOP Rep. Allen West said that “If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party, because they have an incredible propaganda machine." (And if ya wanna talk propaganda, can we talk about Fox "News?") But what say you Bill O'Reilly?
In Post-Debate Interview, Hannity Tries To Spin Romney’s $10,000 Bet: “How Many Times I Have Done That”
Sean Hannity went to Iowa for a special “spin room” show that followed Fox News’ Republican presidential candidates’ debate there last night. But apparently, Hannity figured that the candidates had gotten enough tough questions for the evening. “I will not ask you about Romney care,” he assured Mitt Romney during their turn together. Hannity went on to help spin Romney’s $10,000 bet moment from the previous debate by expressing surprise that it got so much attention because he, too, makes bets like that often.
Read moreOn The Record Sucks Up To Rush Limbaugh And His Hatriotism
Remember how On The Record host Greta Van Susteren was so upset when Politico asked, “Is (Rick) Perry dumb?” When Tucker Carlson merely reported on disgusting comments by Mike Tyson about Sarah Palin? So where was Van Susteren’s challenge to Rush Limbaugh when he accused President Obama of having a “chip on his shoulder” toward America? Surely, Van Susteren knows that that has a particularly racial connotation. But she didn’t even ask Limbaugh to back up such an inflammatory statement, much less object to it.
Read moreStephen Colbert Mocks Fox News’ Mix Up Of Romney And Obama
I reported previously about Fox News’ astounding mistake of using a photograph of President Obama in a graphic of Republican presidential candidates and then labeling him “Romney.” Stephen Colbert offered his hilarious take on it.
Eric Bolling Defends Jesus By Tossing Guest Off Fox Business News
One of News Hounds complaints about the Fox “News” Phony War On Christianity (not to be confused with its seasonal Phony War On Christmas) is that the station’s Good Christians only ever seem to talk to the station’s other Good Christians about the Phony War On Christianity. There is no other point of view on display. Maybe Bolling has been reading News Hounds, otherwise why would he invite Dan Barker, of the Freedom From Religion Foundation on the air to give the other side of the story? FFRF is the group protesting the placement of a manger with the baby Jesus at a county courthouse in Texas. Several Fox “News” televangelists had taken up the Texas manger previously, with Bolling even paraphrasing a phone conversation he had with Freedom From Religion spokesperson on The Five, who argued for the inclusion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster at the manger. This would have been the first time, to the best of my knowledge, that we’d actually be hearing from someone from that organization. However, if you were hoping to hear an intellectual debate, you’d be sorely disappointed. Aside from Bolling’s lack of intelligence, the minute Barker started espousing his group’s view on what Jesus represents, Bolling took great umbrage on behalf of the Son of God.
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