Hannity's Phony Middle East Expert Of The Day: Herman Cain
Remember how Herman Cain proved himself even more embarrassingly clueless about Libya than Sarah Palin was about the Bush doctrine? Well, either Sean Hannity and Fox News forgot or else they didn't care. Because on Wednesday night (9/26/12), Hannity trotted out Cain as an authority to discuss the attacks on the American consulate in Libya.
Read moreFox News Website's "Bias Alert" Hypocrisy?
You just can't make this stuff up. The Fox News website has a new "BIAS ALERT" feature as one of its ledes. The last one reported on the efforts by right wing extremists to call out librul media for being unfair and unbalanced. (LOL!!) The newest one targets "Mother Jones" (who is tops on the right wing shit list for providing us with the Mitt Romney thinks you're scum video) for posting a video ("taking a swipe" at) of Mitt Romney, thirty years ago, talking about investments strategies to "harvest" (ye reap what ye sow?) companies for a profit. And underneath this example of egregious bias by the evil librul media is another article about how the evil, librul media isn't showing the clip of Marxist, Socialist, Kenyan, anti-Christ Obama, in - wait for it- 1998 when he discussed - oh, no - ""a propaganda campaign against the possibility of government action and its efficacy." Eww, can't have efficacy of government action, can we? Seriously, dudes, is that all you've got?!
Scott Walker Rehab: I’m Pro-Taxpayer, Not Anti-Union
On yesterday’s Your World, Governor Scott Walker (R-WI), who worked to end collective bargaining for tens of thousands of public workers, spoke on behalf of locked-out NFL football officials.
Read moreWill the Real Dirty Campaigners Please Stand Up?
Sean Hannity has been spewing a lot of venom about the Obama campaign lately, calling it, with a perfectly straight face, one of the dirtiest in American history. On Sunday he did a whole special on the dirtiness of Obama’s campaign, including a smear profile of deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter, whom he called the “driving force behind the hateful tone that has been spewing from Team Obama and its surrogates.” He was back on the same theme last night along with Michelle Malkin who raised the tone of the Romney campaign no end by calling Cutter a “shameless lying liar.”
Read moreGreg Gutfeld Blames "Untrustworthy" Mainstream Media For Romney's Poll Numbers
While Mitt Romney says that he's not worried about liberal bias in the media, it appears that his Fox News surrogates have their GOP panties in a crotch crushing bunch over the latest polls which show President Obama with an increasing lead in the polls. Like their fellow travelers in the right wing media world, they are claiming that the polls are skewed because of political bias and bad sampling. For Fox, this newest right wing conspiracy theory also dovetails nicely with the meme of the evil, librul media because many of the polls are being done, according to Romney's Fox surrogates, by media outlets who are, as stated by Steve Doocy, "in the tank for Obama." Yesterday, on "The Five," a show noted for it's fairness and balance," (just kidding), esteemed political pundit Greg Gutfeld (just kidding) lashed out at the evil, librul media while praising Fox for it's awesomeness. (Not kidding!). While for Fox News, the George Costanza axiom of "it's not a lie if you believe it," obtains, they also seem to believe that if you don't believe it, it's a lie. As the saying goes "Denial ain't just a river inEgypt!"
Read moreFox Nation Says Kids "Starving" Because Of Michelle Obama
Fox Nation is so desperate to smear President Obama and his wife that they've posted a misleading, if not downright erroneous, headline about how American kids are "starving" because of school menus that have been revamped in order to ensure proper nutrition and cut down on childhood obesity. But in the nation of Fox, freedom's just another word for kids being able to stuff as much crap down their gullets as possible which results in an obesity rate of 17% among American youth. And who cares about rising health care costs due to things like diabetes and heart problems among our youth who are entitled to their fatty food. And while the opponents of good nutrition are, one suspects, those who worship the flag and our military, our military leaders want less junk food in the schools because the military, for obvious reasons, isn't interested in recruiting fat, unhealthy young adults. (You won't see that on Fox Nation). But Fox Nation says that Michelle Obama's advocacy for good nutrition is "starving"America's kids and Fox Nation is "fair & balanced," so it must be true. Ya think?
Read moreDennis Miller Smears Dick Morris: His Latest Book Is Called Dubs Humps A Chopper
I don’t care for either person but Dennis Miller’s mean-spirited joke about Dick Morris’ polling conspiracy theory was almost enough to make me like Morris.
Read moreSpecial Report Whitewashes Romney's Regressive Tax
On Monday's Special Report (9/24/12), one topic was an Obama campaign ad alleging that Mitt Romney will raise taxes on the middle class by more than $2,000. Charles Krauthammer did his best to argue that that won't happen.
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O’Reilly Issues Ambush Orders On Voting Judge – After Spinning ACLU Voting Lawsuit
Despite Bill O’Reilly’s claim to host a “No Spin Zone,” spinning was pretty much all that was evident in his coverage of an ACLU lawsuit to stop Michigan’s Secretary of State from requiring voters to check a box saying they are U.S. citizens. In his zeal to promote his anti-ACLU, pro box-checking view, O’Reilly left out some important information about the case. But there was plenty of time to accuse - without any evidence - the ACLU of deliberately rigging the election with non-citizen voters in order to get Democrats elected. And then he announced that if the judge doesn’t rule the way he thinks she should, he’ll “put the judge’s face on the screen” and ambush her. Classy.
Read moreSteve Doocy Whines About Mainstream Media Pro-Obama Bias!
While we don't know for sure (!?) if Steve Doocy is really an idiot or whether he plays one on TV, it is apparent that as Roger Ailes' "attack poodle" he's willing to push whatever right wing memes that Roger Ailes' wants Fox & Friends to "inject into the media bloodstream." One of the top memes, in Fox/right wing world is that the librul media supports President Obama. So it was no surprise that during Monday's interview with the very unpopular (cept on Fox) Wendy Long, who is the GOP candidate running against Kirsten Gillebrand for US Senate, Steve Doocy supported this meme and in so doing showed the amazing cognitive dissonance of those on Fox News. He declared that "It's clear the mainstream media, they're in the tank for the president of the United States. They want him to get another four years." Oh, the irony!
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