Fox News Complains Gabby Douglas And American Olympics Teams Not Showing Enough Patriotism
Ever on the lookout for new ways to divide the country, America Live yesterday discussed how “some folks have noticed” that Americans at the Olympics are not shouting, “USA!” the way they used to. Also, the current uniforms don’t have the “Stars and Stripes look as much as they had in past years.” And while “everybody was so excited” about that great moment when gymnast Gabby Douglas won the gold medal – well, she wore hot pink instead of red, white and blue.
Read moreMegyn Kelly Advances Right Wing Distortion Re HHS Mandate Lawsuit
Megyn Kelly's one sided promotion of the US Catholic Bishops position against the Obama administration's birth control mandate, including the lie that it includes abortion drugs, has probably earned Kelly, a Catholic, some time off from Purgatory. But her recent distortion about the Obama DOJ could land her back in the celestial green room. On Tuesday, she did a segment about the recent court decision which provided injunctive relief against a Catholic employer who opposes the birth control mandate on religious grounds. The injunction is temporary until the court hears the case but it's considered quite the victory for those who oppose women's reproductive health care. But Kelly provided a full platform for the employer and his attorney with minimal rebuttal. And her opening statement reflected what is going around the right wing blogosphere - i.e. the twisting of the Department of Justice's statement, in a court filing related to the case. But hey, in smearing the Obama administration, who needs facts? Apparently, not Megyn Kelly who, btw, did continue the lie about the HHS mandate covering abortion drugs!
Read moreAnn Coulter Says Investing In Public Education Is Like ‘Investing In The Horse Track’
Let’s hope that if Ann Coulter ever needs the help of a police officer of firefighter that neither he nor she was watching Coulter jeer about their overly high salaries on the Hannity show last night. Same thing if she ever needs her road repaired or has any problems with her municipal water or sewage. Because I have a sneaking suspicion that she’d never have the nerve to tell any such workers to their face that they’re living high on the hog, earning just “slightly” less than she does, thanks to her largesse.
Read moreFox Nation: LGBT Crowd to Play Tonsil Hockey at Chick-fil-A
Fox's resident culture warrior Todd Starnes keeps it classy - not!
Read moreFox News' Provides Advocacy & Advertising For Chick fil-A!
If there is any doubt as to where Fox News stands vis-à-vis Chick fil-A, this picture, below the fold, says it all.
Read moreBill O'Reilly's Double Standard Re Free Hate Speech?
Despite his avowed hatred of the ACLU, Bill O'Reilly, in defending Chick-fil-A, quite the First Amendment maven. But he's being a bit selective about his advocacy for free speech because, in 2010, he vehemently asserted that the homophobic Westboro Baptist Church did not have the right to protest at the funeral of a fallen soldier. Flash forward two years and he's defending the right of another homophobe, Chick fil-A president Dan Cathy, to declare that gay marriage is bringing down God's wrath. It's interesting that O'Reilly would deny the right of free speech to one group of homophobes whilst protecting the rights of another homophobe who, as does Westboro, believes that "God hates fags."
Chicken, Chicken and More Chicken on the Fox Nation
That ain't just a chicken sandwich in your hand, gentle reader; it's the soul of America. At least according to Fox News and the Fox Nation, who have been all over the Chick-Fil-A boycott story since it broke. Here is a sample of the posts that the Fox Nation has put up on the subject in the past few days.
Read moreFox News Crusades For Chick-fil-A But Ignores Businesses Targeted By Christians?
Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A, must be praising Jesus for the affirmation and free publicity that he received from Fox News. It was a win-win for Jesus' very own network in that it was able to burnish its creds with social conservatives by accusing those who oppose homophobia of being intolerant and opposed to freedom of speech. But Fox's concern for tolerance and First Amendment rights seems to be very selective. In the past few years, conservative Christians have engaged in the same type of opposition that Fox talkers claims is an attempt to hurt the business of Chick-fil-A. The Christian right's ongoing boycott of JC Penney, for their hiring of openly gay Ellen DeGeneres as their spokesperson, has been ignored by Fox with the exception of Bill O'Reilly who defended JC Penny to boycott supporter Sandy Rios. Fox didn't seem to have the same concern for businesses targeted by Christians. I guess not all boycotts are created equal!
Read moreChris Wallace Calls Romney Aide A ‘Hero’ For Cursing Out Reporters In Poland
Chris Wallace appeared on Fox News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends today where he discussed Mitt Romney’s recent three-nation tour. Wallace was fairly critical of Romney for acting more like a CEO than a president but perhaps in an attempt to provide “balance,” Wallace called a Romney aide “a hero” for telling reporters to “kiss my ass.”
Read moreBill O’Reilly Uses Chick-Fil-A To Play The Race Card
Bill O’Reilly is suddenly very concerned about freedom of expression. That is, if you’re the homophobic business owner of Chick-Fil-A. If you’re a university professor or president or a woman speaking out on behalf of contraception coverage in health insurance or a liberal television talk show host? Not so much. Well, OK, hypocrisy is nothing new on Fox News. But using the Chick-Fil-A controversy to race bait against African Americans may be a new low for the “no spin zone.”
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