Fox News Hates Politicizing - Except When They Do It
Fox News hates it when people politicize tragedies. This is why they have these three segments going after ABC News’ Brian Ross for reporting that Aurora shooter Jim Holmes was with the Tea Party. This is why Steve Doocy went after New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for calling for gun control. Fox Nation sent out catcalls for Bill Maher, Jason Alexander and Martha Stewart. And yet Bill O’Reilly suggested that parents who brought their young children to the midnight screening of Batman were to blame for their deaths, Mike Huckabee blamed sin and Godlessness in schools and Neil Cavuto used his commentary segment to argue that gun violence is not unique to America (and therefore we don’t need stricter gun laws).
Read moreMichelle Malkin Tells Fox Guest To 'Shush' Then Boasts, 'I Take The Time To Listen'
The hideousness that is Michelle Malkin’s rhetoric was on full display on the Hannity show tonight. First, the sanctimonious sourpuss whined about “blame righty syndrome.” Then she displayed her own intolerance by first telling liberal Tamara Holder, a Fox News contributor, “Let me put a pause button on you,” and then later, “Shush.” And as the piece de resistance, she boasted that unlike Holder, “I take the time to listen.”
Read moreDon't Tell Gretchen Carlson - News Corps Subsidiary To Launch Spanish Language Network
Back in October of 2011, Gretchen Carlson, a paragon of white, English speaking, GOP America, whined about how taxpayer money is being spent on translation services for non English speaking parents of children in Cleveland, OH public schools. She said that it is the responsibility of people who come here to learn to speak English, dammit. Pero entonces, does she know that a subsidiary of her employer, News Corps, has partnered with a Colombian broadcaster to launch, in the fall, a Spanish language network ("Mundo Fox") here in the speak English only USA? Ay, Dios Mios!!! (Wonder if Mundo Fox's morning show will be Fox Y Amigos?)
Title Correction - see below fold.
Read moreFrom The Romney Campaign To Megyn Kelly’s Mouth!
Did Megyn Kelly bother to do any research before she showcased, in a lapdog interview, the star of Mitt Romney’s “My Hands Didn’t Build This” campaign ad? As part of Fox’s ongoing attacks on coverage of President Obama’s comments about small businesses, she presented “small business owner” Jack Gilchrist without noting that his own business’ history is a poster child for President Obama’s exact point (that the federal government is a necessary help to businesses) that Romney was trying to attack in the ad.
Read moreFox Boosts “Romney the Unapologetic” As He Heads to London and Israel
Mitt Romney is heading on a trip to London for the Olympics, followed by visits to Poland and Israel. In advance of this bit of Foreign Statesman stuff, John Bolton, former UN Ambassador turned Fox News foreign affairs pundit and Romney rooter, appeared on last night’s On the Record to tell us why his man will be a better foreign policy president than Obama. "Romney the Unapologetic vs. Obama the 'Ashamed' was the title of this segment online, though it’s a bit misleading since Bolton didn’t actually speak those words in his interview with Greta Van Susteren. Doesn't seem to matter to Fox, which seldom passes up a chance to accuse Obama of hating America and apologizing for it to the rest of the world.
Read moreUtah GOP Fundraiser Accused Of Multiple Rapes - Fox News Ignores?
Can you imagine how the writers for the Fox News website and Fox Nation would be salivating over news that a Democratic fundraiser, with connections to President Obama and other top Dem's, had been accused of multiple rapes? It would certainly be a lede on Fox and Fox Nation where the resident troglodytes would be braying about how this is an example of how the Democrats have no morals. So as the "Church Lady" would say, isn't it special that neither of the above websites have anything related to last week's report that a top Utah GOP fundraiser, Greg Peterson, is being charged for serial date-rape. One assumes that the salacious and sleazy alleged actions of Peterson, had they been perpetrated by a Democrat would get detailed attention. But so far - crickets!
Read moreFox News Promotes Newest Pro-life Attack On Planned Parenthood
As the mouthpiece for the anti-choice right wing, Fox News provides a ready and willing news platform for "pro-life" attacks on Planned Parenthood. In addition to the anti-reproductive rights screeds of O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, and Peter Johnson Jr., the Fox News website is taking up the newest "pro-life" casus belli against Planned Parenthood; i.e. the unfortunate death of a woman from complications after an abortion done at Planned Parenthood. While any surgical procedure has certain risks, the anti-choice crazies are apoplectic over this incident and are using it to exploit their political agenda against an organization that provides quality health care service to millions of low income women. Enter, stage right, Fox News with a great, big shout-out, in the form of a great, big lede about GOP Rep. Cliff Stearns' (Lila Rose fan and birther) call for a probe of Planned Parenthood - an organization that he is attempting to bring down by any means necessary.
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Heated Debate With Rep. Chaffetz On Stricter Gun Laws – But Don’t Call It Gun Control
Bill O’Reilly – yes, THAT Bill O’Reilly – has come out in favor of stricter gun laws this week in the wake of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater massacre. Under cover of viciously attacking liberals for arguing for greater gun control. Last night, O’Reilly argued forcefully there should be stricter reporting of sales of assault weapons. This, after he viciously smeared Bill Moyers and the left for “using” the tragedy to promote control.
Read moreBernard Goldberg Won’t Let ABC News Get Away With Trying to Make Tea Party Look Bad
Monday night on the O'Reilly Factor means Bernard Goldberg's weekly analysis of the latest nefarious deeds of the left-wing media. Top on the bill last night was the mistaken allegation, by Brian Ross of ABC, that James Holmes, the accused in the Aurora movie theater massacre – or at least someone bearing the same name – was a member of the Tea Party. All part of an ongoing liberal effort to make the Tea Party look bad, Goldberg implied.
Read moreBill O’Reilly’s Looking Out For Prejudice Against White People!
During his “reality check” segment last night, Bill O’Reilly proclaimed, “We are on the bias watch.” By that he meant he’s on the watch for racial bias against white people – and Mitt Romney in particular.
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