Rupert Murdoch's Tweets Out Of Sync With Fox News
Eric Boehlert, of Media Matters, found two interesting tweets by News Corp Chair and CEO Rupert Murdoch earlier last week. One said, “Election. To win Romney must open big tent to sympathetic families. Stop fearing far right, which has nowhere else to go. Otherwise no hope.”
Read moreBill O'Reilly Wants Caroline Kennedy Excommunicated?
Bill O'Reilly is routinely pissed off about those who don't subscribe to his antiquated views which seem to involve nostalgia for the good old days when minorities "knew their place," gays were in the closet, women were confined to the kitchen, and dad was able to get away with sexually harassing the female office help. And when Bill gets really pissed off, he obsesses on the targets of his wrath. Thus, Sandra Fluke is being treated to an ongoing bombardment of personal attacks on both Bill's TV show and in his column. But while O'Reilly isn't focusing the same kind of wrath against Caroline Kennedy as he's doing with Fluke, Ms. Kennedy really pissed him off with her Democratic Convention speech about how she, as a Catholic woman, supports reproductive rights. O'Reilly ranted about it to Karl Rove, mentioned it to his new fellow sexist wing-man, Adam Carolla, and is now writing about it in his column which shows just how pissed off O'Reilly is - and not entirely with Ms. Kennedy but with his beloved Catholic Church. He also gets "scientific" about why abortion is bad.
Read moreOn Fox & Friends First: Islam Hater Pam Geller Says Pres. Obama Supports Sharia Law
According to the Center for American Progress' Report, "Fear Incorporated," there is an "Islamophobia Network" dedicated to fomenting fear of Islam and Muslims. The report cites Fox News as an "echo chamber" for this Islamophobia in that many of its guests promote anti-Islamic talking points, especially the baseless notion that the US is being taken over by Sharia law. Chief among these purveyors of paranoia is Pam Geller who was a prime mover in the Fox enabled protest against the so called "Ground Zero Mosque." She was closely involved with a child custody battle, closely covered on Fox, involving a Muslim teen. The group that she founded, "Stop Islamization of America," has been labeled a hate group by the SPLC for its defamation of Muslims. She has occasionally appears on Fox where she promotes her vile and bizarre views about "creeping Sharia." So on Friday, BEFORE THE COFFINS OF THOSE KILLED IN LIBYA HAD ARRIVED AT DOVER, Geller was back on Fox where her toxic views were warmly received.
Read moreFox Viewers Dislike Immigrants And Latinos!
A study by the National Hispanic Media Coalition found that people who watch Fox News share more anti-immigrant and anti-Latino views. Seventy percent of Fox viewers have an unfavorable view of “illegal alien,” more than NPR, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, or talk radio.
Read moreO’Reilly Issues His Marching Orders To ‘The Folks:' Boycott Egypt
Bill O’Reilly is mad as hell over the situation in Egypt and he’s rallying his TV-nation troops to boycott Egypt just like they boycotted France. O’Reilly doesn’t even want the American airlines to fly there. Never mind that French exports to the U.S. increased during O’Reilly’s boycott of that country. And never mind that we export about three times as much to Egypt as we import from them.
Read moreAlan Colmes Unleashed!
Alan Colmes visited his old stomping grounds last night, the show formerly known as Hannity & Colmes. It’s pretty clear that the break up has been good for Colmes, at least as far as his debates with Sean Hannity go. And you know what? Hannity was left in the dust.
Read moreChris Wallace Breaks Fox News' First Commandment - By Criticizing Romney
Apparently Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace took that whole "fair and balanced" thing a little too far on Fox & Friends this morning. In a discussion about the violence in the Middle East, Wallace dared to criticize Mitt Romney. Doesn't he know that's what the "liberal media" does, not Fox?
Read moreO'Reilly Manipulates News Reports to Browbeat Muslim Guest
As your humble servants have already reported, Fox News is going all out to slam Obama for the situation in the Middle East, and last night's Factor was no exception. Bill O’Reilly spent a good part of his program hammering home to viewers that Obama’s approach to the Muslim world - that of reaching out a friendly hand to governments who weren't our friends - has failed, and that there should be “punishment” instead.
Read moreJohn McCain Strays Off The Fox News Plantation Re Egypt And Libya
Once again Sean Hannity proved that partisanship trumps patriotism – and any other concern he may have for his country – as he diminished Senator John McCain’s analysis of the tense situation in Egypt and Libya - and elevated Sarah Palin’s. Palin, of course, was completely on board the Use-The-Crisis-To-Bash-Obama Fox News Express. But McCain made the shocking decision to put real foreign policy concerns first. The result was a bit of fireworks and an abrupt ending to the discussion.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Is Wrong? Sandra Fluke, Birth Control Mandate & Catholic Charities Edition
Earlier this week, Bill O'Reilly said, after a rant about the evils of Planned Parenthood, that he might be wrong but that he's "very rarely wrong." That bit of bombastic bloviation is both amusing and ironic given that Bill was wrong on several statements that he made during that segment of The Factor which was heavy on the Sandra Fluke slut shaming. So seeing that fact checking is all the rage and I love to be au courant, let's do a little fact checking to see just how wrong Bill was.
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