Fox Nation Says Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee "Defends Genderside" - Racist Comments Follow
"Genderside" is defined "the systematic killing of members of a specific sex." Since having been used as the title for a video, "Genderside: Sex Selection in America," produced by the radical anti-choice "sting" videographer, Lila Rose, it has become quite the favorite buzz word in the right wing, anti-choice community who now embrace the Rose abetted myth that "genderside" is a problem in this country. The anti-choice zealots in the US House (and they are legion) have embraced this myth and have introduced a bill (PRENDA) to ban sex selection abortions. Democratic women have spoken out against this measure which would appear to "foster discrimination" in requiring doctors to racially profile their patients who are from certain ethnic communities. The radical anti-abortion rights nature of Fox News,couldn't be more apparent in its vile headline: "Sheila Jackson Lee Defends Genderside."
Update: PRENDA FAILS. In voting against the bill, seven Republicans, according to Fox Nation, "defended genderside." Twenty Democrats, all male, voted for it. So I guess Bill O'Reilly's Fatwa will extend to members of the GOP.
Read moreJuliet Huddy Suggests Pakistani Nationals Should Be Racially Profiled
Bill O’Reilly’s “Watters World” segment last night encapsulated perfectly much of what’s wrong with Fox News. Instead of doing any real investigating or even explaining to viewers why Pakistan has arrested and convicted the doctor who helped the U.S. kill Osama Bin Laden, O’Reilly sent producer Jesse Watters to interview a number of ambush interviews with Pakistanis. Then, after a number of them supported the arrest, Juliet Huddy came on to fan the flames of ignorant hatred by suggesting that they should be racially profiled as terrorists.
Read moreNo Comment From Fox & Friends About Its Disgraced Anti-Obama Video
Although Fox & Friends received widespread criticism for airing a four-minute, blatantly anti-Obama video that was more Romney-campaign material than anything close to news, and although Fox suits pulled the video from its website and disavowed the video by blaming the associate producer, there was no word of apology or explanation regarding the controversy from the curvy couch this morning.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Issues Fatwa Against House Reps Who Vote Against PRENDA?
When Bill O'Reilly, a high ranking "mullah" of the American Taliban radical, "pro-life, Christian right, declares somebody or something anathema, people listen. And sometimes they react. When he urged his fans to contact a cartoonist who published unflattering images of Bill, his followers sent e-mail death threats. When he smeared Boulder Colorado High School about a lecture that he felt was contrary to his "traditionalist" beliefs, school personnel got death threats. After Bill distorted a paper, written by a University of Washington professor, she got death threats. O'Reilly's constant attacks against Dr. George Tiller helped to create a climate of hate in which an abortion provider was murdered. And that's why one of Bill's comments, during last night's "Talking Points Memo" was very troubling.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Hearts Lila Rose's Crusade Against Planned Parenthood
Not content to rest on his laurels for his role in creating a climate of hatred in which abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was murdered, Bill O'Reilly has taken up the cross and media sword to promote the latest "sting videos" done by radical, anti-abortion rights activist Lila Rose. Ms. Rose's latest video seeks to advance the bogus, "pro-life" lie that sex selection abortion is rampant in the US. Not coincidentally, the new teabagging US House, which was sent to Washington to enforce fiscal responsibility and government accountability, will be voting on a bill to ban sex selection abortions. Rose's video is yet another bogus attempt to "prove" that Planned Parenthood is engaging in illegal activities and should be shut down. But it has been endorsed by her fan Bill O'Reilly who seems to be the national, media mouthpiece for the radical anti-choice group that seeks to deny health care to millions of low income women. Bill's interview with Lila, earlier this week, was a platform for Bill and Lila to advance the "pro-life"agitprop. Last night, Bill continued the propaganda and in so doing, continued to validate Lila's lies. He's already received praise from the pro-life crazies. Maybe he's hoping for another "Courage Award."
Read moreHannity "Really Happy" With Donald Trump
While many conservatives are running away from Donald Trump and his resurgent birtherism, Sean Hannity is embracing it and all but calling for more.
Read moreBill Hemmer Does His Part To Help Boost Romney’s Likeability
On the same day that Fox & Friends unveiled its 4-minute anti-Obama attack ad in the guise of a review of President Obama’s last four years, Fox’s America’s Newsroom played Part 1 of co-host Bill Hemmer’s softball interview called Getting to know the Romneys which just so happened to (uncritically) address the very issues that Romney needs help with: his likeability factor. Co-host Martha MacCallum even acknowledged that during her brief chat with Hemmer after the interview.
Read moreFox & Friends Creates Anti-Obama Ad And Presents It As News
Following on the heels of Sean Hannity's "teasers" that are indistinguishable from an anti-Obama campaign ad, Fox & Friends has now produced and aired a nearly four-minute video called Four years of 'Hope and Change' that takes a not-so-fair-and-balanced look at the first term of the Obama administration. UPDATED with disavowal from Fox's Executive Vice President of Programming.
Read moreJon Stewart Destroys Roger Ailes' Attack On Him As A Socialist
Recently, Roger Ailes said in a speech that that Jon Stewart had privately admitted to being a socialist. Well, folks, Stewart did not take that lying down! He not only skewered Ailes, he lambasted Fox's attacks on socialism head on.
Read moreJim Angle Doubles Down On Promoting Catholic Opposition To HHS Mandate
The newest right wing, Fox abetted whine focuses on how the evil, librul media is ignoring the Catholic lawsuits filed against the evil, librul, Obama administration. But these folks shouldn't fret too much because Fox News has their back. Along with Fox "opinion," the alleged "fair & balanced" Fox "news" has taken up the cause of conservative Catholics, chief among them Fox superstar, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who believes that the HHS contraception mandate is a violation of religious freedom. (Women's rights, meh!) At the beginning of a week that witnessed Fox News' Bill Hemmer's three day Cardinal Dolan lovefest, Fox News' Bret Baier presented a report that paid homage to the talking points of the Catholic bishops. And on Friday, Baier finished up his Catholic suck-up-palooza with the second "news" piece that was straight out of Fox propaganda central casting. While the Friday report was similar to Monday's, it included the aforementioned meme about the unwillingness of the mainstream media to cover this Catholic "outrage" which, for Fox and it's right wing anti-Obama Catholic political (but strictly chaste) bed fellows, makes the Christians and lions thing look benign by comparison.
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