Chris Wallace Breaks Fox News' First Commandment - By Criticizing Romney
Apparently Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace took that whole "fair and balanced" thing a little too far on Fox & Friends this morning. In a discussion about the violence in the Middle East, Wallace dared to criticize Mitt Romney. Doesn't he know that's what the "liberal media" does, not Fox?
Read moreO'Reilly Manipulates News Reports to Browbeat Muslim Guest
As your humble servants have already reported, Fox News is going all out to slam Obama for the situation in the Middle East, and last night's Factor was no exception. Bill O’Reilly spent a good part of his program hammering home to viewers that Obama’s approach to the Muslim world - that of reaching out a friendly hand to governments who weren't our friends - has failed, and that there should be “punishment” instead.
Read moreJohn McCain Strays Off The Fox News Plantation Re Egypt And Libya
Once again Sean Hannity proved that partisanship trumps patriotism – and any other concern he may have for his country – as he diminished Senator John McCain’s analysis of the tense situation in Egypt and Libya - and elevated Sarah Palin’s. Palin, of course, was completely on board the Use-The-Crisis-To-Bash-Obama Fox News Express. But McCain made the shocking decision to put real foreign policy concerns first. The result was a bit of fireworks and an abrupt ending to the discussion.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Is Wrong? Sandra Fluke, Birth Control Mandate & Catholic Charities Edition
Earlier this week, Bill O'Reilly said, after a rant about the evils of Planned Parenthood, that he might be wrong but that he's "very rarely wrong." That bit of bombastic bloviation is both amusing and ironic given that Bill was wrong on several statements that he made during that segment of The Factor which was heavy on the Sandra Fluke slut shaming. So seeing that fact checking is all the rage and I love to be au courant, let's do a little fact checking to see just how wrong Bill was.
Read moreMissive To Bill O'Reilly From The "War On Women" Front - New Missouri Law
Poor Bill O'Reilly just doesn't understand why "militant women" say there's a "war on women" because he just doesn't see any war happening. But the war on reproductive choice, which includes limiting access to birth control via making it costly, is happening as we speak. So given that Bill needs to be educated about this supposedly non-existant war, I submit the new Missouri Law which allows employers to deny coverage for birth control if it violates their religious beliefs. (Viagra not a religious problem but then that's about man needs) In other words, if you're a non-Catholic woman, working for a Catholic or other Christian employer who objects to contraception, you're shit out of luck and depending on your prescription, you could end up paying up to $50 a month. As this law is an attempt to trump federal law, a suit has been filed. And O'Reilly doesn't think there's a war on women. Really?
Read moreIn Fox Nation, The Enemy Is Obama
Although Fox Nation claims to be "committed to the core principles of tolerance, open debate, civil discourse, and fair and balanced coverage of the news," their headlines indicate that their bigger commitment is to hate mongering against President Obama. As the United States faces thorny problems in the Middle East, Fox gives you the idea that the only real enemy is President Obama.
Read moreVan Susteren Likens Romney’s Intemperate Middle East Remarks To Obama’s Beer Summit
“Liberal” Greta Van Susteren jumped into the middle of her political panel last night to help rehab Mitt Romney’s tarnished image after he was widely criticized for his attack on President Obama in the middle of the Middle East violence. Unfortunately her effort – which was to liken Romney’s remarks to Obama’s comments – that the Cambridge police had “acted stupidly” when they arrested Professor Henry Gates for breaking into his own home – were smacked down by ABC News’ Rick Klein.
Read moreDoes Jesse Watters Blame O'Reilly For Tiller Murder?"
During the Democratic National Convention, Bill O'Reilly's hired stalker Jesse T Watters trolled the convention floor in search of footage for his Emmy Award (just kidding) "humor" segment, "Watters World." Most of the time, it's relatively innocuous and involves Jesse trying to get people to say something stupid. (Pot meet Kettle?). But when Watters confronted Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, Watters - ready for it - blamed Menino for the shooting at the Family Research Council. And that begs the question of whether the erstwhile Jesse, applying that principal of causation to Bill O'Reilly, would blame his boss for Dr. George Tiller's murder?
Read moreFox Turns To Ann Coulter To Exploit Violence In Egypt And Libya
If anyone needs more proof that Fox News is deliberately exploiting the violence in Egypt and Libya for anti-Obama/anti-Democratic purposes, then you need look no further than the network’s use of Ann Coulter as a commenter during what should be sensitive times. Coulter is hardly known for her tact or judiciousness. And she’s got zero, zilch, nada foreign affairs or national security bona fides. So why was she the first pundit on the Hannity show last night in the middle of an international crisis, if not for the express purpose of making attacks on President Obama – and under the nauseating pretense of patriotism?
Read moreAdam Carolla Tells Bill O'Reilly That Free Birth Control Is Like Not Paying For Your Beer!
Unlike Bill O'Reilly's other washed up joker comedian pal Dennis Miller, Adam Carolla isn't a Catholic. He's an atheist. But like Miller, Carolla has no problem making offensive jokes about gays. Like Miller, Carolla uses the sexist and old school term, "chicks," to describe women who, according to Carolla, aren't good comedians because they're not funny. So one can see why the homophobic and misogynist O'Reilly would have Carolla as one of his comedic wing men who serve to validate Bill's toxic venom, the latest target of which is Sandra Fluke whom Bill just can't stop slut shaming and lying about. On Monday night, as part of Bill's personal attackapalozza against Fluke, O'Reilly brought on Carolla to validate Bill's claim that "militant women" should just STFU because there's no war against them. Happily, for Bill, Carolla didn't disappoint.
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