Fox News Sunday Highlights Daily Show Segment Mocking Obama Convention Speech
If you’ve been following The Daily Show’s coverage of the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention, you know that the comedy show did plenty of mocking of the Republicans as well as the Democrats. But Chris Wallace chose one segment – and only part of that one segment – to highlight yesterday on Fox News Sunday. Guess who got mocked?
Read moreMike Huckabee & Phyllis Schlafly Lie About Obama's "War On Religion"
Mike Huckabee is one of those professional Christians who, if he doesn't already, should have the 10 Commandments tattooed on his ass. As one of Jesus' BFF's he reveres these biblical admonitions which he thinks are "the foundation of our law." But he obviously has forgotten or just doesn't give a crap about the commandment that prohibits lying because that's just what Mike Huckabee did, last week, during an interview with "family values" proponent, feminist hating and marital rape supporting Phyllis Schlafly. Huckabee and Schlafly must have made Jesus weep when, in promoting their deceitful and hateful screed against Obama, they advanced the lie, popular in the radical right community, that whenever President Obama quotes from the Declaration of Independence, he omits the word "creator." Oh, right, I forgot. On Fox News, Jesus hates Obama, too!
Read moreFox News Regular: Democratic Convention Was ‘So Mean Spirited, So Anti-American’
On Saturday’s Cavuto on Business, the topic was the size of government. Regular panelist Charles Payne, not surprisingly, unloaded on the Democrats. He described the election as being between “big business” and “big welfare.” By “big welfare,” he meant “big government.” Payne went on to say, “Big welfare is destructive. It stops innovation, that’s all big government is, by the way.” Later, he added, “I thought the Democratic convention was so mean spirited, so anti-American, that it’s hard for me to believe this country is tilting in that direction."
Read moreHannity’s Phony DNC ‘Exposé’ Didn’t Include A Single Reporter
Sean Hannity hosted one of his hour-long specials Friday night (9/7/12) that – as usual – was little more than another excuse to bash Democrats. This time, Hannity purported to “expose” the “DNC lies and distortions" at the just-ended Democratic convention. But he undercut his own effort by not spending even one minute on independent fact-checking with a single Fox News “objective” reporter.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Misinforms (Or Lies?) About Abortion Restrictions
Bill O'Reilly has a problem with abortion. He has even more of a problem with women who support a woman's right to an abortion such as Sandra Fluke and Caroline Kennedy who "stunned" Bill O'Reilly when, during her speech at the Democratic National Convention, she invoked her religion whilst defending reproductive rights. O'Reilly doesn't think that women should be complaining about the unprecedented laws and policies that make abortion more cumbersome because, according to the uterus free O'Reilly, the right to an abortion remains intact - so abortion restrictions - meh! During his recent rant about Caroline Kennedy's speech, he said this: "And the restrictions aren't you can't have one. It's wait a couple of days and think it over." Really? Just a waiting period? Bill is either sadly misinformed or he is a liar because the restrictions go much farther.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Attacks Caroline Kennedy & Says Democratic Party "Evil"
Despite its "fair & balanced" slogan, Fox News does seem to be the media mouthpiece for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Not only did they provide support for the bishops' opposition to the HHS birth control mandate; but the conservative Catholics in Fox's large stable of conservative Catholics promoted the zombie lie that the mandate allows coverage for abortion drugs. So it wasn't surprising to see that this morning's Fox & Friends covered the latest outrage making the rounds of conservative Catholic websites; i.e. Caroline Kennedy's Democratic Convention statement that, as a Catholic, she supports women's reproductive rights - a position about which Fox's own Catholic grand inquisitor and paragon of Catholic family values, Bill O'Reilly, is "stunned." And just to make sure that the Fox audience is also appalled, Fox priest Fr. Jonathan Morris' sweet Sunday Fox & Friends sermon included a not so thinly veiled attack on Ms. Kennedy along with a reminder about why Catholics shouldn't vote for those "evil" Democrats. On Fox News, Father knows best!!!!
Read moreJon Stewart Examines Fox News' Convention Coverage
And the laughs are on Fox! (h/t Connie M.)
Read moreShannon Bream And America Live Help Promote And Add On To Obama/Gallup Poll Conspiracy Theory
In case you missed it during all the convention coverage, The Daily Caller has a new conspiracy theory: that a DOJ lawsuit against The Gallup Organization is an attempt to intimidate the pollsters. The so-called evidence? Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod has been critical of their polling methods. How baseless is this? So baseless that conservative Ed Morrissey called it “not terribly rational.” Yet Fox News' Shannon Bream allowed her Republican guest not only to validate the theory – without any further evidence – but to throw out inflammatory accusations that the whole thing is the Obama administration’s attempt to squelch the First Amendment. (h/t Aria)
Read moreStephen Colbert Mocks Fox News' Democratic Convention Coverage
There was so much noise and enthusiasm, "The Fox News people could barely hear themselves saying it sucked!"
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