Hannity Guest: NAACP A Hate Group
One of Sean Hannity’s favorite African Americans, Michael Meyers, visited the Hannity show last night where he announced, “The NAACP has become a hate group in America.” That was bad enough. But what viewers may not have known is that Hannity had every reason to expect his guest to say such a thing – all the while feigning neutrality - if not sympathy - toward the group, himself. Even worse, Meyers was presented as the purported balance to conservative African American David Webb.
Read moreFox’s Cavuto And Payne Pretend $250,000 A Year Is A Middle-Class Salary
On the July 9, 2012 Your World, Neil Cavuto and Charles Payne – each also part of the Fox Business Network – felt the pain of the “middle class” whose taxes will rise under President Obama’s plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire for those earning more than $250,000 a year. The only problem? $250,000 a year is not middle class no matter how you parse it. Yet the two business "experts" insisted otherwise.
Read moreFox News Continues its Jihad Against Rep. Andre Carson
Since I wrote my last post about Fox News’ attack on Democratic Congressman Andre Carson, at least two more smear segments have been run against him, each with the obvious aim of making him look like some kind of radical and/or Muslim extremist. Mind you, none of the shows presented any actual research to report on just what kind of Congressman he truly he is. Instead, we got inflammatory sound bites and incendiary accusations.
Read moreWill Hannity Discuss Curt Schilling's Crony Capitalism Collapse?
When the government backed energy company, Solyndra, failed, Fox News was all over it. Across Fox media, there was a cacophony of braying about the evils of public investment in risky private ventures. Sean Hannity whined, while Michelle Malkin sneered, about how it was a "scam," "pay to play," yadda, yadda. But Hannity's tone was almost reverential when, in March of this year, he interviewed former Boston Red Sox pitcher and proud Republican Curt Schilling about Schilling's video game company. This business venture was subsidized, to the tune of a $75 million loan guarantee, by the state of RI and facilitated, in part, by a GOP Governor who is a big Schilling fan. Flash forward to June when Schilling's company, Studio 38, went totally toes up leaving the taxpayers of RI on the hook for more than $100 million counting principal and interest on the bonds. Will Hannity mention this failure of corporate welfare which is sending Schilling to the bankruptcy bullpen?
Read moreConservative Wunderkind Turned Liberal, Jonathan Krohn, Smacks Down Fox News And His Right-Wing Critics
Jonathan Krohn, the kid who wowed CPAC a few years ago as a 13 year-old conservative but is now a 17 year-old liberal, has been treated not-so-nicely by Fox News and other conservatives. Krohn has hit back with a very nice smack down. “These are not adults leveling serious criticism; these are scorned right-wingers showing all the maturity of a little boy. No wonder I fit in so well when I was 13.”
Read moreGretchen Carlson Advances Zombie Lie : Pres. Obama Disses Successful People
Part of the genius of Fox News propaganda is that it is reinforced. Once Fox gets hold of an issue, it is featured on a variety of Fox shows. What starts out as just another outrage morphs into just another right wing narrative. As I reported, Fox has taken a quote from an Obama campaign speech, cropped it, and provided a unique "interpretation" that has no basis in reality - but one that corresponds with the right wing meme that Obama is engaging in class warfare and, in this case, attacking success. It was spun on both The Five and Sunday's Fox & Friends during which Fox priest Fr. Jonathan Morris provided the requisite Fox "interpretation." On yesterday's Fox & Friends, Gretchen Carlson provided even more reinforcement of this zombie lie. Congratulations, Fox News, it's a meme.
Read moreBill O’Reilly Threatens To Quit Investing “Aggressively” If His Taxes Go Up
Remember when Bill O’Reilly threatened to quit his job if tax hikes for millionaires were enacted? And then recanted? Well, it looks like Round 2 has just begun – Ding! Ding! Ding! In tonight’s Talking Points, O’Reilly threatened to stop “aggressively putting any money in the market” if President Obama raises capital gains taxes from 15% to 30%.
Read moreThe Five Feel "Suckered" By Former Conservative Wunderkind Now Liberal Teenager
The righteous right loves to accuse liberals of being evil, vicious, mean, and nasty. They promote, especially on Fox News, the meme that liberals treat conservatives with contempt. But the phrase, pot meet kettle comes to mind in considering the conservative trashing of Jonathan Krohn who, as a 13 year old conservative, was hailed as the "second coming" by those on the right and Fox News. Now that Krohn has grown up and has abandoned his conservative principals that endeared him to the right, those same folks are attacking him. Not surprisingly the usual sweet Christians on "The Five" joined in the fun which, while not as vicious as some of the right wing bullying, was still rather mean spirited. I suspect that if Bill Maher attacked some liberal turned conservative kid, there would howls of indignation about liberal bullies.
Read moreOn Hannity: Lee Greenwood's America Blessing God Is Christian!
The America of Fox News is Christian and patriotic. And as Christian patriots they love them their Lee Greenwood whose schmaltzy, jingoistic "God Bless theUSA" is the unofficial national anthem for red state America. On Fox,Greenwood has achieved a demi-god status and any affront to his patriotic hymn is met with scathing condemnation, across the Fox media, of the offenders such as the NY City school principal who had the effrontery to eliminate Greenwood's sacred song from the kindergarten graduation. The Fox News channel paid homage to Greenwood during a recent Hannity show where polymath Greenwood lectured a rapt Hannity about the importance of God to America - in this case, revisionist - history. And for Fox, Greenwood's god is a Christian one as shown by the visual of a Christian cross on top of a "Holy Bible" on the Fox video thumbnail.
Read moreShannon Bream’s Phony Balance In Texas Voter ID Law Discussion
Shannon Bream hosted what purported to be an objective discussion about the Texas voter ID law yesterday. But instead of bringing any facts to the discussion, she allowed Texas Republican Louis Gohmert to make unsubstantiated and inflammatory accusations about Democrats and “balanced” them with brief statements from the other side, presented as opposing opinions – which she then opened the door for Gohmert to attack.
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