Is Oliver North A Plagiarist?
Oliver North's Memorial Day post for Fox News Insider wasn't quite what it purported to be - the words of his "dear friend," Army Veteran and Medal of Honor recipient, Sammy L. Davis explaining the personal significance for veterans to observe the holiday in Washington D.C. Instead, Davis' reflections really came from author and NYU journalism professor Michael Norman's 1990 memoir.
Read moreFox Priest Fr. Jonathan Morris Promotes Prayer In Public School
The religious right is still simmering over two major SCOTUS decisions that established the prohibition of prayer in public school. So it's not surprising that Fox "News." as the mouthpiece for the religious right, would promote the importance of getting prayer back into the TAXPAYER funded schools. What's interesting is that they are using their only official resident clergyman, a right wing Catholic priest, to promote the message about getting prayer back in public school. Who cares about that silly First Amendment, anyway!
Read moreHannity Wishes Romney Were More Like Scott Walker
Although Sean Hannity would probably never come right out and say it directly, his hint that Mitt Romney should be more like Scott Walker was unmistakable last night.
Read moreTodd Starnes Outrage of the Week: Conservative Film Producer Snubbed by Montana High School
Todd Starnes, Fox News’ resident culture warrior, has joined the outrage chorus over the latest conservative martyr: Gerald Molen, a Marine veteran and Academy Award winning film producer who says he was barred from speaking to a U.S. government class at a Montana high school because he was “a right-wing conservative.”
Read moreCavuto: Cut Pension Plans Because “People Can’t Have Chateaubriand Every Night”
On the same day that Neil Cavuto went into a snit over the thought of a $10 an hour minimum wage, he completely lost it over the suggestion that all workers should have a pension. While Cavuto is undoubtedly set for a very cushy retirement, making sure that others are secure in theirs is, to him, akin to asking for “chateaubriand every night.” Meanwhile, he shot down two alternative suggestions for cuts – charging oil companies for drilling on public lands and/or holding off on $300 million dollars to build a new baseball stadium – without even considering them.
Read moreCavuto In A Snit Over Thought Of Minimum Wage Hike
On yesterday’s Your World, Neil Cavuto and Democratic strategist Malia Lazu debated a plan by House Democrats to raise the minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10/hr. Just the thought of it put Cavuto in a snit by the end of the discussion.
Read more"The Five" Joins Other Fox Shows In Fox Jihad Against Planned Parenthood
The "fair & balanced" Fox News network loves bogus "wedge issues" as they provide a handy, dandy way to further divide an already divided country while promoting right wing memes, particularly those related to the culture war. Fox's patented phony "War on Christmas" is the winner and still champion of those things that Fox uses to put the Fox viewers on the side of the angels while those on the other are on the road to perdition. But running close second behind this is the Fox war on Planned Parenthood. Last year, during the run-up to the failed House vote on defunding PP, Fox hosted a fun filled week of Fox "opinion" aimed at defaming an organization that provides health care to millions of low income women. Last week, we were treated to credulous coverage of Lila Rose's bogus sting videos meant to influence public opinion before a House vote on mythical sex selection abortion. And this week, Fox viewers were given more propaganda about another "bogus" PP"outrage" which has become another battle in the anti-choice real war on women for which the "fair & balanced" Fox News supplies only the best of munitions.
Read moreChris Rock Comment About Obama Sparks a Fox Nation Hate-a-Thon
Yesterday Fox Nation posted for their readers’ edification a clip from the "Today Show" in which Ann Curry asked comedian Chris Rock (aka Marty the Zebra on soon-to-be-released Madagascar 3), what animal he could be if he could choose. Rock replied he'd stick with Marty, joking that it was "in honor of our zebra president, black and white, white and black." Rock added "I love our president, you know, but he's black and white, he appeals to all…That's what I'm going for….We ignore the President’s whiteness, but it’s there, it’s there.”
Read moreHannity: There Must Be A (Black) Radical In Obama Somewhere!
Sean Hannity is still obsessively intent on painting President Obama as a secret (black) radical who has somehow hidden his real self thanks to a lapdog media. As I wrote in a previous post, it's very telling that this big Fox News star has been unable to persuade his own news network - the only one not "in the tank" for Obama - to assign a single reporter to the task of unearthing these radical connections once and for all. So last night, Hannity trotted out yet another Breitbart-esque figure, in this case National Review author Stanley Kurtz, to offer up some shred of long-irrelevant Obama history and call it proof that he's an anti-American radical. And Fox News, of course, continues to sanction this smoke and mirrors hate mongering.
Read moreDr. Laura Berman Pwns Laura Ingraham Over Planned Parenthood In LA School
I thought Dr. Laura Berman did a terrific job. She knocked down each and every one of Laura Ingraham's attempts to smear the Los Angeles school district for having a Planned Parenthood clinic in a public high school. Berman pointed out that what Planned Parenthood is doing is entirely needed and legal. And Ingraham didn't really have any argument other than to try to fox (pun intended) Berman into admitting contraception is not as effective as abstinence (she didn't) and to make smarmy suggestions about Planned Parenthood.
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