Brian Kilmeade Continues Myth That GOP Press Event Was Student "Rally"
As I reported yesterday, Fox & Friends seems to have taken up the cause of the church of the perpetually outraged right wingers whose newest source of agita is the removal of Lee Greenwood's right wing hymn and national anthem, "God Bless the USA" (Also known as "Proud to be an American."), from a kindergarten graduation ceremony. Thanks to Fox and numerous right wing websites, the African American school principal, who made this decision, has been the subject of racist taunts that seem to echo the sentiments of Fox Nation *comments on this topic. Yesterday, Fox & Friends did a segment on what they described as an organized protest, by the school's students, during which they sang Greenwood's song. No mention was made of the fact that it was a press event that was organized by the GOP candidate for the US Senate, Bob Turner. This morning, Brian Kilmeade, in showing video of a heckler at the event, continued the mythology of a student led rally.
Read moreSarah Palin Plays A Constitutional Expert On Fox News
Sarah Palin is the acknowledged poster-child for what Romney should avoid in picking a Vice President. But she’ll say almost anything to attack President Obama so what’s not to like if you’re Sean Hannity? Nothing, apparently. With a straight face, the Hannity show trotted out Palin to offer her insights into the legalities of President Obama's change in immigration policy. Predictably, Palin didn't let a little thing like a lack of a law degree or expertise in immigration hold her back. Maybe she can see the U.S. borders and the Constitution from her backyard.
Read moreFast And Furious - Open Thread And Live Blog
Predictably, Fox News is agog with excitement and anticipation over the latest developments in their Eric Holder witch hunt the Fast and Furious scandal. There's the assertion of Executive Privilege by the White house and a potential contempt citation for Holder. I'll be following the news and posting developments as I can. Please help by adding your own.
Read moreRubio: Do As I Say, Not As I’d Do On Immigration
Marco Rubio tried to walk a fine line yesterday of both attacking President Obama for having changed immigration policy to avoid deporting undocumented children and at the same time advocating the same goal. The result was an argument that amounted to, “I’d come here illegally, too, but that doesn’t mean anything should be legalized."
Read moreBill O’Reilly Analyzes Obama’s G-20 Press Conference: The Most Boring Press Conference I’ve Ever Seen
Bill O’Reilly kept it classy and substantive tonight as he discussed President Obama’s press conference that wound up tonight. O’Reilly’s major takeaway? It was “the most boring press conference I’ve ever seen.” Then O’Reilly went on a tear against Obama for not making sense and not being blunter about how things went between him and Putin.
Read moreFox Nation's Latest Fear Mongering Over Voter Fraud
Voter fraud is extremely rare but that's no reason for Fox News not to keep hyping it. Today, on Fox Nation, instead of the specter of dead voters, we have the specter of dead dogs as voters. Or, as Fox Nation put it in its blaring headline: Dead Dog Receives Voter Registration Forms. (H/T reader Chris)
Read moreBernard Goldberg Really Needs To Pay More Attention To Fox News If He Thinks There’s No Racism In Obama Criticism
Bernard Goldberg appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last night where he attacked the left for accusing the right of racial attacks on President Obama. Bill O’Reilly called it “unseemly” and “cheap” and Goldberg dismissed the accusation out-of-hand as some kind of white guilt. Yet somehow neither of them managed to consider the very racialized context that the right has used to make criticisms of President Obama. And Fox News is Exhibit A in that proof.
Read moreFox & Friends Turns GOP Press Event Into Student Rally In Support Of "God Bless The USA"
The "fair & balanced" Fox News media is doing all in its power to keep hate alive in its ongoing attacks on the NY City elementary school principal who dared to remove red state America's hymn, "God Bless the USA" from a graduation ceremony. And while the Fox Nation race baiting was bad enough, Fox TV has doubled down in their zeal to promote this "nationwide controversy" (thank you Fox News) by creating a false reality. This morning, Fox & Friends showed what they claimed was an rally of students who support the singing of Lee Greenwood's patriotic schlock that has become a second National Anthem for red stateAmerica. Thing is that it wasn't an organized student protest. It was a press event engineered by GOP Congressional Rep. Bob Turner who is running against incumbent Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. The kids were a prop for a publicity stunt. As a famous, fictional New Yorker once said, "It's not a lie if you believe it."
Read moreBill O’Reilly Now Slamming President Obama’s Immigration Changes
What a difference a weekend makes! On Friday, Bill O’Reilly applauded President Obama’s change in immigration policy as politically brilliant. Last night, O’Reilly was full of smears and jeers designed to make Obama look like some lawless dictator, including, “(Obama) says he doesn’t like” the current immigration law, “so he, Julius Caesar, is going to say, ‘No,’ you don’t have to enforce it.”
Read moreMore Disgusting Racism On Fox Nation Directed Towards NY School Principal
The removal of Lee Greenwood's right wing national anthem, "Proud to be an American," from a school graduation program is essentially a local NY City issue. But in what appears to be a shameless attempt at race baiting, Fox News has taken quite the interest in taking this issue national. Bill O'Reilly has threatened to send his producer/stalker, Jesse T Watters, to harass the school principal responsible for this latest, bogus right wing outrage. Fox & Friends has reported on story. And Fox Nation, the website for "those opposed to intolerance," ran a straight up race baiting thread, complete with photo of African-American school principal Greta Hawkins, asking if she "hates America." And now they have another thread which is full of the vile racist comments that the "proud to be American" Fox Nation denizens are noted for.
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