Todd Starnes Refuses To Discuss GOP Diss Of American Hero Tammy Duckworth?
Todd Starnes is quite the patriotic American. I'd call him a Yankee Doodle Dandy but as he's from the South, that's probably an insult. His love for America is shown in his loathing of all those evildoers, especially the "gay agenda," that seek to undermine the USA. And while his concern for our troops isn't evinced by commentary about issues like PTSD or veterans employment, he ferrets out examples of how the secular agenda is trying to keep the troops from Jesus. But even so, wouldn't ya think that, as a patriotic American, he would be concerned about GOP Congressman Joe Walsh's attack on a real American hero; i.e. former Lt. Colonel Tammy Duckworth who left her legs in Iraq. Think again.
Read moreBrian Kilmeade Loves Right Wing Pastor Dad's "Dating Commandments"
If you're wondering what's hot (other than temperatures) in the "family values" land of God and guns, check out this Fox & Friends video in which the muy macho pastor Doug Giles talks about the "commandments" for anybody who wants to date his daughter Regis. Fox News Insider tells us that Giles ten dating commandments video is "hilarious" and is taking You Tube by storm. When the Jesus and gun loving Doug, who describes himself as a non-metrosexual redneck, was last seen on Fox & Friends he talked about how he is raising his daughters, one of whom was James O'Keefe's "ho," to - well - love Jesus and guns. He and Regis made an encore on this week's Fox & Friends where he talked about how he is protecting the 19 year old Regis' honor with these rules which, he says, are a "cudgel to ward off potential suitors." Christian patriarchy is just so funny....
Read moreHappy Birthday, America!
Here's a little birthday gift from The Boss. May you all have a safe and happy July 4th holiday - whether you're left, right or center...
Read moreOn July 4th, Fox Digs Up Old News To Question Obama’s Memoir, Dreams From My Father
Those patriotic folks at Fox News must have hit a brick wall looking for ways to use the July 4th holiday to smear President Obama. So they dredged up some old information about Obama’s memoir, Dreams from My Father, put a new coat of smears on it and called it an “objective news” report. Either that, or someone at Fox has spent the last few weeks scouring David Maraniss’ biography of Obama and finally found some petty discrepancies that are so mild Fox buried the story in a holiday news dump.
Read moreFox News Ignores GOP House Rep. Joe Walsh's Attack On Double Amputee War Veteran?
Remember back when anybody who dared to criticize Bush's Iraq war policy was deemed, by Fox News and the right, to be disrespectful of our troops? Support for the troops was and continues to be cannon for the uber patriotic GOP right and Fox News which, during the early days of the war, had a "wall of heroes" for those troops who fell in combat. So you might think that "America's Newsroom" would come to the defense of a female veteran, a Lieutenant Colonel, who lost both legs in combat and who is being attacked by a GOP congressman for talking too much about her service which, according to Rep. Joe Walsh, she is using as a "political ploy." Walsh, who never served, claims that she is not a "true hero." Where there would be, I suspect, outrage if a Democratic politician had said this - on Fox, so far, *crickets.
Read moreFox Nation Readers Smear Andy Griffith
If you thought Fox Nation readers would have enough class to put aside political differences and show some respect to the newly-deceased Andy Griffith - well, you'd be wrong. Although the post, itself, had a banner saying, "FOX NATION SALUTES," many of the readers had nothing but smears and jeers for his passing. Screen grabs after the jump.
Read moreTeam Romney Angry At Rupert Murdoch
Politico reports that Rupert Murdoch is still using Twitter to promote his advice to the Mitt Romney campaign. Although to listen to Fox News, you'd think Romney has already won the election, Murdoch seems to be getting jittery. As I've recently posted, Murdoch has been taking to Twitter to get out his advice and admonitions to the Romney campaign. Apparently, the Romney campaign doesn't appreciate it.
Read moreMark Levin Accuses Justice Roberts Of Abandoning The Constitution And “Flat-Out Tyranny”
On yesterday’s Your World, Neil Cavuto brought back Mark Levin to attack Chief Justice Roberts comment on a report that Chief Justice John Roberts switched his vote on health care reform. Cavuto deliberately opened the floodgates by asking Levin, “You haven’t cooled down yet, have you?”
Read moreEric Bolling's Validation Of Anti-Islam "Truth" (Day 2) Includes "Creeping Sharia"
Yesterday, Eric Bolling provided a full and unopposed platform for what can only be described as a full frontal attack on Islam from filmmaker, Eric Bell, once a tolerant liberal, who now embraces full tilt hatred towards Islam. Today, "devout Catholic" Bolling, who has a history of anti-Muslim rhetoric, doubled down in allowing Bell, in two segments, to continue his hateful screed which, according to the Fox messaging chyrons, is "the truth about radical Islam." Today's "truth" had, as a bonus, the patented Islamophobic "creeping Sharia" meme. But as Fox & Friends is an "opinion" show on the otherwise "fair & balanced" "news" network, I guess it's all good...Here's one of today's Bolling hate segments.
Read moreAnother Laura Ingraham Whinefest About Persecuted Christians
Jon Stewart wisely said that "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished." And on Fox "News," there ain't no victim like a Christian victim. To hear what's said, on a regular basis from various Fox hosts, American Christians are the victims of persecution not seen since the days of lions snacking on Christians in the Coliseum. The reality, however, is very different in that the radical Christians, so beloved by Fox, are trying their godly best to foist their anti-gay, anti-reproductive rights "family values" on a country of religious and non-religious diversity. Last week (June 25th) St. Laura of the great-big-in-your-face-Christian-cross Ingraham hosted a discussion about the Obama administration's alleged "attack" on Christianity. In her articulation of all the patented persecuted Christian talking points, Ingraham did not disappoint.
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