Neil Cavuto: Obama’s Intentions Are Looking Sinister
To finish Your World on Thursday (3/29/12), Neil Cavuto ripped President Obama for PetroChina surpassing ExxonMobil as the worlds biggest publicly traded oil producer. Not only did Neil Cavuto suggest that it’s President Obama’s fault, he further suggested Obama is a bigger enemy to our country than China.
Read moreSteve Doocy's Criteria For College Selection - Good Friday Holiday!
Fox News does seem to have a penchant for taking local issues and taking them national. Such was the case with a decision, by Stony Brook University, to no longer cancel classes on Christian and Jewish holidays. The new policy has been met with opposition by both students and faculties at the school. Not surprisingly, Fox media jumped on the issue with two segments on Fox & Friends and three articles on Fox Nation - the backstory; a Fox & Friends video; and the third, part of a Rush Limbaugh transcript in which he talks about how this is an example of why the "silent majority is about to explode." (It's interesting that Fox Nation uses an old "thin" photo of their beloved Rush). The first Fox & Friends segment (Juliette Huddy takes Fox cleavage to a whole new level) introduced the topic and included commentary from the school's vice-provost and religious right winger Jordan Sekulow. The second was Steve Doocy's interview with a student who opposes the policy. It was noteworthy in that it posed the eternal question, is Steve Doocy an idiot or does he play one on TV?
Read moreTodd Starnes Alternate Universe
As Jon Stewart said, "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished." Topping the list of right wing victims are Christians who, despite their large numbers, are, according to Fox media, being persecuted on a daily basis - especially by evil, secular Hollywood. While Fox radio culture clubber Todd Starnes doesn't go as far as Catholic League president, Bill Donohue, who says that "Hollywood is controlled by Jews," Starnes does claim, in his Fox Nation article, that "It's no secret that Hollywood DESPISES CHRISTIANS."
Read moreFox News Watch Race Baits The Trayvon Martin Story
Fox News Watch is a Fox “News” program that looks at how the media treats certain stories. Oddly enough, it rarely looks at how stories are covered on Fox, which is where NewsHounds comes in. This week Jon Scott waded into the Trayvon Martin killing and came up stupid…twice. Which only proves that Fox “News” has never met a false equivalency it didn’t like. [See: Rush Limbaugh/Bill Maher, et al]
Read moreGeraldo Rivera Apologizes In Person To Trayvon Martin’s Parents For His Hoodie Remarks
Geraldo Rivera hosted Trayvon Martin’s parents on Geraldo At Large last night. He offered his “deepest apologies” to them for his comments that blamed Trayvon Martin’s hoodie “as much” for Trayvon’s death as shooter George Zimmerman. Updated with video of complete segment.
Read moreMitt Romney Already The Nominee On Fox News Sunday
Once again, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace showed his pro-Romney bias. In a promo for today’s show, he described a debate between Republican Haley Barbour and Democrat Howard Dean as a “preview of what an Obama/Romney campaign might sound like.” But Wallace also may have hinted, most likely inadvertently, he thinks Romney will lose because in a separate interview with Rick Santorum, he suggested Santorum should give up the race now and run again in 2016.
Read moreMSNBC’s Weekend Mornings Is Like "The Five" For Adults
If the sincerest form of flattery is imitation, Fox “News” must be pleased as punch that MSNBC has taken the round table idea of The Five—still the worst show on Fox “News,” if not all of tee vee—and perfected it in two different 2-hour shows on weekend mornings, “Up With Chris Hayes” and “Melissa Harris-Perry” at 8am and 10am respectively. These shows are examples of what The Five could be if only Fox “News” didn’t start with the assumption that it is broadcasting to the lowest common denominator.
Read moreGot Hypocrisy? Bill O'Reilly Accuses Media Of Inciting Violence? Really?
On Friday night's "Factor," Bill O'Reilly lambasted media coverage of the Trayvon Martin case on those networks that he deems anathema. He discussed the issue with Mike Huckabee and in his "Talking Points." He warned that librul media coverage, which brings up the racial elements of the story (sssh, no possible race issues here, move along), could lead to violence on the part of those who want a conviction of the shooter, George Zimmerman. (O'Reilly thinks that African Americans are incapable of self-control?). O'Reilly's accusations against the librul media bring to mind the saying about pots meeting kettles given that he's accusing them of the type of journalistic irresponsibility and possible malfeasance that he made into an art form in his crusade against abortion provider Dr. George Tiller. It's ironic that O'Reilly warns about how national television coverage could, potentially, result in violence when, in the case of Dr. Tiller, the violence took the form of the murder of Dr. Tiller. But O'Reilly did win a "Courage Award" for his efforts so it's all good.
Read moreFox & Friends' Not-So-Subliminal Message To Vote Republican
During a Fox & Friends segment with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) yesterday, it’s hard to believe a single viewer missed the message that Ryan’s budget was a reason they should vote Republican. Steve Doocy all but waved a GOP campaign banner as he called Democrats the party of “big government” and added, “If you want a party that’s making some hard choices, vote Republican.”
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