Rush Says Nuns Are Feminazis - Where Is Fox News' Outrage?!
Fox talkers have frequently expressed outrage over Nazi references made by those on the other side of the ideological aisle. Bill O'Reilly said that "it's bad." Fox talkers have also expressed outrage over Bill Maher's (Identified as "Pig Maher" on Fox Nation) snide remarks about conservative women and Christians. Yet, Fox's beloved Rush Limbaugh says that the American nuns, who are pushing back against a Vatican reprimand regarding their lack of enthusiasm for the bishop's crusade against gay marriage and abortion, "have gone feminazi on everybody." Really?
Read moreGreg Gutfeld's Newest Abortion Joke Isn't Very Funny
Greg Gutfeld's rise to fame seems to be his comedic stylings. But what kind of joker would make jokes about abortion except to, perhaps, promote the anti-choice meme that those who have abortions are worthy of shame and scorn - a meme that Gutfeld has expressed, on several occasions, on Fox. Gutfeld, a "pro-life" Catholic, once said that teenagers who have abortions are "morally inept." He also made the bizarre comment that women who support abortions are supporting the right to abort their grandchildren. Last week Gutfeld doubled down on his criticism of abortion with what he described as a "joke" but what was, in effect, just more bizarre, pointless, pro-life propaganda from the bizarre and pointless Gufeld.
Read moreCarlson Walks Off Fox & Friends Over Kilmeade's Sexist Joke
Apparently, Brian Kilmeade's little joke, "“Women are everywhere. We’re letting them play golf and tennis now. It’s out of control," didn't sit well with Gretchen Carlson. She got up, told Kilmeade he could read the headlines, and walked off the set.
Read moreMore Stuff About Cardinal Dolan Not Discussed On Fox News
NY's Cardinal Dolan gets lots of face time on Fox News - a "fair & balanced" media outlet which has provided Dolan with extensive coverage that appeared to validate his animosity towards President Obama regarding the HHS contraception mandate and the ensuing lawsuits filed by Catholic entities against the administration. However, as I reported, Fox seems to be avoiding any discussion of Dolan's payouts to pedophile priests when he was archbishop of Milwaukee. And now that NY legislators are trying to relax laws governing statutes of limitations on sex abuse crimes, Fox's favorite prelate, Cardinal Dolan is lobbying against changes in the law.
Read moreMalkin Smears Juan Williams’ Professionalism
Michelle Malkin was especially hateful and unprofessional last night in her debate with Juan Williams - her Fox News colleague. Although the discussion was supposed to be about the leak of national security secrets and Eric Holder, Malkin seemed more interested in maligning Williams – mocking him for saying he’s a “real reporter” as opposed to a blogger (which she took personally), making faces and in a special irony, going on to complain about “snotty condescension” from journalists like him. Apparently, our little hatriot can’t take what she makes a living at dishing out. Again.
Read moreThe Eric Holder Witch Hunt Is An Opening Act For The 2012 Election
It’s been almost two years since I wrote about Fox News’ witch hunt against Eric Holder. In 2010, the witch hunt was focused on a bogus accusation that he had refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation because they were black. I said at the time that he was being set up as a voter-fraud boogeyman – meaning that if a midterm election or elections results were close and the Republicans saw political hay to be made out of yelling “voter fraud!” or “voter intimidation!” they would have trotted out Holder as Exhibit A to racially fear monger their case. There are even more reasons to think that while Republicans – and Fox – howl about document releases in the Fast and Furious scandal and special prosecutors for national security leaks, they’ve got at least one eye on using Holder to help them yell “voter fraud!” this November, too. UPDATED.
Read moreDoocy Cheers On Republican Calls For Eric Holder's Resignation
An example of Fox working hand-in-hand with Republicans was in full view this morning as Steve Doocy cheerleaded Republican Senator John Cornyn's grandstanding-for-the-cameras call for Attorney General Eric Holder's resignation. Just moments after co-host Brian Kilmeade said that Cornyn's was one of "more calls" for Holder to resign, Doocy said Cornyn's words "took a lot of courage." Why? Because Cornyn knew he'd get mega facetime on Fox and have his comments replayed over and over on millions of television screens?
Read moreTodd Starnes Asks If "Your Teenage Daughter Dresses Like A Slut"
Based on his obsession with the "gay agenda," which includes noticing male thongs and leather chaps at a local gay pride parade that Fox radio's Todd Starnes just happened to be attending, it would seem that good Christian, bible believing Starnes has some issues surrounding sex and sexuality. But it's just not gay "couture" that he's concerned about. He's also upset about the attire of NY City's prestigious Stuyvesant High School's female students who, he says, are dressing like "sluts,""harlots," and "hussies." Forget thongs and chaps. Starnes informed his listeners (and readers of his blog) that because these nasty girls were "exposing their bras and panties," the school has instituted a dress code. Starnes, a bachelor, advised parents not to let their daughters dress like "skanks." I'd page Dr. Ablow but he might think that Todd is just fine! (Note, Jessica Valenti, at "The Nation," has an interesting and far more rational take on this issue.)
Steve Doocy Says It's OK For Christians To Discriminate Against Gays?
Let's make a believe that Steve Doocy walks into a Muslim owned drycleaner and the owners say that their religion prohibits them from cleaning his clothes because he is a Catholic. Do ya think that he would meekly accept that and just walk away? One suspects that Fox News and Fox Nation would be all over the story like flies on the metaphorical fecal matter that is a by product of a certain "fair & balanced" network. But now that a New Mexicocourt has ruled that a photographer, who refused to provide services for a same sex "commitment ceremony," based on her Christian religion, was guilty of discrimination based on state non-discrimination statutes. The right wing is whining about violation of religious freedom and Fox Radio's resident homophobe, Todd Starnes, claims that the court says that "gay rights trump religious rights." So are we surprised that Steve Doocy, who thinks discrimination is bad, is part of the Christian amen chorus who believe that discrimination against gays is just what the bible ordered.
Read moreO’Reilly Consults Glenn Beck For Insights Into Obama’s Outreach to African Americans
Don’t tell me Bill O’Reilly doesn’t know Glenn Beck’s history of making racial attacks on President Obama. So there was simply no excuse for the show to trot out Beck to “weigh in,” as put it, as to whether “Obama’s African American voter ad (is) offensive” without noting that history. But that’s exactly what happened on The O’Reilly Factor last night.
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