Fox News Goes Ugly-American At The Prospect of Dipping the Flag
No, the US Olympic Team will not dip the flag to the Queen of England and other dignitaries at the opening ceremonies: but even the hint that it might occasioned another Outrage Piece from Fox’s culture warrior Todd Starnes. An hour later Fox News had made it the leading headline on their Web site.
Mike Huckabee's Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day
Some things are just predictable- Death, Taxes, The Tides and Mike Huckabee’s endorsement of homophobia. He’s actually slated a Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day for the first of August. Naturally, that received the approval of the franchise’s founder, Truett Cathy, on the last Huckabee show (video after the jump).
Read moreBill O'Reilly Very Concerned About Mitt Romney's Likeability - Or Lack Thereof
As Mitt Romney bombed in England, Bill O'Reilly held a chat with John Sununu, a Romney surrogate, about the Republican candidate's dismal likeability ratings. Not that they brought up any of his stunning gaffes that led the British press to characterize him as "worse than Sarah Palin." No, O'Reilly and Sununu kept their discussion to a recent poll that found Romney's likeability ratings in the tank at 30% - with President Obama's at 60%. "Independent" O'Reilly acknowledged that that's a problem for Romney and asked Sununu what could be done. Which is pretty funny given how most everyone (except on Fox) was thinking yesterday about what Romney should not be doing.
Read moreCharles Krauthammer Runs Out Of Adjectives Slamming Romney's 'Olympics' Gaffe
Chalk up Charles Krauthammer as an exception to the gang of Fox News clean-up crew disappearing or doing their best to spin Mitt Romney's gaffe-filled visit to England. OK, so Krauthammer only focused on Romney's comments about the Olympics - and left out the gaffe about meeting the head of MI6 and seeming to forget the name of Labour Leader Ed Miliband. Still, it was a stunning rebuke, especially on Fox.
Read moreJon Stewart Lambastes Fox News' Dishonest Spin On Obama's Small Business Remarks
Once again, Jon Stewart takes down Fox better than just about any so-called Democratic strategist who appears on the "fair and balanced" network. "Can you get more manipulative?" he asks about Fox's deceptive exploitation of President Obama's "you didn't build this" remarks. Sadly, Stewart immediately proves that the answer is, "Yes."
Read moreFox News Disappears Romney’s Gaffes In England
Mitt Romney is in England – supposedly advancing his foreign policy cred – and yet he keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Less than 48 hours into his visit, he insulted the British by questioning whether they are up to hosting the Olympics. He also appeared to forget the name of Labour Leader Ed Miliband and he improperly boasted about meeting the head of MI6. And that’s not counting the report that his adviser told the Telegraph that President Obama didn’t “fully appreciate” the “Anglo-Saxon heritage” shared by Britain and the U.S. But judging from the home page of or Fox Nation, none of those things ever happened.
Read moreFox News Hates Politicizing - Except When They Do It
Fox News hates it when people politicize tragedies. This is why they have these three segments going after ABC News’ Brian Ross for reporting that Aurora shooter Jim Holmes was with the Tea Party. This is why Steve Doocy went after New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for calling for gun control. Fox Nation sent out catcalls for Bill Maher, Jason Alexander and Martha Stewart. And yet Bill O’Reilly suggested that parents who brought their young children to the midnight screening of Batman were to blame for their deaths, Mike Huckabee blamed sin and Godlessness in schools and Neil Cavuto used his commentary segment to argue that gun violence is not unique to America (and therefore we don’t need stricter gun laws).
Read moreMichelle Malkin Tells Fox Guest To 'Shush' Then Boasts, 'I Take The Time To Listen'
The hideousness that is Michelle Malkin’s rhetoric was on full display on the Hannity show tonight. First, the sanctimonious sourpuss whined about “blame righty syndrome.” Then she displayed her own intolerance by first telling liberal Tamara Holder, a Fox News contributor, “Let me put a pause button on you,” and then later, “Shush.” And as the piece de resistance, she boasted that unlike Holder, “I take the time to listen.”
Read moreDon't Tell Gretchen Carlson - News Corps Subsidiary To Launch Spanish Language Network
Back in October of 2011, Gretchen Carlson, a paragon of white, English speaking, GOP America, whined about how taxpayer money is being spent on translation services for non English speaking parents of children in Cleveland, OH public schools. She said that it is the responsibility of people who come here to learn to speak English, dammit. Pero entonces, does she know that a subsidiary of her employer, News Corps, has partnered with a Colombian broadcaster to launch, in the fall, a Spanish language network ("Mundo Fox") here in the speak English only USA? Ay, Dios Mios!!! (Wonder if Mundo Fox's morning show will be Fox Y Amigos?)
Title Correction - see below fold.
Read moreFrom The Romney Campaign To Megyn Kelly’s Mouth!
Did Megyn Kelly bother to do any research before she showcased, in a lapdog interview, the star of Mitt Romney’s “My Hands Didn’t Build This” campaign ad? As part of Fox’s ongoing attacks on coverage of President Obama’s comments about small businesses, she presented “small business owner” Jack Gilchrist without noting that his own business’ history is a poster child for President Obama’s exact point (that the federal government is a necessary help to businesses) that Romney was trying to attack in the ad.
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