Palin’s Post-Debate Conspiracy Theory: Obama Will ‘Pull Something’ If Romney Continues Gaining
Sarah Palin sees something else besides Russia from Alaska: a new conspiracy theory about President Obama. And, of course, Sean Hannity ate it up without question.
Read moreFox Cheerleads Romney's Odds Of Winning - Now Up To 34% After Debate is trumpeting on its home page an article on called, Romney's Odds of Winning Edge Higher. True enough. But Romney's edge only increased from dismal to poor. If you read the actual article, the first two sentences are, "GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney's Intrade odds of winning rose to 34%, 'back to where they were the day before the 47% video was released,' says Peter Boockvar of Miller Tabak, referring to the governor’s comment caught on video that 47% of Americans view themselves as entitled to government benefits. Boockvar adds the odds are 'up from 26% yesterday and 21% on Sunday.'"
Read moreLuntz’ Presidential Debate Focus Group Has A Suspicious Makeup
Frank Luntz has a history of putting together focus groups that are skewed toward Republicans which he tries to pass off as fair and/or representative. So I was immediately suspicious when Luntz described tonight’s presidential debate focus group by saying, “13 of these 24 people voted for Obama in 2008, only 10 voted for McCain.” Notice that he didn’t say how many were Democrats, how many Republicans, how many independents or other. For all we know, those 13 people who voted for Obama were Republicans. And guess what? Every one of them said they were undecided about who to vote for before the debate. That’s not a representative sample of voters at all.
Read moreJon Stewart Hits Fox News Freak Out Over Nutritious School Lunches
As we know, Fox News believes that nutritious school lunches are a plot by a fascist Obama administration (and his evil wife) to take away the Jesus given freedom of American youth to stuff as much greasy crap down their gullets as possible which, in turn, is contributing to a childhood obesity crisis. It's a true testament to the bizarro world of Fox that they actually oppose efforts to make school lunches more nutritious. And now that kids are fighting the power and expressing their discontent with the good food, Fox is giving them the support that they didn't give to "Occupy." Jon Stewart exposes this Fox inanity and hypocrisy.
Read moreWhy Didn't Fox Cover Obama's 2007 Speech? Oh, Wait, It Did
Sean Hannity's finger-pointing over the mainstream media' having "completely ignored" Barack Obama's "outrageous comments" in 2007 raises an obvious question: If this is such big news that the failure to report it is, as Hannity said last night, "further proof that the mainstream media has been in the pocket of Barack Obama since the day that he arrived on the national stage," then where was Fox News? How did it miss this big news only until now, when the Daily Caller website did its work for it? If Hannity's accusation is correct, then either Fox is also "in the pocket of Barack Obama" or monumentally inept. Or they reported the story and it's just not that big a deal. Hint: select Option C.
Read moreFr. Jonathan Morris Says No Free Speech For Hate Talker Ahmadinejad?!
The cognitive dissonance on Fox News is amazing. They supported the First Amendment rights of Chick fil-A's president to make anti-gay comments while also supporting the Family Research president's complaint about the Southern Poverty Law Center's First Amendment right to designate, as a hate group, the FRC. In discussing the man behind the incendiary anti-Islamic video, Fox's Megyn Kelly focused on his free speech. In discussions involving persecuted Christians, Fox pundits invariably bring up free speech. But, on Fox, not all free speech is created equal. The one true Fox priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris, during his last Sunday sermon, seemed to suggest that the President of Iran should not be entitled to free speech when in the US. It's funny. While Morris called out Ahmadinejad on "hate speech," he's never called out any Fox and other right wing media/religious activists for their hate speech. Forget cognitive dissonance! How bout hypocrisy?
Read moreTrump Wants Romney To Go Birther In The Debate
Donald Trump has some debate advice for Mitt Romney. If President Obama brings up Romney's tax returns, then Romney "should immediately ask for Obama's college records and applications." That's what Trump said in a tweet discussed on On The Record last night. When Greta Van Susteren asked him what he's looking for in Obama's old records, Trump suggested they would reveal that Obama was born in Kenya.
Read moreHannity Digs Up Another Obama ‘Race’ Video
Sean Hannity – the guy who pals around with a slavery apologist and other bigots – has a new race card to play against President Obama. Thanks to Tucker Carlson, there’s some new video footage of a 2007 speech President Obama made talking about poverty and the inadequate federal response to Hurricane Katrina and – OMG! He gives a shout out to Rev. Jeremiah Wright and talks more like an African American than he does to white people. Ladies and gentlemen, this is proof that Obama is a racist and a hate monger! Just like when Hannity found the same “bombshell” proof in a video showing Obama hugging a “black radical” (who was a tenured Harvard professor) in 1990. I suspect this one will have only slightly more impact.
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