Fox News Still Running Fox & Friends Lie: Obama Met "Pirate" Yesterday
In yet another attempt to smear President Obama, Fox News is pushing the meme that President Obama lied when he told Israeli President Netanyahu that he doesn't have time to meet with him. (Netanyahu told David Gregory it was scheduling conflict). To support this notion that Obama is ignoring Netanyahu (who, according to Netanyahu has met with him more than any world leader) Fox & Friends ran a photo, sourced from Drudge, that purports to show Obama meeting with an actor dressed as a pirate. While Fox& Friends claimed this took place yesterday, the "meeting" took place in 2009! Fox News should be walking the plank for yet another lack of truthiness. But they don't seem to care. AAARRGGG!!!!!
Read moreHannity Gets An Earful About Mitt Romney’s Failings
Poor Sean Hannity. Undoubtedly aware of the dismal new polling numbers for Mitt Romney from Fox News, Hannity tried to take out his frustration on Democrat Bernard Whitman last night. But Seanie-Pooh’s bad luck just kept with him. Because after several minutes of bullyboy Hanctimony, Whitman let him have it, no holds barred.
Read moreJon Stewart Rips Hannity's Middle East Democracy Hypocrisy
Jon Stewart highlighted what a difference a president makes when it comes to cable pundits pontificating about democracy in the Middle East. Stewart noted that a "young, not-as-fat" Hannity and other right-wingers "couldn't do enough to promote democracy in the Middle East as long as it was done at the end of George Bush's gun. But as Middle Eastern countries choose leaders for themselves? Lordy, lordy the pearls can't be clutched enough!"
Read moreWith The Middle East Inflamed, Huckabee Promotes Islamophobic Parody
While ceaselessly complaining that President Obama has bungled the U.S. role in the Middle East with weakness or appeasement, Ex-pastor Mike Huckabee deliberately ratcheted up the hostilities this week when he promoted a blatantly Islamophobic parody song that was obviously designed to offend on as many levels as possible. Sample lyrics, c/o Think Progress:
Hot bed Middle East
Not fit for man or beast
Sand dunes, camels
Virgins when you die
Democracy, Arab spring
That doesn’t mean a thing
Culture, freedom, pyramids goodbye
Fr. Jonathan Morris Says Islam Is A "Messed Up" Religion?
In the Center for American Progress report, "Fear Incorporated," Fox News is described as the media enabler for Islamophobia in that it provides a platform for those who seek to create fear and loathing of Islam. But in addition to obvious purveyors of hate, like Pam Geller, it seems that Roger Ailes has tapped one of his homies to preach the anti-Islam gospel of the Fox crusade in the form of Fox priest Father Jonathan Morris who, unlike the few other clergy folks who occasionally appear on Fox, has a regular Sunday gig. During this week's Sunday sermon, the sweet faced Fr. Morris started off with what appeared to be a plea for tolerance but what then morphed into a not so subtle denunciation of Islam. And if a priests says that Islam is bad, then it must be true because on Fox, "father," knows best.
Read moreFox Fails To Disclose News Corp. Ties To Chicago Teachers Strike
Fox News has given heavy coverage to the Chicago teachers strike - yet in none of at least 89 segments has the "fair and balanced" network disclosed that its parent company, News Corporation, owns 90% of the company doing the testing that is at the heart of much of the dispute.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Gives Advice On Good Karma? Oh, The Irony!!!!!!
In his continuing series on good parenting, Bill O'Reilly, who is not a child development specialist but plays one on TV, provided yet another tip for parents. On last night's "Factor," he advised parents - ready for it - to teach children to be kind to others because, "It's Karma, the kinder you are, the better life you will have." He summarized his Factor tip of the day. "Be kind to strangers and people you know." Anybody see any cognitive dissonance here?
Read moreCavuto’s ‘Fair And Balanced’ Take On Occupy Movement: ‘A Lot Of Bitching Going On’
Neil Cavuto and guest Malia Lazu discussed the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, on September 17, by debating whether or not the movement has made any difference. Cavuto didn’t hide his disdain. He said up front, “You have to have a point to a rally… There seemed to be a lot of bitching going on here, and not a lot of clarifying going on here, and I think that diluted the message.”
Read moreFox Helps Romney Out by Exploiting 1998 Obama ‘Redistribution’ Video
Fox News’ all-out effort to neutralize Mitt Romney’s 47% remarks now includes exploiting the hell out of a fourteen-year-old audio of then-Illinois-state-senator Barack Obama saying that he believes in redistribution.
Read moreStewart Calls Out O'Reilly On Sandra Fluke In Preview Of Upcoming 'Rumble'
Jon Stewart visited The O'Reilly Factor tonight as a preview of their upcoming pay-per-view debate. As always, the two traded funny barbs. But when O'Reilly brought up his current obsession - Sandra Fluke - Stewart let him have it. With good humor, of course.
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