Brit Hume Gushes About Paul Ryan
Yesterday, on America Live, Brit Hume spoke with Megyn Kelly to promote his exclusive interview with Paul Ryan on Special Report tonight. But first, she played a bit of a new ad that she “called the big story of the day” that “goes after the Obama team on the issue of Medicare.”
Read moreOn The Record Report On Paul Ryan Looks Like A Campaign Ad
Remember when Fox & Friends created a video that looked more like an anti-Obama campaign ad than news? Now comes On The Record’s “report” on Paul Ryan in Wisconsin – full of stirring music and roaring crowds – that looks more like a “Ryan for (Vice) President” commercial than a news report.
Read moreBob Beckel Drops The F-Bomb Again
Poor Bob Beckel. He's long been the metaphorical Fox News punching bag, especially on The Five, but when co-host Eric Bolling literally hit him in the arm, he didn't like it. He said, "You know, you do that one more time, you’re fucking (sounded like he was going to say 'toast')." You can hear the hosts gasp in the video. Bolling apologized.
Read moreMorris’ Latest Electoral Analysis Too Wacky For Hannity
Dick Morris appeared on Hannity last night and predicted that Mitt Romney is doing far better than the polls show and will win many of the swing states currently rated as up for grabs. It’s hard to be too pro-Republican for Sean Hannity but even he could not buy Morris’ crackpot analysis.
Read moreFox & Friends Fact: Faith & Worship "Under Fire"
If, as Jon Stewart says, "conservative victimization" is the true genius of Fox News, Fox & Friend's perpetual parade of persecuted Christians makes it MENSA material. Whenever a Christian cross, on public property, is under fire, Fox & Friends has its back. Such was the case during last week's segment about a cross topped war memorial which is the target of a complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. At one point in the discussion, Foxblonde, Anna Kooiman provided reinforcement of the persecuted Christian meme with the Fox message for the day: "Clearly, the right to have a faith and to believe and practice and worship is under fire at the moment." Really?
Read moreA Compendium Of Bill O'Reilly's "Lies, Distortions, & Right Wing Buffoonery"
Bill O'Reilly recently interviewed Professor of Politics at Occidental College, Peter Dreier, in order to discuss his charge that O'Reilly traffics in "right wing buffoonery." O'Reilly denied Dreier's previous charge that he had unfairly criticized Social Security and accused Dreier of not backing up his claim, making him look "intellectually deficient," and - wait for it - "perpetuating propaganda." When you've finished ROFLMAOing, check out Dreier's list, on Huffington Post, of some of Bill's "lies, distortions, and right wing buffoonery" which includes Bill's criticism of Social Security as something "close" to a Ponzi scheme. You might want to make of a copy of this for those family, holiday (ewww, my bad) dinners when your bombastic, right wing relative starts bloviating about the lies and distortions being promulgated by the buffoonish Bill!
Read moreRupert Murdoch Calls Ryan An 'Almost Perfect Choice'
Although Rupert Murdoch still hasn't cleaned up his mess in England, he keeps sticking his nose (and money, I'm sure) into U.S. politics. After a series of tweets giving advice and admonitions to Mitt Romney, promoting an anti-Obama book, and advocating for stricter gun laws, Murdoch has gratuitously weighed in on Romney's "almost perfect choice" of Paul Ryan for vice president.
Read moreO’Reilly Vs. Sister Simone Campbell On Helping The Poor
Three cheers for Sister Simone Campbell, who appeared on The O’Reilly Factor tonight, and went toe to toe with Bill O’Reilly over helping the poor. O’Reilly tried to argue that because poverty has increased, that’s proof that social welfare programs haven’t worked. Sister Simone wasn’t buying it. She told O'Reilly in no uncertain terms that the problem is stagnant wages.
Read moreHannity Develops A Severe Case Of Amnesia About His Right-Wing, Racist Smears Against Obama – And Democrat Lanny Davis Helps Him Forget
Sean Hannity must have developed a severe case of amnesia because he insisted to Democrat Lanny Davis two nights ago, “I don’t remember anybody on the right calling President Obama a murderer, a criminal, a tax cheat, a felon or a racist.” Later, Hannity decried the race card, saying, it “doesn’t really get lower than that, does it, Lanny?” Not only have people on the right done exactly that, many of those accusations and tactics have been used right on Hannity and elsewhere on Fox News. Sadly, Davis seemed more interested in sucking up to conservatives than he was in advocating for his own side.
Read moreFox Nation Spews Venom at Olympic Athlete who Carried US and Mexican Flags, and at the Country of His Birth
There’s nothing like the Olympics to bring out the jingoism and racism in some people - like some people who post at the Fox Nation. Its readers have gotten quite exercised over a post about Leo Manzano, the Mexican-born silver medallist in the 1500 metres, who competed for the US but displayed both the Mexican and American flags during his post-race lap. The Nation's post was based on a disapproving commentary by Ruben Navarette on “Sooner or later,” Navarette lectured Manzano, “you have to choose which country you're going to represent. And you did. You made that choice, when you put on the jersey for Team USA. …This country took you in during your hour of need. Now in your moment of glory, which country deserves your respect -- the one that offered nothing to your parents and forced them to leave or the one that took you all in and gave you the opportunity to live out your dreams?”
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