Irony Alert! Karl Rove Blasts Media Silliness, Says Same-Sex Marriage Is Not A Major Issue
What a difference a few years make! In 2004, Karl Rove mobilized evangelicals to George W. Bush’s campaign by playing on their fears of a godless liberal social agenda that included the horrific slippery slope of same-sex marriage. In 2012, he’s spreading the message that same-sex marriage is not a game-changing issue because Americans are more concerned about serious matters like jobs and the economy.
Read moreLimbaugh Attacks Shep Smith Over Gay Marriage Support
Rush Limbaugh - he of the dwindling advertising revenue - has, not surprisingly, spoken out against President Obama's support for same-sex marriage. With his typical brand of opinionizing, Limbaugh can't just voice an opinion but has to attack while he's at it. So, after Shepard Smith voiced his unequivocal approval of President Obama's stance, Limbaugh went after him.
Read moreThe Daily Show Mocks Fox News On Gay Marriage
Nobody skewers Fox News like Jon Stewart. Last night's target was Fox's evolution on gay marriage.
Read moreEric Bolling Apologizes For Calling Obama A Drug Dealer – Will Hannity Air It?
Yesterday, in response to the lengthy, multiple-sourced Washington Post article about Mitt Romney’s troubling behavior in high school, especially toward gays, Eric Bolling responded by announcing on both The Five and Hannity that Barack Obama had been a drug dealer. But this morning, Bolling tweeted a retraction and an apology. UPDATED
Read moreBill O'Reilly Attacks Kathleen Sebelius As Accessory To Baby "Killing"
Given that the Catholic vote is up for grabs, it's not surprising that Fox, in the hopes of bringing more Catholics into the GOP fold, is bringing out its big guns in what they are portraying as a secular war on the Catholic Church. This bias was very apparent in Fox's extensive and supportive coverage of the US Conference of Catholic Bishop's claim that the HHS birth control mandate violates their religious freedom. Now that HHS Secretary Sebelius has been invited to speak at the Georgetown graduation, Fox has seized the issue which allows them to create their trademark "controversy," attack the Obama administration, and generate a feeling of "outrage" among Catholics. This newest "controversy," covered on "America Live" and "Fox & Friends," is now being advanced by Fox's very own, "Il Papa," who, during his crusade (jihad?) against murdered abortion provider Dr. George Tiller, attacked Sebelius because, as he told the nation, she was complicit in "murdering" babies due to her connection with Tiller. On last night's Factor, he continued his vicious personal attack against Sebelius and Tiller with the same lies and smears that contributed to a climate of hatred in which Tiller was killed and for which Bill earned his "Courage Award" from an American "hate group."
Read moreIf You’re Reading This, Bill O’Reilly Probably Thinks You’re Despicable
During his weekly session with “comedian” Dennis Miller on Wednesday (5/9/12), Bill O’Reilly suddenly went on a vehement rant about how he detests his fellow Americans – who happen to fall under his rubric of “far left.” Considering that O’Reilly once called us “off the chart left,” If you’re a regular News Hounds reader, that means you, too, are scum as far as O’Reilly is concerned.
Read moreCavuto Offers Suggestions To Romney For A Vice President
During a more than 17-minute lapdog interview with Mitt Romney yesterday, Neil Cavuto didn’t just ask whom Romney might have in mind for a running mate but actually suggested Marco Rubio as a possible good choice because “maybe your running mate should be a little younger, a little looser.” Romney’s response? “I don’t know if you’re available, Neil.”
Read moreDana Perino Says ACLU Church/State Cases Waste Taxpayer Money
While they hate the gay community, today's rabid right Christian right really hates the ACLU because this organization has the audacity to fight against incursions of Christianity into taxpayer funded areas where it doesn't belong. While America's Christofascists conservative Christians worship the Second Amendment, they loathe the first - except when they feel that their First Amendment rights are being violated. If so, they appear on Fox News which never wastes an opportunity to showcase a persecuted Christian who is represented by Jesus' best friends in groups like the Alliance Defense Fund, The Thomas Moore Society, and Liberty Counsel. As media mouthpiece for the Christian right, Fox News never wastes an opportunity to bash the ACLU. So it was no surprise that Dana Perino, at the end of a "The Five" segment during which a church/state issue was discussed (and Greg Gutfeld "joked" about transgender parents), whined about that nasty ACLU wasting taxpayer money. Isn't this the same Dana Perino who worked for a president whose unnecessary invasion of Iraq cost American tax payers dearly in blood and treasure?
Read moreCavuto Introduces His Plan To Commercialize The Parthenon And Other Greek Sites
To end Your World on Wednesday (5/9/12), Neil Cavuto offered up his “Common Sense” prescription for Greece’s economic woes: Commercialize its antiquities. It was hard to tell just how serious he was or was not. “You’ve got temples like they’re going out of style… All this talk that you can’t pay your bills? …You, my friends, are sitting on a gold mine. I say, start sponsoring it… Slap company logos on it. Each and every antiquity part of it.”
Read moreMitt Romney Makes A Big Show Of Concern For Poor And Middle Class
Mitt Romney appeared on Hannity Tuesday night (5/8/12) for a two-part softball interview. As Media Matters noted, Hannity failed to ask Romney about his controversial claim to take "a lot of the credit" for saving the auto industry. But what struck me was Romney's obviously-scripted show of concern for those less fortunate than he. Did he not look like a rich guy hamhandedly pretending he's in touch with everyday Americans?
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